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Item Properties?

I have played D2 off and on for a few years, but some of the special abilities are still a mystery to me. Can anyone help with the following in V1.11?

1) Hellplague longsword adds +1 to fire skills. Is that only +1 to the sorceress fire skill tree, or is that plus one to fire arrow etc. for Amazon, fire aura for pally etc?

2) What does deadly strike do? How much? How often? Limitations?

3) Same as 2) for Crushing Blow

4) Amulet of rising sun absorbs X fire damage. What does absorb mean? Does it heal you?

5) What does open wounds do? Is it some kind of DOT? How much does it do, for how long, and is it worthwhile?

6) If you are using a weapon that ignores target's defense, why do you not automatically hit every single time?

7) What does "Prevent Monster heal" do? Does it just prevent another caster MOB from healing it, or does it stop the auto regeneration in Hell skill level? How long does it last? Does it stop teleporting MOBS from healing when they port etc.?

8) How does faster cast rate work? Does it reduce the spell timer so Sorceress can cast spells more frequently?

9) What does "Freezes target +3" mean? What does it do?

10) How do charms that add +X fire/cold/light/posion damage work? If you have a +5-10 fire damage charm in your sorceress' inventory does that add +5-10 damage on her fire spells? Does it add +5-10 fire on her other spells? Are these only good for melee attacks? Ranged attacks? If they are only useful for physical then they are worthless for a high level sorceseress then no?

Sorry for the length, but thanks in advance. Rolleyes
1) First off, its +2 fire skills. Besides the point, taken from Arreat Summit:

Arreat Summit Wrote:+ Fire Skills
+ Fire Skills Fire Skills include all of the Sorceress Fire Tree, Amazon (Fire Arrow, Explosive Arrow, Immolation Arrow), Paladin (Holy Fire), Druid (Fire Claws, Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Fissure, Volcano, Armageddon), Assassin (Fists of Fire, Fire Blast, Wake of Fire, Wake of Inferno) and Necromancer (Fire Golem, Corpse Explosion).

2) Taken from Arreat Summit:
Arreat Summit Wrote:Deadly Strike
This is a chance of doing double damage. This bonus is applied after skills such as Critical Strike and any other damage bonuses. Critical Strike (CS) and Deadly Strike (DS) exclude each other.

If you have a 33% Deadly Strike item, and 68% Critical Strike Skill the complete chance to get double damage is: [indent]=CS + (DS/100)*(100-CS)
=68% + (33/100)*32%
=68% + 10.56%
=78.56% [/indent]It is possible to get up to 100% chance for Deadly Strike. Anything above 100% is discarded.

3) Taken from Arreat Summit:

Arreat Summit Wrote:Crushing Blow
This is a chance of reducing a monster's health by X% in a single blow.

[indent]-Default: 1/4th
-vs. Players: 1/10th
-vs. Hirelings: 1/10th
-vs. Champions, Uniques, Bosses: 1/8th
-with missile weapons, default: 1/8th
-with missile weapons, vs. Players: 1/20th
-with missile weapons, vs Hirelings: 1/20th
-with missile weapons, vs Champions, Uniques, Bosses: 1/16th [/indent]-The life removed is also scaled with number of players. So that if a monster has 450% more life due to 8 players (or whatever the value is) the life removed is further reduced by the same amount (450% would equal multiplying by 4.5 so the life removed by Crushing Blow is divided by 4.5).
  • It is possible to get up to 100% chance for Crushing Blow. Anything above 100% is discarded.
  • Physical resistance does apply to Crushing Blow damage, but only if the resistance is positive.
  • Crushing Blow Items stack in most cases.
  • Since 1.10 Crushing Blow is calculated before your normal damage. So, before doing the damage that you would normally do, there is a chance you will reduce the health of the monster by X% then normal damage apply to the resulting lower life. If you have more than one item with Crushing Blow, the probabilities will be added together. There will be one random check for a Crushing Blow. There is no check for each separate item, so one can not get multiple Crushing Blows in one attack.
4) Taken from Arreat Summit:

Arreat Summit Wrote:Absorption (Or Absorbs)
Absorb heals the player - which is equivalent to resistance. If you have 5% Absorb Fire, 5% of the Fire that would hurt heals you instead - roughly equivalent to 10% Resistance. It is not bound by the resistance cap however.

5) Taken from Arreat Summit:

Arreat Summit Wrote:Open Wounds
This is a chance of making a monster bleed uncontrollably. They lose health while bleeding. Open Wounds Items stack in most cases.

Duration: 200 frames (that is 8 seconds).

The damage per frame seems to be the following (where Clvl is the attackers level, that is the player's level usually): [indent]Clvl=1-15: (9*Clvl+31)/256
Clvl=16-30: (18*Clvl-104)/256
Clvl=31-45: (27*Clvl-374)/256
Clvl=46-60: (36*Clvl-779)/256
Clvl=61-99: (45*Clvl-1319)/256 [/indent]If you prefer per second, just multiply by 25:
[indent]Clvl=1-15: 25*(9*Clvl+31)/256
Clvl=16-30: 25*(18*Clvl-104)/256
Clvl=31-45: 25*(27*Clvl-374)/256
Clvl=46-60: 25*(36*Clvl-779)/256
Clvl=61-99: 25*(45*Clvl-1319)/256 [/indent]Some examples:

Clvl 10: 11.8 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 94.5 damage. Clvl 30: 42.6 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 340.6 damage. Clvl 50: 99.7 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 797.7 damage. Clvl 70: 178.8 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 1430.5 damage. Clvl 90: 266.7 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 2133.6 damage.

Also, the damage is divided by 4 for a player target. In addition, for a missile versus a player target one should divide the damage by 8 instead.

Finally, versus bosses and champions (could be just bosses or special bosses) the damage is divided by 2. It is possible to get up to 100% chance for Open Wounds. Anything above 100% is discarded.

6) Taken from Arreat Summit:

Arreat Summit Wrote:Ignores Target Defense (Armor Class)
This ability will not work on Unique Monsters, Super Unique Monsters, Hirelings, other players, and Act-end bosses.

What the game does is that set the Defensive Rating of the target to 0. That means it simplifies to:

AR = 100 * 2 * alvl / (alvl + dlvl)

AR = Attack Rating; alvl = Level of Attacker; dlvl = Level of Defender. So there is still an effect of the level difference on the chance to hit and there is still a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 95% chance to hit.

7) I believe if you have a Prevent Monster Heal mod on you, any damage that you inflict on a monster will be set in stone, and they won't be able to heal that damage.

8) Yes, I believe what you said is correct; it will reduce the spell timer (aka casting delays) between spells so you can cast spells faster.

9) Taken from Arreat Summit:

Arreat Summit Wrote:Hit Freezes Target
This bonus is pretty obvious. Items with Hit Freezes Target has a chance to Freeze Targets. Formulae: [indent]The chance of freezing is 50 + (AL + (B*4) - DL) * 5

AL = attacker level
DL = defender level
B = freeze bonus from item (default is 1)

if it's ranged, the AL has a -6 penalty.
if it's ranged, the chance is divided by 3 freeze length = (chance - roll) * 2 + 25 frames
with a minimum length of 25 frames (1 second) and a maximum length of 250 frames (10 seconds)

9) I'm actually not as sure with this one, but i think it just adds whatever damage it says on the item to your spell; so i think what you said is correct how it's not as useful on a high level character.

In general; check out Arreat Summit a lot more.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
VERY USEFUl. Thanks. Still need a clarification on the charms that add damage. Do they work with spells or just physical attacks? I kept my character record open and set my primary attack to lightning bolt. I then added a +1-11 lightning damage small charm to my inventory. The primary attack damage stayed the same. Just in case it was not a dynamic refresh I closed all windows, manipulated inventory then reopened them all. Same result. This leads me to guess that +elemental damage charms only work on physical attacks, and are thus useless to Sorceress/casters. Kind of sad if true... but then I will free up a lot of inventory...
charms are only for physical attacks so it wouldnt boost a sorcds dmg.. so yea
ok time to do some major inventory managment on my sorcereress Smile
I believe that that the fire charms only add to the base damage on your normal attack.

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