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Item codes
how do use codes like these

For those who use D2 Gamestuff's
.Repeat 10/Self/CreateItem amu 7
& other codes to produce items with it, here is a list of some of the item codes.

pa7 Akaran Rondache
dr6 Alpha Helm
r11 Amn Rune
aar Ancient Armor
xts Ancient Shield
dr3 Antlers
utp Archon Plate
ulm Armet
ba4 Assault Helmet
ba5 Avenger Guard
bal Balanced Axe
8hx Ballista
upl Balrog Skin
9sp Barbed Club
bar Bardiche
bsw Bastard Sword
ztb Battle Belt
7cs Battle Cestus
xtg Battle Gauntlets
9s8 Battle Scythe
9bs Battle Sword
9h9 Bec-de-Corbin
r30 Ber Rune
9vo Bill
upk Blade Barrier
btl Blade Talons
nef Bloodlord Skull
7dg Bone Knife
uh9 Bone Visage
uhn Boneweave
lbt Boots
brn Brandistock
bax Broad Axe
buc Buckler
7ws Caduceus
cap Cap
xlm Casque
8cs Cedar Staff
ama Ceremonial Javelin
am8 Ceremonial Spear
mbt Chain Boots
chn Chain Mail
7ga Champion Axe
xul Chaos Armor
gcw Chipped Diamond
gcr Chipped Ruby
skc Chipped Skull
gpm Choking Gas Potion
9kr Cinquedeas
ob4 Clasped Orb
clm Claymore
ob8 Cloudy Sphere
7gd Colossus Blade
uhc Colossus Girdle
7vo Colossus Voulge
bae Conqueror Crown
urn Corona
mxb Crossbow
crn Crown
6l7 Crusader Bow
7pa Cryptic Axe
crs Crystal Sword
9cl Cudgel
9sm Cutlass
dgr Dagger
7bt Decapitator
6rx Demon Crossbow
obd Demon Heart
xla Demonhide Armor
xlg Demonhide Gloves
bad Destroyer Helm
ci3 Diadem
6s7 Diamond Bow
9cr Dimensional Blade
dir Dirk
r14 Dol Rune
8cb Double Bow
drf Dream Spirit
ob1 Eagle Orb
8sb Edge Bow
r02 Eld Rune
obc Eldritch Orb
xth Embossed Plate
92h Espandon
72a Ettin Axe
opm Exploding Potion
7ss Falcata
dr4 Falcon Mask
7kr Fanged Knife
7la Feral Axe
ne7 Fetish Trophy
fla Flail
9ma Flanged Mace
gfw Flawed Diamond
gfr Flawed Ruby
skf Flawed Skull
gzv Flawless Amethyst
glg Flawless Emerald
glb Flawless Sapphire
gly Flawless Topaz
7tk Flying Knife
fhl Full Helm
rvl Full Rejuvenation Potion
bac Fury Visor
ne4 Gargoyle Head
xui Ghost Armor
7st Ghost Spear
gix Giant Axe
gis Giant Sword
pa9 Gilded Shield
glv Glaive
ob6 Glowing Orb
6mx Gorgon Crossbow
8lw Gothic Bow
gts Gothic Shield
9b9 Gothic Sword
xrn Grand Crown
gsc Grand Scepter
gax Great Axe
urs Great Hauberk
gma Great Maul
7h7 Great Poleaxe
9lw Greater Claws
mp4 Greater Mana Potion
hbt Greaves
xh9 Grim Helm
xsh Grim Shield
baf Guardian Crown
hal Halberd
9cs Hand Scythe
9ts Harpoon
axf Hatchet Hands
hp3 Healing Potion
obb Heavenly Stone
vbt Heavy Boots
hxb Heavy Crossbow
r15 Hel Rune
nec Hellspawn Skull
pa3 Heraldic Shield
7cm Highland Blade
ba3 Horned Helm
dr8 Hunter's Guise
6lw Hydra Bow
ukp Hydraskull
7ja Hyperion Javelin
r16 Io Rune
r06 Ith Rune
r31 Jah Rune
jav Javelin
ba6 Jawbone Visor
8ss Jo Staff
kit Kite Shield
r18 Ko Rune
kri Kris
uth Lacquered Plate
lax Large Axe
lrg Large Shield
lea Leather Armor
7bl Legend Spike
7wh Legendary Mallet
7bw Lich Wand
lxb Light Crossbow
ltp Light Plate
xng Linked Mail
r28 Lo Rune
lbb Long Battle Bow
lst Long Staff
lwb Long War Bow
r17 Lum Rune
mac Mace
am5 Maiden Javelin
am3 Maiden Spear
7br Mancatcher
msk Mask
amf Matriarchal Javelin
amd Matriarchal Spear
xhn Mesh Armor
xmb Mesh Boots
9la Military Axe
neb Minion Skull
umc Mithril Coil
uit Monarch
ne6 Mummified Trophy
7wd Mythical Sword
r04 Nef Rune
uhg Ogre Gauntlets
r27 Ohm Rune
xar Ornate Plate
ned Overseer Skull
xow Pavise
9yw Petrified Wand
pik Pike
plt Plate Mail
9dg Poignard
7wn Polished Wand
pa8 Protector Shield
8ls Quarterstaff
qui Quilted Armor
r08 Ral Rune
8hb Razor Bow
7ma Reinforced Mace
rxb Repeating Crossbow
rng Ring Mail
9di Rondel
paa Royal Shield
8sw Rune Bow
8ws Rune Staff
7tw Runic Talons
sbr Sabre
dr9 Sacred Feathers
pac Sacred Rondache
xkp Sallet
lbl Sash
scl Scale Mail
uvb Scarabshell Boots
scm Scimitar
9qr Scissors Quhab
7fl Scourge
scy Scythe
xea Serpentskin Armor
6lb Shadow Bow
r13 Shael Rune
9sb Shamshir
xvb Sharkskin Boots
xld Sharktooth Armor
sbb Short Battle Bow
8s8 Short Siege Bow
sst Short Staff
swb Short War Bow
7ba Silver-edged Axe
sku Skull
dre Sky Spirit
cm1 Small Charm
sml Small Shield
r12 Sol Rune
spr Spear
9gl Spiculum
ulc Spiderweb Sash
spk Spiked Shield
dr5 Spirit Mask
am1 Stag Bow
9bl Stiletto
stu Studded Leather
7pi Stygian Pilum
drc Sun Spirit
mp5 Super Mana Potion
7ar Suwayyah
9bt Tabar
pa1 Targe
7s8 Thresher
tkf Throwing Knife
r10 Thul Rune
ci2 Tiara
r03 Tir Rune
9bw Tomb Wand
dra Totemic Mask
xtu Trellised Armor
utc Troll Belt
7cl Truncheon
9gs Tusk Sword
2hs Two-Handed Sword
r22 Um Rune
ne3 Unraveller Head
uvg Vampirebone Gloves
r26 Vex Rune
paf Vortex Shield
6ss Walking Stick
wax War Axe
xhb War Boots
9bk War Dart
9br War Fork
whm War Hammer
9ja War Javelin
wsp War Scepter
9sr War Spear
wst War Staff
uts Ward
7b8 Winged Axe
xhm Winged Helm
utu Wire Fleece
wrb Wrist Blade
7wb Wrist Sword
ulb Wyrmhide Boots
ywn Yew Wand
r33 Zod Rune
9fb Zweihander

plz some one tell me how to use these or what there for?!Sad Big Grin Big Grin Sad Sad Sad Sad shout:
LOL WTF ............................... dont even use those.. waste of ur jointes n fingers unless u copy and pasted on site illegal shit lol jk iono tho Lol
first off this should be in editor section and baseball4life said dont use them just manully click the item
but i suppose since im a nice guy ill tell u the upper right corner there is the picture of the item right next to it is the item's code...just refill it with the desired items code
Live, Learn, then STFU.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.

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