06-29-2005, 03:24 AM
Hey!!, I've been baal botting for a while now with a small group. We are usually 4 botting 24/7, sometimes we are 5 but that is pretty rare, so im looking for 3-4 botters (no leecher bots) I dont care what ur bot is ust as long as he carrys his own weight. I am the leader of the group so during the night and week days when i work if the bot totaly crashes it wont restart until i get back, I would be a follower but my $/"?%"" diablo is french and the follow command dosent work in games when the game in question is french the others can follow though. we are all lvl 92 and up i dont mind if your lower as long as ur bot fights. if interested pm me your yahoo or msn and we'll talk.
BTW this is USEast Ladder
BTW this is USEast Ladder