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Are You Scared Of Bird Flu?
its not gunna be that bad we preven all things asain from reaching here and if it gets to mexico/cuba we stop the wet backs but the people that are mostly concerned are 12- and 70+ and im pretty sure most of us can say we qualify to be inbetween thies ages
go texas Smile why be scared? just dont go near them birds lol
beholder think for a second mutation and evolution are the same thing look how long it took "us" to evolve into what we r now ,mutations is almost like that its addapting and u can not we sure that it wont affect us ignorance is worse than panicing,i'd rather try and find a way to be immune instead of not giving a damn and risking a chance of a epidemic personally im not scared its life you die ,"you die" and your "the strongest will survive but the most adaptive will survive longer than the strongest every time ^^"
Humans have trouble adapting to changes because our intelligence gets in the way of nature. We come up with all these vaccines but yet it does not solve the problem. If we let nature take over then at least we'll develop GENETICALLY immunes to such life threatening occurances. But we're just too confident about surpassing nature.
im not too worried. unless it kills off the chicken and turkey population then there might be some "famine" in the US. but whats the worst that would really happen. the skinny anerexic people die and the fat people get skinny?
People wouldn't get skinnier if there was a chicken/turkey famine... Chicken and turkey are white meat and have FAR less fat and cholesterol than red meat... So people would get fatter if they had to fulfill their protein needs with red meat instead of white...

Just something random I thought I would include, it's relevant to the topic, to boot!
actually it would hit people who don't eat red meat, people who are almost vegan but they still like a little chicken on their salad or go out of their way to put chicken in a taco instead of beef.
all those poor delicious chickens
they had to die by being slaughtered for the flu rather than...oh

anyway, the bird flu has been around for centuries and has continuously evolved. we are concerned now because it has recently evolved into something more than dangerous than expected plus humans are just meat puppets as a species right now
All these disease scares are nothing more than that, scares. Remember s.a.r.s.? Anyone know anybody who came down with it? Bird flu is gonna turn out to be like that. Much ado about nothing.
qweeve Wrote:All these disease scares are nothing more than that, scares. Remember s.a.r.s.? Anyone know anybody who came down with it? Bird flu is gonna turn out to be like that. Much ado about nothing.
Ya and that one disease, an...*brain fart*...the one that got sent in white powder to political persons. It's just gonna be another 7.1 billion out of US savings.
you wouldn't be talking about anthrax would you? (note sarcasm (not the guy but actual sarcasm))

the only way i'm scared of the bird flu is the fact that A) i love me some popeyes chicken. B) i enjoy hunting waterfowl and quail. And C) boy do i love me some popeyes chicken.
that's anthrax, pyrocrow
and man, that is SO last week's disease
ok, to the vacination post. id we didnt have vacinations, we wouldnt many immunities. fir example polio. it is a degenerative virus that slowly eats a person away muscle wise, if it wasnt for a vacination it would be an epidemic today. also small pox, one of the most dangerous and painful dieseases(sp?) in 1970 there was a vacination created and it worked, it practically destroyed the virus. in the late 1980s during the fall of communist russia it recreated small pox. when russia collapsed it disappeared and now we are running around trying to recreate the vacination to be prepared just in case, we dont even know if the vacination would work considering it is a synthetic version. to make it easier the only way we can build an immunity to a diesease is to live with it for a very long time so that our white blood cells can recognize it, and destroy it. but that takes time time which humans dont usually have with such dieseases(sp?) such as polio or small pox. so dont go the darwin root b/c we would probably all be dead if it werent for vacinations.

hanzo, if we have been around this flu since man could walk and farm birds why is it all of a sudden choosing now to affect humans? why not the first time we ever came in contact with it? if its mutating constantly and we have them in our body, wouldnt it have affected us long ago? i think it would have if it had any ability to affect us. why do they call it a bird flu...... b/c its for birds
only 500 bill! i demand more, and do youu think the proice of poltry will really go up, that would suck, chaicken it like tho only thikg i eat
Man, i just started to get hooked onto Chicken and this happens. I'm gonna gain couple pounds now, cause i have to satisfy my protien with Red meat -_-

Well this is somthing u don't worry about untill people around you are starting to be affected. Like if ur guarding a gate against some ferocious....things, u may think ur so tough but when they come you run Faster than Donnavan Bailey.

By the Way, how is the Bird Flu Spread?
I'm not exactly sure how it spreads, but I'm thinking it's just like the common flu, in that it's mainly airborne but not really all that contagious.

Also, building up immunities to viruses is very difficult because they aren't living things (they lack RNA, a basic prerequisite of life) and can't be 'killed', exactly... They have to kinda flush out of your system.

That's something I learned from my Biology teacher... Who knows something about these kinds of things. She thinks it'll be bad. Perhaps it will, since the common flu we have now was once a bird flu itself, and it still kills a shitload of people now.
ifn that flu spread into air milions to bilions may die OR the poulation of birds infected = deaths of that numbers- immuity
it's not airborne...yet
but if it does then we are soooo ****ed
guys it wont happen, besides we are already working ona vaccination, it will take like 2 years for it to be mass produced so hold on or do what everyone is doing, celpohane your house and make it germ proof
why stop there, lets clense the wholeworld of all germs with the easist way known to man

nuclear holocost.

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