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Qutting D2, for now.
Hey guys, I'm quitting d2 for now, waiting for the ladder reset. (I know that ig0tfish guy is going to come in here and be an idiot about it, but whatever)

I already gave away my account to a good friend of mine, Adam (Not on this site)
so if you see someone on my account, that's him.

If should be in small talk, please move it. Thanks, and see you next season.
What the heck? You were the most devoted d2 player I've ever met. Why the change?
Well, I've been playing a lot of Starcraft lately, and leveling characters hasn't been appealing to me lately. Basically, just the whole concept has gotten a little bit boring. The new ladder will make everything even and make it a bit more fun though. That's why I'm willing to wait for it. I might stop in every now and then to mf for some stuff and give it away to you guys though. I'm not QUITTING, just taking a break. Adam won't be changing the password on the account, so I'll still have full access. When I get bored of Starcraft/and or the new ladder starts, I will be playing with everyone again. =D
I was on D2 more than him. =(
Well, good luck with the other games.
Oh, if anyone (Ski, Mike, etc) wants some of your stuff back, tell me.
yo mamma!
And the point of that was? If your going to continue with the pointless spam I have no doubt a mod will temp ban you as a warning.

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