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this is like ZM thread but this is the thread where you can say what xbox, PS2 (game cube, DS) [size=2]PSP computer,(besides DII) you like and rate them 1-10 (1 being low, 10 being high)
i am gunna start with flatout-great game, great grafics, love the high jump mini gamec plus online is GREAT 8.6
conker, live and reloaded(LAR)- soomth game play, simple puzzels(which some one like me can figure out) boss fights get a little repitive, online is GREAT, the all out war with 16 people SHC vs. TEDIZ great you can be diff clases if you beat the game and get all medals you can get potty mouth mode gives you all the aspects of war plus all the swaering you would want. 9
AREA 51- great smooth game play, a little 2 short but my favorite wepons, dual-shot guns, and a buck shot WILL KILL ANY THING(with the acception of boses and crispy), the later in the game it gets real hard, multi player is great, grat online, 8.9
IF you have any game reviews you like or just wanna say what you playin...
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Max Payne 2 short but I replayed it so many times. 7/10
Half Life 2. ****ing awsome. Just. ****ing. Awsome 10/10
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Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (GC)- Smooth gameplay, nice story, great ending cinematic, fighting system is sick, after playing through it once it has some replayability in the sense that it's fun to be involved in the fights again, but it is the same puzzles the second time through. Still an awesome game, and the idea to be able to rewind time using sand tanks (which the sand is collected from killing monsters) is ingenious, as well as some special attacks that involve the sands. 9/10
The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (originally N64, played it on GC)- Nice graphics for its time, good targeting (i think they call it Z-targeting i forget), great story, memorable playing, lots of fun to play, good weapons and also the uses of the ocarina (windwaker used a similar idea with a conducting staff) . 8/10
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Ocarina of Time kicked ***.
Right now I'm really into SOCOM II : US Navy Seals. It's a tactical shooter, so most people don't like it. However, if you have any skill at all it's a really fun game to play.
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Yeah. Ocarina of Time is probably one of the best games ever made. And it was called Z-targeting because, wow, you used the Z button to target them on the original N64.
GTA: SA 9/10, parachute jumping is hella fun.
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metal gear solid for playstation,
yeah, it's old and outdated and quite overplayed, but who didn't enjoy it? stealth camo AND the bandana, baby
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Best current-time game: World of Warcraft
9/10 overall. Good graphics, great style of gameplay if you're used to the Wc3 style. Good amount of content overall, very addicting. Some parts of this game are ruined by bugs and incompetent service, but it's Blizzard's first MMO =)
Best old-time game: Ocarina of Time
10/10! Nothing could be better about this game (unless I had v1.0 so I could go play around with the beta quest with a Gameshark =P) The graphics for its time were phenomenal, the story was awesome. You were literally living an adventure, not just playing it. Good puzzles to solve and bosses to fight. This game truly is the greatest.
Overall the best timelined game(s) ever would be the Warcraft series.
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Socom is a hella series, I'm waiting for 3.
Vigilante 8: 2nd offense- OK any twisted metal fan could appreciate this game. Not as "dark" as TM, but still an awesome car combat game. I played on sega DC so the graphics were pretty good.
-- Controls- 7/10 (after some time with it most gamer can pick it up easy)
--Graphics- 8/10 (for sega DC) [6/10 for other consoles]
--Gameplay- 7/10 (single) 10/10 (multiplayer)
--OVER ALL- 7/10
Gran Turismo 4- If you like cars, speed, and well, more speed, keep reading. If that doesn't interest you, skip this one. In my opinion, best racing simulation game ever. Bottom line. If you don't like racing sims, of course this game will suck to you, but for anyone who craves that realism in driving in a game, PLAY THIS. 700+ cars, hot graphics, challenging, and over all fun.
--Controls- 10/10 (ok, so who can't hold the x button and turn the joystick here??)
--Graphics- 10/10 (flat out beautiful, period.)
--Gameplay- 10/10 (ok so I am a racing and simulation junkie, so I give this 10/10)
--OVER ALL- 10/10 (One question: WHY would I give it less?)
I know there will be disagreements on this, but this has just been my opinion.
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For the Xbox
---Need for Speed Underground 2
++Graphics: 10/10, Simply Great
++Handling: 10/10, One of the most realistic Control Systems I've ever seen.
++Characters: 5/10, Not animated.. But still good graphics.
++Destruction: 7/10, You cant run over people :mad: , But.. You can crash into other cars!
++Graphics: 10/10, Almost better than NFS2
++Handling: 9/10, Maybe a lil TOO Realistic..
++Destruction: 2/10, Closed Track?! Wheres the traffic here people?!..
---Halo 2
++Graphics: 8/10, Good.. But could be better.
++Handling: 10/10, Now.. only if Halo 2 came out for the Computer..
++Characters: 10/10, The Characters are awesome!
++Destruction: 10/10, Oh.. THE GRENADES!!!!!!!
For the PS2
---GTA: San Andreas
++Graphics: 7/10, Pretty good, but I wish they'd be better..
++Handling: 9/10, Very good handling, Especially with Cars, Bikes, Etc..
++Weather Effect: 10/10, Cars Slide in Rain.. I know I know.. Pointless, but harder to steer!
For the GameCube
---Resident Evil 4
++Graphics: 10/10, Awesome Graphix.. Beware of the ChainSaw!
++Handling: 10/10, Awesome Handling..
++Freakyness: 10/10, It's just.. UBEROMGFREAKY!
---Splinter Cell Series
++Graphics: 10/10, I find the Graphix on the Splinter Cells for the Gamecube a tad better than the Xbox..
++Handling: 10/10, Awesome Handling!
Well.. Those are my Favorite games of All time! [A long list.. I know]
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halo 2, gta san andreas, counter strike source
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Tales of Symphonia for the GC. Best next gen RPG I've ever played.
God of War for the PS2
Def Jam FFNY
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Goldeneye 007 for Nintendo 64
OR Elevator Action for Nintendo
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Counter-Strike (not source because I don't want to pay like 30 dollar for better graphic)
I for some reason like all the NFL Madden games
Lengend of Mana (SNES)
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy X
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The whole god damn Morrowind series. I love the modability in an RPG that isn't D&D.
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Chrono Trigger :: Extremly Good Handling for a 2D RPG, Story Unbeleivable. Characters by Akira (same guy who made dbz) thats wswhy they are so ****ing cool
10/10 (ign users rated it 4th game of all time)
ZElda OoT :: No need to explain.. 10/10 (#2 of all time by IGN users)
DBz Hyperdimension :: UNBELEIVABLE GRAPHICS FOR A SNES Gets a bit boring after a while 8/10
Resident Evil 4 :: rated #1 game of all time by IGN users
EXTREME Graphics, UNEBELEIVE CONTRTOL, the First Full 3D Resident Evil- GCN only (atm)10/10
FF9,3 :: the best ff, ever.
Super Mario Bros 3 :: TOO much fun
Halo 1 (didnt play 2) :: Replaying this game never gets old
SSB/SSBM :: Greatest Fighting Game Ever. EVER!! :: Never gets boring when u play with friends and family
Quake 3 :: Multiplayer Rail gun only 1v1 :: Most fun 1st person shooter, if ur good of course
DOOM 1,2 maybe3.. : SUPER FUN!!!
MAX PAYNE 1 :: possibly the greatest game of its genre
max payne 2 story line sucked
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(Posted in old thread by accident, I saw this thread but then my connection died and thought it was the other one) Halo 2, And Chrono Trigger (I was reading up on Flea (RHCP) because my sister is starting bass, and it said that Magus's 3 minions are named Slash (Gn'R), Flea (RHCP), and Ozzy (You know who). Which I think is an awesome having just noticed that. Also SSBM (When I had gamecube) Tales of Phantasia was also great (when I was playing roms)