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Medicine Man's Kicker
This is my relatively in-depth guide for a duel-claw Kicker Assasin.

Medicine_Man's dual-claw Kicker Assasin

-preface- This character is meant to lower your opponents life and also damage them over time with open wounds.

First we'll start with...
Strength - Enough for gear
Dexterity - Enough for gear
Vitality - The rest
Energy - ...

Martial Arts
.Dragon Talon - Maxed
.Dragon Flight - Maxed

Shadow Disciplines
.BoS - 5+
.Fade - 5+
.Venom - Maxed
.Claw Block - Maxed

-skills note- Skills for clvl 85+ are included because this build is intended for higher clvls due to the fact that open wounds depends on clvl

Helm - 'Shael' Guillame's Face
Armor - Duress (runeword)
Weapon1 - 'Shael' or 40/15 Bartuc's
Weapon2 - See weapon 1
Alternate1 - 'Shael' Jade Talon
Alternate2 - See alternate 1
Weapon Switch - Call to Arms (runeword) / Lidless Wall
Belt - Verdungo's Hearty Coil or Arachnid's Mesh
Gloves1 - Dracul's Grasp
Gloves2 - Bloodfists
Gloves3 - Crafted with Crushing Blow
Boots1 - Upped Gore Riders
Boots2 - Shadow Dancers
Boots3 - Rare Myrmidon Greaves
Boots4 - Sandstorm Treks
Ring1 - Raven Frost
Ring2 - See ring 1
Ring3 - Angelic / Raven Frost
Amulet1 - Mara's Kaleidoscope
Amulet2 - Rare Assasin Amulet
Amulet3 - Angelic

-gear note- Most weapon choices depend on whether you duel a caster or not.
-gear note- A Stormshield can be used with a 'Fury' (runeword) or Bartuc's when dueling melee characters.
-gear note- Absorb gear was not mentioned, because I think you can figure that one out.
-gear note- If you use something different than what is listed, here is an kicking IAS table to help you out.

-character note- You will have 10k-14k attack rating without Angelics. :eek:

Here’s the breaks for a –30 WSM claw with no BoS:

Just factor in BoS.

Strategy Section:

Sorceress -
Here we are, one of the main points of this build; slaying mages.

-mage fighting note- After you have DF'ed and Dragon Taloned, play defensively. They will then have Open Wounds on them. Once their health starts to get low, DF and DT for the kill.

Blizzard - These chicks tend to teleport around and drop a Blizzard on you then teleport back off the screen. If they A.) do what was mentioned above, DF over to them when they come on your screen, then procede to Dragon Talon them. Repeat if necessary. If they B.) Try to Blizzard you once then spam Ice Blast, run circles around them until their aim is thrown off a little, then DF and Dragon Talon. Repeat if necessary.

Orb - After they cast Orb, they need to walk a little bit due to the fact that you cannot cast anything within like, a second after casting Orb. DF and Dragon Talon right after they Orb. Repeat if necessary.

Fire - They generally stand and spam, teleport and spam, then teleport and spam some more. The trick here is not hitting them, it is preventing them from hitting you. You must master the art of dodging Fire Balls while trying to get your cursor on them both at the same time. If and when you can do this, you will most likely succeed.

Lightning - Similar to dueling a Fire Sorceress, but instead they have less projectiles coming at you. Though you don't have to dodge as much, getting hit can be costly. Sometimes these girls will get frustrated and try to teleport on top of you. Show them why that's a bad idea using Dragon Talon.

Necromancer -
When a Necromancer shows up in a dueling game, 90% of the time it's a Bone Necromancer. These guys are tough, and you know why. They are not immune to the Kicker, however. No other Necromancer will be mentioned in this section.

Bone - Their tactics are similar to that of a Fire Sorceress, but they have many tools to SLOW YOU DOWN. If you get hit by a Clay Golem, you're gonna be feeling like you have bricks for shoes. Also, thought not very many do this, some will Decripify you, which combined with getting slowed from a Clay Golem, SUCKS. Do NOT let this happen. If it does, you are toast. These guys also have Bone Armor. Jeeze, it seems impossible to beat these guys with a Kicker! Wrong. Bone Armor does not protect them from Open Wounds, Crushing Blow, OR Poison damage. With that said, use the tactics listed for a Fire Sorceress.

Assasin -
Hey, just like you! There are 3 main builds that will be discussed in this section.

Trapper - Ugh. I hate these chicks. If they are MB spammers, your chances are slim. We do, though, have high FHR. They will never be able to completely paralize you with MB. But now on to offense. Your only hope of landing a hit on these girls is Dragon Flight. Trying to Dragon Talon them is a mistake. Trappers usually run very fast with BoS, and when they see you DF, they're already running the other way. DO NOT try to Dragon Talon. This just makes you immobile for a whole second, which is a large enough window for 5 Lightning Sentries to kill you. Make sure to absorb in this fight.

WW Assasin - Not much of a chance for you here, atleast I don't think so. You have low defense which means that they will hit you often if not every time. While in WW form, hitting them with Dragon Talon is probably ineffective.

Kicker - This duel is all about gear.

Barbarian -
Oh boy. Basically all Barbarians will beat you. They have high PDR, your only chance will be your poison damage.

Paladin -
These are interesting duels due to the fact that there are so many different Paladin builds.

Zealots - The will hit you often, but you will hit them often also. Your only chance will be fore Life Tap to kick in fast.

FoH - Slap on a 4 Topaz Monarch and/or a 3 Ort Helm and go for it. Use Fade if necessary.

Hammerdin - You have a pretty good chance against these guys, believe it or not. Just remember this - DO NOT try to Dragon Flight them when they are casting. You end up right on top of a hammer. Instead, Mind Blast them until their hammer field is uneven. Take your chances, and run up to him and Dragon Talon. Remember, you can block hammers.

Druid -

Windy - This is a hard duel. They usually teleport a lot, and have summons on top of them, so it is hard to land a Dragon Flight on them. Make sure to take their Sage out first. If you get a clear shot at him, Dragon Flight and Talon. They usually stay put, so just keep going. With lowered life since they have no Sage, you might be able to take him out. Mind Blast him if he stands still and spams tornadoes waiting for you.

Shapeshifter - You can beat most of these except Fireclawers.

Amazon -

Bowazon - If they aren't spamming as soon as you leave town, which isn't likely, you'll probably win. If they spam before you can see them, you'll have trouble. Dragon Flight casts sort of slow, so Guided Arrows will interrupt it. If you end up landing a Dragon Flight, Talon and keep going. They will be in somewhat of a Dodge lock. Keep kicking until they die.

CS/Lightning Javalin - Slap on TGods and maybe a 4 Topaz Monarch. These chicks will light you up (no pun intended) if you don't have lightning resists/absorb. She will just CS you once you Dragon Flight, so try to Talon before she can land a CS so maybe you'll get them in Dodge lock. Keep kicking once you're on them.

I hope you've enjoyed my guide, and try it out sometime. It's a lot of fun. Later.
wouldnt shadow dancers be better then gore ryders cuz the +2 ?
U said do not talon them [trapsin]..then what do u do?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
I think Gores Have a higher kick dam/def.. Im not completly sure. I saw this build before using Deaths Web/SS and it worked pretty well for how weird it sounds. Im not sure wats best but im not sure about tucs. Eth tucs are nice though.
Wont eth tucs break?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
uped gore and shadow dancers have the same kick dmg. it's just that the crazy melee mods on gore outshines the +skills on shadow dancers any day.

pretty good guide, medicine_man. a bit brief, but certainly better than most i've seen.
U zod the tucs silly pants
Okay, sorry for my absense. Shadow Dancers are listed Tsuki, see Boots2.

For trappers, you can't Talon them or you will die. You just have to keep Dragon Flighting them. If their trap damage is low, and you're absorbing quite a bit, try to Talon them. I'll include a Skills/Leveling guide sometime today. Eth Tucs aren't needed here, as you are not using your claws -- silly pants!

EDIT: You are correct Avatar. Mods like those on Gores and Chance to cast items rock with kickers, since you hit a lot and very fast. Upped Gores are the best choice for this build.
you should get someone to put it in the assassin guide section.
Ok, I think Murderman is in charge of that.
wow sexy guide ^^ ima try it hmm but wat about zons...?
I just included Zons and all other character classes.
ooo i like this guide i think im gonna try it
u think full nats will work okay its all i got


well i dont think i need full nats but was another good helm if i cant get guilliams
So tucs Dam has no affect on kick? Im new to the MA concept forgive me.
and wats the point to Duriess Rune word? What does it do? and isnt CoA nice for C/C?
Your boots are the ones that affect kicking damage. Myrmidon Greaves supply the greatest kick damage. Full Nats would work White. Use it along with a Bartuc, or a shield if you'd like.
OOo ok open wounds I got it but what kind of Duress?
ok so i can use full nats, tucs, and i can get everything else
how much dmg will i be doin?
medicine_man Wrote:Shapeshifter - You can beat most of these except Fireclawers.

lol anywayz Ive seen a lot of kickers use a Silence Phase blade. Just another alternative also im not sure but wouldnt grief also be good?
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
Just so ya know, this guide was added to the stickied sin guides. thanx medicine.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
do the boots really matter that much for ur dmg or is it all venom

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