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"Battle for Elements" mod

Hi to all !

Version 1.20 of my mod "Battle for Elements" for D2:LoD (patch 1.10) is released. Remember that is full package, so You don't need any previous versions of mod installed to install version 1.20. You may get 1.20 here: (approximately 80Mb). Full mod documentation is here:
Please, note that characters from previous versions of mod are NOT compatible with this version.

Global changes:
bulb2: Now You need to run mod with VB script (LaunchBFE.vbs) instead of shortcut.
bulb2: Maximum character level is 99 again. Big Grin It must to correct such bugs as too high required levels on items etc... So characters from previous versions of mod are not compatible with version 1.20. Sorry for this. sick:
bulb2: Two new character's statistics: Luck and Endurance. These statistics poorly influence game while Big Grin , but it will be more integrated later.
bulb2: Stat points per level: 10. Skill points per level: 3.

- New properties for some monsters, such as lightning thorns, open wounds, or great raised Attack Rating during night. See desciptions on monsters in game.
- Now You may to turn on/off some of torches and braziers in game (useful in dark areas such as caves).
- Air Perturbators in Plane of Air are cause perturbations now (Devoted to Alan D. Foster Big Grin ).
- Akara's Rescue Cain Quest reward is changed for Hell difficulty. Two set rings and two unique rings at now.
- Cows, those that on two legs, Big Grin in Moo Moo Farm may to reduce or even to ignore Your Armor Class.
- Drop of runes is improved.
- I raised damages on shields for Paladin and on boots for Assassin. So You may to try appropriate skills.
- Many of unique items are improved.
- New concept for unique items: Weapons of *** (Mjollnir, Hela's Scythe, Gungnir, Mimming, Stormbringer - based on Sorgeon's idea). This weapon slightly differs from other unique items. Big Grin
- New area (Lair of Fenris) with new monsters.
- Two ways to improve Charms of Aura, Cry, Curse, and Summon (see Cube Recipes section in Battle for Elements.doc).
- Rings of Wonder have set modifiers now (green color of modifier)! Each ring is tied with another one, find the pair and get set bonus.
- Some minor changes.

Bug fixes:
smash: Game crash with unique class-oriented amulets' recipes is removed.

How to install:
Make sure that You have Diablo2: Lord of Destruction with 1.10 patch.
Delete old BFE folder if You have any.
Unzip to root folder of Diablo2 with full paths and replacing of files. After this You must have "BFE" folder in root folder of Diablo2.
Go to "BFE" folder and run "LaunchBFE.vbs".
To recovery from crash (I very much hope that it do not happen Big Grin ) just run "RecoveryFromCrash.vbs".

P.S. Please, read Battle for Elements.doc in BFE folder !!!
Is there any other host for your file that you could put up? I'm not paying a subscription fee to fileplanet just to download this...
You can get a free fileplanet account, just register normally, and select free account. No subscription needed Smile
Lol, I'm sorry, I'm just a little retarded today Wink
np Smile good luck
Update from version 1.20 to 1.21 is released. Remember that is update, so You need version 1.20 of mod installed to install version 1.21. You may get 1.21 here. Full mod documentation is here.
Characters from version 1.20 are compatible with this version.

bulb2: For proper work of this Upgrade Pack You need to reroll Your Favourite Talisman. Please, use following recipe:
Your Favourite Talisman + key = Rerolled Your Favourite Talisman.
> New "Luck" and "Endurance" character' statistics are more integrated in game now. These two statistics affects to many aspects of game such as skills, weight of armor, duration of potions' effects, etc. CAUTION: Try to not allow these characteristics to fall up to 0. It will make most of Your skills useless. Big Grin
> New item type: "Ancient Container" (You can to obtain this item from monsters only). Please, note that You have two ways to open it. Wink
> Some minor changes.
Bug fixes:
bulb2: CRITICAL BUG with cube recipes was fixed.
> I returned ocassionally deleted Death Counter.
> Bug with attempts to pierce less sockets in a item than it has was fixed.

How to install:
> Unzip to root folder of Diablo2 with full paths and replacing of files.
> Go to "BFE" folder and run "LaunchBFE.vbs".
> To recovery from crash (I very much hope that it do not happen Big Grin ) just run "RecoveryFromCrash.vbs".
P.S. Please, read Battle for Elements.doc in BFE folder !!!


Update from version 1.21 to 1.22 is released. Remember that is update, so You need version 1.21 of mod installed to install version 1.22. You may get 1.22 here. Full mod documentation is here.
Characters from versions 1.2x are compatible with this version.
Well, and again, there is more bugfixes than something new, but something new is present too. Big Grin

Global changes:
bulb2: Many players reported that 3 skill points per level is too many. So character gains 2 skill points per level again.
bulb2: bulb2: bulb2: Please, note that character loses 1 point of Endurance for each character's death and 10 points of Luck for each opening of Ancient Container with only key. So if Your character have strange skills behavior (like decreasing of cold resistance with Cold Resist aura), then go to fourth page of character's statistics window and check Luck and Endurance values, probably one or both are negative. It is not bug. Try to not allow these statistics to reach 0 or negative values. Big Grin

> PlugY 6.01b is applied. (Great Thanks to Yohann !!!)
> Throwing knives, throwing axes and javelins are socketable now.
> Bodyguards for Diablo (Golden Valkyrie request). Wink
> Recipes for Monsters' Blood were added (see Cube Recipes section in Battle for Elements.doc). More Blood recipes will be in next versions of mod. Wink
> Rising of Luck and Endurance is added in possible effects of Mystery Potions.
> The method of opening of Ancient Containers and the Luck penalty have changed.
> Other balancing changes.

Bug fixes:
> Bug with length of potions' effect while character has negative Luck was fixed.
> I removed Shaman mercenary from Act1 because it is bugged at now.
bulb2: Bug with absent Luck and Endurance stats for mercenaries (broken mercenaries' skills) was fixed.
bulb2: Bug with absent Luck and Endurance stats for monsters (broken monsters' skills) was fixed.
> Bug because of which you could shoot and cast spells through walls in Nihlatak's Temple Entrance was corrected.

How to install:
> Unzip to root folder of Diablo2 with full paths and replacing of files.
> Go to "BFE" folder and run "LaunchBFE.vbs".
> To recovery from crash (I very much hope that it do not happen Big Grin ) just run "RecoveryFromCrash.vbs".
P.S. Please, read Battle for Elements.doc in BFE folder !!!
Hi all !

Version 1.40 is released!

First of all I want to ask pardons for almost year without updates. Unfortunately, some my circumstances in RL kept me away from modding. But now I'm ok and can continue [Image: icon_smile.gif] So, I releases new 1.40 version of mod. I planned huge amount of changes for 1.40, but because of those RL issues many of changes go to 1.41. It is new base version and you need to download full package, all characters have remained in old world and they are incompatible with reality structure of new one. [Image: icon_smile.gif]

Remember that is base version, not an update, so you no need any previous versions to install version 1.40. You may get 1.40 here.

Also note, that characters from previous versions are NOT compatible with this version.

Global changes:
[Image: icon_exclaim.gif] Some serious characters' rebalancing. Please, note that characters from previous versions of mod are NOT compatible with this new version.
[Image: icon_exclaim.gif] Attention! There is one new monster in game that have "one-hit-kill" property! All hardcore players should be cautious!

[Image: icon_arrow.gif] New contest! See official site ( for more information.
[Image: icon_arrow.gif] 7 new mercenaries.
Act 1: Master Archer (Inner Sight, Burst of Speed, Magic Arrow, Multiple Shot, Strafe), Javeliner (Inner Sight, Burst of Speed, Poison Javelin, Lightning Bolt, Plague Javelin)
Act 2: Protective (Power Strike, Cleansing/Vigor/Sanctuary, Charged Strike, Fend), Berserker (Power Strike, Holy Fire/Concentration/Holy Shock, Charged Strike, Fend)
Act 3: Necromancy (Bone Armor, Teeth, Weaken, Bone Spear, Bone Spirit), Druidic (Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Fissure, Twister, Shock Wave, Tornado)
Act 5: Mental Warrior (Psychic Hammer, Shock Field, Blade Fury, Mind Blast).
[Image: icon_arrow.gif] PlugY 8.00 (thank you, Yohann)!
[Image: icon_arrow.gif] Crafting recipes were redone. See Cube Recipes.doc/pdf.
[Image: icon_arrow.gif] Aura and Summons Charms now get additional required level per each charm upgrade.
[Image: icon_arrow.gif] New User Interface elements.
[Image: icon_arrow.gif] Some new monsters and wards were added.
[Image: icon_arrow.gif] New area - Maze of the Light (by Cubaholic).
[Image: icon_arrow.gif] I have raised hirelings endurance, so now hirelings have more useful auras.

Bug fixes:
* Blade Fury and Molten Boulder don't have friendly fire feature anymore.
* Character can open portals to elemental planes in any form now.
[Image: icon_arrow.gif] Game crashes in Valley of Ice Warriors were fixed.
* Final nova of Frozen Orb now deals damage when orb collide with obstacle.
* Ancient Vault have more appropriate automap now.
* Bug with too high required level of starting items was fixed.
* "Level 20 Vigor aura when equipped" property as partial set bonus on Fess' Marching Clothes set was replaced during HP fall bug.
[Image: icon_arrow.gif] Killing Projection of Nihlatak don't cause appropriate quest to be done anymore.

How to install:
* Make sure that You have clean installation of Diablo2: Lord of Destruction with 1.10 patch.
* Delete old BFE folder if You have any (Note that if You store Your character files in BFE folder then backup these files).
* Unzip to root folder of Diablo2 with full paths and replacing of files. After this You must have "BFE" folder in root folder of Diablo2.
* Go to "BFE" folder and run "LaunchBFE.vbs".
* To recovery from crash (I very much hope that it do not happen [Image: icon_smile.gif] ) just run "RecoveryFromCrash.vbs".

P.S. Please, read documentation in "Knowledge Base" folder !!!
Hey TM - sorry about your error earlier. The settings were changed to dissuade malicious users from posting bad links, so it required 25+ posts to post links. However, I have edited your post above and copy/pasted the information you posted from your forum post on Phrozen Keep about the new version (v1.40) being released. Hopefully this is what you meant to post. I believe I have played this before, but it's been awhile since, and I'd need to switch back to 1.10 (since my computer really wants me to keep with 1.11b for some odd reason) if I wanted to play it again.

Anyways, good job on the mod, and hope things are going well with you. Take care.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
Thank you for helping, Jedimaster Smile And yes, I remember you in BFE subforum on Keep.
Version 1.50 released! (Refer to official site: Complete reworked first act, new quests, contest, items, monsters, locations...

Quote:Global changes:
- All monsters and areas were extensively rebalanced!
- Adjusted difficulty settings, which result in an easier Normal difficulty, a slightly more difficult Nightmare difficulty, and a more challenging Hell difficulty.
- New Act I storyline! Look for tons of new items, monsters, and NPC monologues. Look for the special "++++++!!!++++++" signs in the beginning of monologues, and note also
the gold color of the texts.
- New "Friendly Fire" doctrine. Now we have different FF skills on different game difficulties. Refer to 'Difficulty Modes & Friendly Fire.doc/pdf' for an explanation.
- 3DFX Glide video mode was added: Run D2VidTst.exe in root D2 folder, press "Run Test", and choose the 3dfx mods from the list after all tests were performed.
Please note that the colors of some items, ambient light in some locations, and other such things were optimized for this video mode.
If you don't like this video mode, you can change some parameters with gl32oglinit.exe or even run D2VidTst.exe one more time and return to your preferred mode.

New features:
- Enlarged item graphics! Look for the "Right click for additional information" string on items. I began to add enlarged images for some items, but it is hard and long work,
so every new version of the mod will contain several such images. Great thanks to Necrolis for coding this feature!
- No more VBS script! Now we have an EXE file to launch the mod. Thanks to Werdn for coding and to Ice_Instinct for the background art! Smile
- Some User Interface elements were changed.
- "Rescue Deckard Cain" (A1Q4) quest reward on Normal difficulty was changed. Akara gives two rare rings, Ancient Key, and standard ruby now.
- 24 new monsters (7 unique)
- 21 new locations (by Cubaholic)
- New modifiers for runes, which means that all runewords have been changed as well.
- New soundtrack for "The Ancient Vault" location by Tony Flex.
- New Horadric Hypercube animation.
- Recipes for enabling/disabling death counter on your Talisman (See 'Cube Recipes.doc/pdf').

- Act 3 Cold mercenaries use Ice Blast instead of Frost Nova.
- Chance for gold drop was reduced, but its quantity was increased.
- Chance for drop of Regurgitator blood was increased.
- Some properties of "Safety" crafted items were nerfed.
- Potions of Resistance depend on character level now.
- Sentinel of Light (one-hit-kill monster in the Spider Cavern) was removed because the contest was won.
- Level of Firebolt retaliation from Goatmen was reduced from 5 to 4.
- Gargoyle’s Thorns aura strength was reduced on Normal difficulty.
- The Smith was weakened.
- Increased chance of exceptional items while gambling on Nightmare difficulty.
- Some statistical caps were raised.
- Multiple Shot has more arrows/bolts now.
- Chance to drop mana and healing potions was reduced (excepting drops from champions).
- Level requirement for Nature's Peace was reduced; properties of Bul Kathos Wedding Band were improved.
- Drop chance for runes was boosted.
- Drop quality from sparkling chests was boosted.

Bug fixes:
- Fess' Marching Clothes set charm properties correspond to appropriate set bonuses now.
- Perspective for Tristram map was disabled.
- Day/night cycle in some dungeons was removed.
- Some animation modes for mercenaries were fixed.
- Favorite Talisman upgrading recipes using 10 Emotions and 10 Cells were changed to prevent one-HP bug when characters level up.
- Mystery Potions are not beltable anymore.
- Quest drop for Diablo was fixed.
- Range of Exotic weapons were fixed.
- Thorns, poison, and open wounds will now cause "on-death" events. So if you used Thorns to kill a monster, which must die in order to open a portal, then upon death the portal will now open.
- 32k HP character cap was removed.
- Some bugged Mystery Potions were replaced.
- Some in-game texts were edited (great thanks to Myrmidon for my-pidgin-to-common-English translation).

New contest:
- As usual, we have a new contest included in new mod version. Smile In two words: SEARCH for TREASURE!!!
does this work with 1.12
Urukabaar Wrote:does this work with 1.12
No - BFE will only work with the 1.10 patch. You will need to revert if you wish to play it (you can Google the instructions if you wish).
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
I am trying to find a way to make this mod easier, I like the look and feel of it but you cant use char editor or anything like that and as soon as you leave town you are killed if you don't run, and sometimes even if you do run, you die. And this is on easy lol
[Image: gambitsig2.png]
"But... invader's blood marches through my veins, like giant RADIOACTIVE RUBBER PANTS! The pants command me. Do not ignore my veins!" - Invader Zim
jedimaster86 Wrote:No - BFE will only work with the 1.10 patch. You will need to revert if you wish to play it (you can Google the instructions if you wish).

Actually it does. Smile All you need is 1.10 game.exe, all other 1.10 files are included in mod package.
Battle for Elements and me need asm coder. Also C/C++ knowledge is welcome too. Smile
If you interested, please, PM me.

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