08-30-2005, 05:51 AM
Not many builds can really solo Uber Trist without dying... only two come to mind; Smiters and Zealers.
With a Smiter it's kinda win or lose.. you either cast lifetap and kill them or you don't, and you die... and with Zealers it can really go either way. I've been trying to find another build that can solo Uber Trist without being completely dependant on one event happening, such as lifetap or whatever...
Also, if any other builds are possible they might be better than a Smiter to use on Hardcore. Also, this build is far cheaper to make on non-ladder, unlike a Smiter. Much of the (good) Smiter gear is ladder-only (even though you can get ladder-only items on NL, it's expensive as hell and once you get ahold of the gear you'd want to hang onto it, and it's not fun to be limited in trading or whatever.. some people will understand what I mean).
So tell me what you all think about this druid build... I'll add a poll on it as well.
And I apologize if it's a little messed up in some parts; wrote it in notepad and pasted onto here.
This is just a basic Werewolf Druid with lots of life leach... It is by far not a new build or anything but I know nobody has recognized it as being able to fight Ubers.
Max First:
(Most important Shapeshifting skills that we'll be using)
Werewolf: 20
<<< Get a point into Cyclone Armor sometime during the maxing of these skills.
Lycanthropy: 20
Max Second:
(Your main attack)
Fury: 20
Max Last:
(To improve yourself or just keep you alive)
Heart of Wolverine: 20
Feral Rage: 20
(+Skill items will make these adequate. 5 Spirit Wolves are a really good meat shield that covers an area to keep things off your back, while the point into Bear and Dire Wolves will buff them up with the +skills. The Carrion Vine acts as a meat shield as well as helps out a bit in keeping you alive and the rare occasion when destroying bodies is helpful, or just comical)
Raven: 1
Spirit Wolf: 1
Poison Creeper: 1
Bear: 1
Dire Wolves: 1
Carrion Vine: 1
Stat Points________________________________________________________
Strength: As little as possible to use items. Should be no more than 100 or so.
Dexterity: As little as possible to get a 75% block rate with your shield. Mouse-over your defense to see your block rate (it isn't what it says on your shield).
Vitality: Everything else goes here after getting enough DEX/STR. At least 300.
Energy: None, as with all builds.
You are, as with any build, dependant on items, but not so much as a Smiter or other build. This build allows for
some customizability while still remaining good, even if not successful at fighting the Uber Bosses in Uber Trist.
Helmet: Cerebrus' Bite - Gives 10% Life leach, +4 to Shapeshifting skills, increased attack speed and more. What more can you ask for?
Alternate Helmate: Andariel's Visage - Lesser version of Cerebrus' Bite.
Armor: Fortitude - Lots of damage = more leach. Trust me, I did the math, it's better than using CoH. You leach more even with 8% less leach because you do more damage.
Alternate Armor: Chains of Honor - Gives resists, 8% life leach, +2 to all skills and more.
Weapon: (Ethereal) Breath of the Dying (Berserker Axe) - The best life leaching weapon that comes to mind. 15% life leach, fairly high damage, very fast and other mods.
Alternate Weapon: Bloodmoon - 15% life leach, 50% chance of open wounds. Pretty fast, as well. Fair alternative.
Shield: Stormshield - 35% damage reduction, great block rate, resists, +30 strength and more.
Alternate Shield: Medusa's Gaze - 9% life leach, a truckload of cold resistance (if you get a high one; max is +80%), slows target by 20%, +22 vitality and other great mods.
Gloves: Dracul's Vampirebone - 10% life stolen per hit, some increased attack speed and other great mods.
Boots: Gore Rider - Give lots of crushing blow, open wounds and deadly strike. No explanation is needed.
Amulet: The Eye of Etlich - Gives 7% life stolen per hit as well as +1 to all skills.
Ring 1: Carrion Wind - Gives 9% life leach and a ton of poison resistance.
Ring 2: Carrion Wind - Gives 9% life leach and a ton of poison resistance.
Belt: String of Ears - Gives 8% life stolen per hit as well as 15% damage reduction. Nice.
Items on Switch:
Weapon: Call to Arms - Battle Orders and Battle Cry.
Shield: Spirit - +2 all skills (higher BO and BC).
Alternate Shield: The Lidless Eye - +1 all skills (same reason).
2 Tomes of Town Portal. I stress this. Unless you have mad GCs and you can't fit these into your inventory, for the love of all that is good in the world KEEP THEM WITH YOU! It is an annoyance, at least ,when someone gives you the "no TPs" excuse in a game. Restock them after entering and before leaving every game.
1 Tome of Identify. Saves you trips back to town to identify items instead of carrying them just to find out they're junk. It sucks when you can't pick up that Shako because you can't identify what turns out to be some shitty item.
1 Annihilus. Resists, attributes, +1 to all skills.
1 Torch. Resists, attirbutes, +3 to all Druid skills.
As many Shapeshifting and Elemental grand charms as you can get.
Any small poison charms you can get at or above 50 poison damage.
Any large poison charms you can get at or above 100 poison damage.
Any grand poison charms you can get at or above 150 poison damage.
Any small charms with +7% or more to any one resist.
Any small charms with any percent added to all resists.
If you find any charms with a bit lesser mods but that has two, for example a small charm that does 40 poison damage and has 5% lightning resist, keep it.
You'll be leaching a lot if you use all of the gear I listed; enough to fully heal you with 3 out of the 5 hits that Fury does once every second or so.
I know this build is nowhere near unique but I haven't seen an updated one in awhile and I wanted to bring it to light with some of the newer gear...
Tell me what you think.
With a Smiter it's kinda win or lose.. you either cast lifetap and kill them or you don't, and you die... and with Zealers it can really go either way. I've been trying to find another build that can solo Uber Trist without being completely dependant on one event happening, such as lifetap or whatever...
Also, if any other builds are possible they might be better than a Smiter to use on Hardcore. Also, this build is far cheaper to make on non-ladder, unlike a Smiter. Much of the (good) Smiter gear is ladder-only (even though you can get ladder-only items on NL, it's expensive as hell and once you get ahold of the gear you'd want to hang onto it, and it's not fun to be limited in trading or whatever.. some people will understand what I mean).
So tell me what you all think about this druid build... I'll add a poll on it as well.
And I apologize if it's a little messed up in some parts; wrote it in notepad and pasted onto here.
This is just a basic Werewolf Druid with lots of life leach... It is by far not a new build or anything but I know nobody has recognized it as being able to fight Ubers.
Max First:
(Most important Shapeshifting skills that we'll be using)
Werewolf: 20
<<< Get a point into Cyclone Armor sometime during the maxing of these skills.
Lycanthropy: 20
Max Second:
(Your main attack)
Fury: 20
Max Last:
(To improve yourself or just keep you alive)
Heart of Wolverine: 20
Feral Rage: 20
(+Skill items will make these adequate. 5 Spirit Wolves are a really good meat shield that covers an area to keep things off your back, while the point into Bear and Dire Wolves will buff them up with the +skills. The Carrion Vine acts as a meat shield as well as helps out a bit in keeping you alive and the rare occasion when destroying bodies is helpful, or just comical)
Raven: 1
Spirit Wolf: 1
Poison Creeper: 1
Bear: 1
Dire Wolves: 1
Carrion Vine: 1
Stat Points________________________________________________________
Strength: As little as possible to use items. Should be no more than 100 or so.
Dexterity: As little as possible to get a 75% block rate with your shield. Mouse-over your defense to see your block rate (it isn't what it says on your shield).
Vitality: Everything else goes here after getting enough DEX/STR. At least 300.
Energy: None, as with all builds.
You are, as with any build, dependant on items, but not so much as a Smiter or other build. This build allows for
some customizability while still remaining good, even if not successful at fighting the Uber Bosses in Uber Trist.
Helmet: Cerebrus' Bite - Gives 10% Life leach, +4 to Shapeshifting skills, increased attack speed and more. What more can you ask for?
Alternate Helmate: Andariel's Visage - Lesser version of Cerebrus' Bite.
Armor: Fortitude - Lots of damage = more leach. Trust me, I did the math, it's better than using CoH. You leach more even with 8% less leach because you do more damage.
Alternate Armor: Chains of Honor - Gives resists, 8% life leach, +2 to all skills and more.
Weapon: (Ethereal) Breath of the Dying (Berserker Axe) - The best life leaching weapon that comes to mind. 15% life leach, fairly high damage, very fast and other mods.
Alternate Weapon: Bloodmoon - 15% life leach, 50% chance of open wounds. Pretty fast, as well. Fair alternative.
Shield: Stormshield - 35% damage reduction, great block rate, resists, +30 strength and more.
Alternate Shield: Medusa's Gaze - 9% life leach, a truckload of cold resistance (if you get a high one; max is +80%), slows target by 20%, +22 vitality and other great mods.
Gloves: Dracul's Vampirebone - 10% life stolen per hit, some increased attack speed and other great mods.
Boots: Gore Rider - Give lots of crushing blow, open wounds and deadly strike. No explanation is needed.
Amulet: The Eye of Etlich - Gives 7% life stolen per hit as well as +1 to all skills.
Ring 1: Carrion Wind - Gives 9% life leach and a ton of poison resistance.
Ring 2: Carrion Wind - Gives 9% life leach and a ton of poison resistance.
Belt: String of Ears - Gives 8% life stolen per hit as well as 15% damage reduction. Nice.
Items on Switch:
Weapon: Call to Arms - Battle Orders and Battle Cry.
Shield: Spirit - +2 all skills (higher BO and BC).
Alternate Shield: The Lidless Eye - +1 all skills (same reason).
2 Tomes of Town Portal. I stress this. Unless you have mad GCs and you can't fit these into your inventory, for the love of all that is good in the world KEEP THEM WITH YOU! It is an annoyance, at least ,when someone gives you the "no TPs" excuse in a game. Restock them after entering and before leaving every game.
1 Tome of Identify. Saves you trips back to town to identify items instead of carrying them just to find out they're junk. It sucks when you can't pick up that Shako because you can't identify what turns out to be some shitty item.
1 Annihilus. Resists, attributes, +1 to all skills.
1 Torch. Resists, attirbutes, +3 to all Druid skills.
As many Shapeshifting and Elemental grand charms as you can get.
Any small poison charms you can get at or above 50 poison damage.
Any large poison charms you can get at or above 100 poison damage.
Any grand poison charms you can get at or above 150 poison damage.
Any small charms with +7% or more to any one resist.
Any small charms with any percent added to all resists.
If you find any charms with a bit lesser mods but that has two, for example a small charm that does 40 poison damage and has 5% lightning resist, keep it.
You'll be leaching a lot if you use all of the gear I listed; enough to fully heal you with 3 out of the 5 hits that Fury does once every second or so.
I know this build is nowhere near unique but I haven't seen an updated one in awhile and I wanted to bring it to light with some of the newer gear...
Tell me what you think.