10-08-2005, 07:58 AM
Quote:This petition is to signify us as a whole, those who disagree with Blizzard Entertainment & Battle.net for violating their own EULA and violating our rights as a user. Their new Warden module also violates our right to privacy, by scanning files on our computer and sending info back to Blizzard Entertainment. This info could potentially contain personal info such as your name, social security number, credit cards, or any number of other confidential personal information. This new scanning module they have developed also can ban legitament users of their service for simply using a virus scanning software which modifies the Microsoft Windows ntdll.dll which is not owned by Blizzard Entertainment, nor Battle.net, and as such they have no rights over this file what-so-ever! If you agree that Blizzard Entertainment & Battle.net are violating your rights as a user to use in accordance with the law, the software you have paid for the rights to use, then please sign this petition! Thank you!found this on www.************.net, wanted to see if anyone might be interested in signing it
(Netter please sticky this thread!)
Proof: http://munching.lameserver.de/ward_mod.txt