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I am a single player gamer with a lvl 45 assassin. I wanted to gamble for Bartucs and need to make sure I am going about it the right way. I am buying exclusively blade talons, but all I get are magic/rare blade talons, not even one greater claw. If this is a "just keeping trying" issue, no problem. Just wanted to know I was going about it the right way.
Secondly, I can't seem to get the player # set higher for better drops. From the chat I am typing
/player 8
but there is no acknowledgement and the drops and monster levels seem the same. Any suggestions?
BTW, D2 Exp v. 1.10
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yeah first of all the chances of getting a greater talon is low at your level also the chance that the item will be unique is 1 in 2000 so you'd have to be a lucky son of a lucky person to get bartucks better chance killing nm meph over and over
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wat the heck is player #? y do u type /player 8
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I've read that this increases the strength of monsters...basically the game will play as though there are multiple players (8 in this case), thus increasing difficulty and quality of drops. Is this not true?
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The rule of gambling, never try to get a particular item, you'll never get it. And tucs aren't worth much, I'm sure someone here has a pair they're willing to give for free, we have lots of free mules.
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he said on open if you go on open bnet i could hack you one lol
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i appreciate the offer, but I'm not much on hacks or cheat codes. Great for building duelers I imagine, but not for me. Thanks for your help, I'll just be patient for the tucs and better items.
Any responses to the other issue would be great.
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Try typing in "/players 8" instead of "/player 8"; you'll get a message saying that players were switched to 8.
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wow could have sworn i tried that, but this time it worked. Thanks jedi. and all the others for your quick responses.
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if ur gambling in nm u might not get tucs or until ur atleast like 2-9 lvls higher then their clvl, also the chance for uniques is 1:5000 so gl with that.
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I looked in gamble functions when I made my first mod, some observations
Chance of gambling Magic item (89.93%)= 1:1,1119759813188035138441009674191 (ever got a normal item?)
Chance of gambling rare item (9.93%)= 1:10,070493454179254783484390735146
Chance of gambling set item (0.07%)= 1:1428,5714285714285714285714285714
Chance of gambling Unique item (0.02%)= 1:5000
Chance for the item to be upgraded to Exceptional = 0.9% * Character level- Item level
Chance for the item to be upgraded to Elite = 0.33% * Character level- Item level
Now in your case Bartuc's Cut-Throat are Greater Talons witch has an ilvl of 50 so im sorry to say you can not gamble them yet.
If you character was lets say level 70 the odds to get Greater Talons from gambling would be 18% but the chance of the being unique is 0.02% so you could gamble forever without getting what you want