01-11-2005, 12:17 PM
Im in need of some asistance tell me if this is a good or bad hell even horrible kicker build k and if u can give pointers thnx cuz this my first actual good asn
20 Dragon Talon
5 Burst of Speed
3 Ice Blades(im going to master)(tell me if i shouldnt)
all req for the strongest shadow
1 both shadows
i forgot items ill edit this when i get on agian kk tell me if its good or bad plz and ty
20 Dragon Talon
5 Burst of Speed
3 Ice Blades(im going to master)(tell me if i shouldnt)
all req for the strongest shadow
1 both shadows
i forgot items ill edit this when i get on agian kk tell me if its good or bad plz and ty