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Glitch Rushing Guide ~ Better than Baaling
Silent_killers Wrote:You don't make the game with the rusher, you make it with the character getting rushed.
Which is why I used the term "rushee"...

If the char isn't 20 and done ancients, he won't get the quest.

So, we have to find a 3rd party that needs the quest to start the game so the "rushee" and "rusher" can join and the rushee will get the quest when the rusher kills baal.

Now, trying to find those 3rd parties sounds a bit difficult; however, once the game has been created, can the 3rd party leave, or does he have to stay and get the quest too?
heres what it is.
You have the level one being rushed.
For them to get baal, they have to be in the same game as a lvl 20 char with ancients. The Rusher then kills baal for the level 20 guy. As a result the level 20 gets baal, so does the level 1.

So to get that pesky person who can get baal, the level 1 rushee can make a baal run, or a "kill baal" game and sit in town while everyone else kills baal. when baal is killed the level one will now have the quest.

If you find that to much of a problem you can make a char the slow way, with trist runs and all that getting to 25 and baaling etc etc etc. Then when you take them to nightmare the next character you want to make comes along for the ride..

I really hope I've helped. if not just say which part you dont get and ill summarise.
Thanks alien_hunta, that clears it up for me. I just wanted to fully understand how it works(and why it didn't earlier).

I will try to find "quest" games, but to be honest, those aren't always available... but a whole lot easier than trist runs...

Again, thanks for taking the time...
Glad to help, if I had my way there would be a chat room dedicated to glitch rush things, such as baal games, chaos runs, all that stuff.. maybe some support *hint hint*
Bre, it's easier to make your own Baal quest. Meaning the guy getting rushed makes the game. Finding Baal quest games is kinda hard.
What I found easy to do is to go into a baal game and ask if people need baal killed, I offer a free next difficulty rush for whoever will give my char the quest. (Since I'm rushing my char through the next difficulty anyways)
I have a question. If you don't get the rushee to hell when its lvl 1, would the cs runs still be effective if the rushee is, say lvl 20?
Yeah, but it's better to cow 20-24 and then do norm Ancients. Once you get to 25 you can get like 8 levels in the first game.
Ok, I have now rushed a future hammerdin to hell(my blizz sorc sux in hell rushes - anyone in DIIS wanna rush him in hell... oh, and I'm tired) and I had him make games called "Help Get Baal Q" in both normal and hell... and it worked. Within minutes(ok a few) someone showed up that needed the quest.

We did, Baal dead, my level 2(don't know where he got the xp) is now in Hell Act1... Can't wait to finish this tomorrow and follow bot him through the leveling.

Thanks for the glitch guide.
If it's East SCL I'll rush him free.
Wicked tutorial, thanks.
well...i've tried to ask someone to kill baal for me 3 times and everytime it says i cant complete the quest...someone know why the glitch isnt working for me? i stayed in town the whole time as baal was being killed and it still doesnt work...
there needs to be sumone in the world stone chamber that needs quest inorder for u toget, i had the exact same problem
k clear this up fer me.....

where do u go during ancients do u stay in town or come along?
i have heard of this but i always did the old ancient-baal rushing n lvl, this seems like a much more efficient way to go....cant wait to try it for myself.. Big Grin

ok here it goes:

1. Make ur char
2. Get glitch rush being lvl 1 and up to hell diablo
3. Keep doing chaos runs in hell (Act4) till lvl 24
4. at lvl 24 do ancients as u normally would in norm
5. Go back to doing hell chaos (Act4) runs until you reach level 59
6. Go do NM Ancients
7. Go do Hell Ancients
8. Baal till u get ur lvl u want

waht i found out that u didnt mention was taht u had to have someone else in chamber who needed quest for u to even get baal quest ^^

just pointing that out
it really works...dizzamn i hate baal runs
Yea do this with my friend and get to 85 in less then 2 hrs ( Baaling after 60 ) the key is to save ancients till 89 then get a half of a lvl into 90 :-P
Yeah, too bad you can't Baal without Ancients...

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