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My bot freeze after 5-20 runs
I have had my bot doing 100-200 runs over night, but now all of a sudden, ithe program freeze after 5-20 runs.
How come this happen?

; D2HackIt.ini
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Main ini file for D2HackIt.
; <[email protected]>

; Misc options.
; Format:
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Autoload=plugin1,plugin2,...,pluginN
; InfoPrompt=ÿc3INFO
; ErrorPrompt=ÿc1ERROR
; VerbosePrompt=ÿc9VERBOSE
; Verbose=<on|off>
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; D2HackIt! *is* maphack 4.1 (or above) compatible since it can load
; it as any other plugin. Rename d2maphack.dll to d2maphack.d2h and
; move all files in your maphack directory to your D2HackIt
; directory. Since maphack is not specifically build for D2HackIt
; and may conflict with D2HackIt modules (bind.d2h for example) it
; should be loaded first, preferably first on the Autoload line Smile
; If you do not want to do this, make sure you load maphack *before*
; loading D2HackIt. If you fail to do this, maphack will fail with
; 'Unknown game version' error.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------

; Fingerprint definitions for D2HackIt v1.0. These fingerprints are
; working under 1.0dcb.
; Format:
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Name=Module,patchsize,offset,fingerprint
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; The first character in the fingerprint determines what type of
; fingerprint this is:
; ! An ordinal inside (ex. !NameOfFuntion or !10)
; # An actual hexadecimal adress (ex. #6fba80b4)
; other Fingerprint pattern (see below)
; Patterns are interpreted as a string of bytes. The value 00 to ff
; represents an actual value. A byte represented as 'xx' is not
; important to the fingerprint and are masked out. Example of masked
; bytes are absolute addresses/offsets inside the code that are
; likely to change location on blizzard patches.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------

; This is now GrabIt! compatible.

; This lets us send packets even in single player games

; We hook this to set playerinfo when game starts/ends

; Just a pointer to playerinfo, available any time

; This is out entrypoint for displaying text

; This is the struct passed to us by the loader
; The modules searched for are actually: Game.exe, Diablo II.exe and D2Loader.exe

; This is used by bind.d2h

; Thanks to Techwarrior for this info

; This lets us save&exit game safely (by Dan_Goon)

; Can't find it in 1.10

; Pointer to current game info, available at any time


; mover.ini FILE

; ReservedSpace Set Reserved columns for charm in inventory(from right side of inventory).0 mean don't reserve
; MaxTime Set Max seconds elapsed befor mover finished
; CallBackCmd Set D2hackit Callback Command when mover finished
; LogPath It is the path to write your log files.
; Remove it if you want to use your module's folder.
; Logfile It is the file you want to use to log your files.
; Remove it if you want to use "mover.log".
; Log Log files with description.

StopCmd=runpbotsor pause
CallBackCmd=runpbotsor pause

; Add any configurations for your characters.




Item1=rin //ring
Item2=amu //amulet
Item3=cm1 //small charm
Item4=cm3 //grand chram
Item5=jew //Jewel
Item6=ci2 //tira
Item7=ci3 //diadem
Item8=ama //ama jav 1 (Titan)
Item9=amf //ama jav 2 (Matriarchal Javelin)
Item10=amb //ama bow (Matriarchal Bow)
Item11=amd //Ama Class M-Spear
Item12=7cs //asn claw 1 (Battle Cestus)
Item13=7wb //asn claw 2 (Wrist Sword)
Item14=7lw //asn claw 3 (Feral Claws)
Item15=nea //nec class shield1
Item16=nef //nec class shield2
Item17=nee //nec class shield3
Item18=baa //bb helm 1
Item19=bac //bb helm 2
Item20=bad //bb helm 3
Item21=bae //bb helm 4
Item22=oba //sor orb 1
Item23=obc //sor orb 2 (Eldritch Orb)
Item24=obf //sor orb 3 (Dimensional Shard)
Item25=dra //dru helm 1
Item26=drb //dru helm 2
Item27=dre //dru helm 3
Item28=drd //dru helm 4
Item29=pac //pal shield 1
Item30=pa9 //pal shield 2
Item31=pae //pal shield 3
Item32=xsk //Death Mask
Item33=xh9 //gaze
Item34=uap //Shako
Item35=uhm //Spired Helm
Item36=usk //Demonhead
Item37=urn //Corona
Item38=uh9 //Bone Visage
Item39=xhn //mesh armor
Item40=xea //vipermagi
Item41=xpl //ire
Item42=uui //Dusk Shroud
Item43=utu //Wire Fleece
Item44=upl //Balrog Skin
Item45=uld //Kraken Shell
Item46=uul //Shadow Plate
Item47=uar //Sacred Armor
Item48=xsh //lidless wall
Item49=uml //Luna
Item50=uit //StormShield
Item51=upk //Blade Barrier
Item52=uow //Aegis
Item53=ush //Troll Nest
Item54=uts //Ward
Item55=mgl //Chance Guard
Item56=uvg //Vampirebone Gloves
Item57=umg //Vambraces
Item58=uhg //Ogre Gauntlets
Item59=lbt //Unique boot (for pvp)
Item60=xtb //war traveler
Item61=xhb //Gore Rider
Item62=uvb //Scarabshell Boots
Item63=umb //Boneweave Boots
Item64=uhb //Myrmidon Greaves
Item65=tbl //GoldWarp
Item66=zlb //string of ears
Item67=ztb //Snowclash
Item68=zhb //Thundergod
Item69=ulc //Spiderweb Sash
Item70=uvc //Vampirefang Belt
Item71=umc //Mithril Coil
Item72=6l7 //EagleHorn
Item73=6lw //WindForce
Item74=7cr //PB
Item75=7b7 //DoomBringer
Item76=7gd //GrandFather
Item77=7wc //Giant Thresher
Item78=7gm //Thunder Maul
Item79=7wh //Mallet
Item80=7ha //Tomahawk
Item81=72a //Ettin Axe
Item82=7ba //Silver-Edged Axe
Item83=6sw //Ward Bow
Item84=6hx //Colossus Crossbow
Item85=7kr //Fanged Knife
Item86=7bl //Legend Spike
Item87=7s7 //Balrog Spear
Item88=7gl //Ghost Glaive
Item89=7ts //Winged Harpoon
Item90=7o7 //Ogre Axe
Item91=7s8 //Thresher
Item92=7pa //Cryptic Axe
Item93=7sc //Mighty Scepter
Item94=7ws //Caduceus
Item95=7sr //Hyperion Spear
Item96=7br //Mancatcher
Item97=7p7 //War Pike
Item98=6cs //Elder Staff
Item99=6ws //Archon Staff
Item100=7ls //Cryptic Sword
Item101=7gs //Balrog Blade
Item102=7wa //Berserk Axe

Item1=7wd //BB set Short Sword
Item2=urn //Pal set Helm
Item3=7ws //Pal set Weapon
Item4=paf //Pal set Shield
Item5=uar //Imm King set Armor
Item6=uth //Tal set Armor
Item7=ci3 //Diadem
Item8=uh9 //Nec set Helm
Item9=utc //Nec set Belt
Item10=uul //Dru set armor
Item11=amu //amulet
Item12=ulg //laying of hand

Item1=amu //amulet
Item2=rin //ring

Item1=gld //Gold
Item2=cm1 //small charm
Item3=cm2 //large charm
Item4=cm3 //grand charm
Item5=jew //jewel
Item6=r11 //amn
Item7=r12 //sol
Item8=r13 //rune
Item9=r14 //rune
Item10=r15 //rune
Item11=r16 //rune
Item12=r17 //rune
Item13=r18 //rune
Item14=r19 //rune
Item15=r20 //rune
Item16=r21 //rune
Item17=r22 //rune
Item18=r23 //rune
Item19=r24 //ist
Item20=r25 //rune
Item21=r26 //vex
Item22=r27 //ohm
Item23=r28 //lo
Item24=r29 //sur
Item25=r30 //ber
Item26=r31 //jah
Item27=r32 //cham
Item28=r33 //zod

Item1=9tr 710 //Fuscina °µ½ð,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item2=ama 710 //Ceremonial Javelin °µ½ð,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item3=7gs 610 //Balrog Blade ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item4=7fb 610 //Colossus Sword ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item5=7gd 610 //Colossus Blade ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item6=7wh 610 //Legendary Mallet ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item7=7wa 610 //Berserker Axe ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item8=72a 610 //Ettin Axe ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item9=7qr 610 //Scissors Suwayyah ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item10=7xf 610 //War Fist ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item11=7gm 610 //Thunder Maul ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item12=7wd 610 //Mythical Sword ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item13=7st 610 //Ghost Spear ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item14=7p7 610 //War Pike ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item15=7o7 610 //Ogre Axe ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item16=7vo 610 //Colossus Voulge ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item17=7pa 610 //Cryptic Axe ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item18=7h7 610 //Great Poleaxe ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item19=amc 610 //Grand Matron Bow ½ðÉ«,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item20=7wa 310 //Berserker Axe ÔöÇ¿,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item21=7wa 316 //Berserker Axe ÔöÇ¿,ÎÞÐÎ,6ÑÛ
Item22=7gd 310 //Colossus Blade ÔöÇ¿,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item23=7gd 316 //Colossus Blade ÔöÇ¿,ÎÞÐÎ,6ÑÛ
Item24=7p7 310 //War Pike ÔöÇ¿,ÎÞÐÎ,0ÑÛ
Item25=7p7 316 //War Pike ÔöÇ¿,ÎÞÐÎ,6ÑÛ
How do u mean by freeze
Where did it freeze at?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
Step 3 or 4.
It says its in the game, while its not.
THen its in a kinda lock.
So...isit in the game or not?
Lock???What u mean lol..
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!

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