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lvl 1-20 lvl in arcane
20-24 lvl in trav
25-45 lvl in norm baal
45-70 lvl in nm baal
70-99 lvl in hell baal
is dis the right way to lvl???
if there is sumthin wrong plz post reply...
i did 1-13 in act 1 and 2 then 13-24 in arcane then 24-25 in ancients then i did the rest
looks good to me except for that i do 1-12 act1 and 13-20 arcane then the rest the same
level 1-18: act 1-4 (if you were rushed)
level 1-15: act 1-2
level 15/18-22: act 2 arcane
level 22-25: norm cows in crowded game
level 25-50: normal baal
level 50+: get rushed through nm
level 50-75: nm baal
level 75+: get rushed through hell
level 75-85: hell baal
level 85+: whatever you want, baal runs dont have much effect here
wow, thx for all the help
now my leveling is going to be faster
thanks again..
no no no...heres how you lvl....

(assuming you've been rushed)
Lvl 1-10 just join a game and just run to andy...easy as that
Lvl 10-15 Tristram runs
Lvl 15-20 Tomb runs...forget arcane runs...they suck..tomb runs pwn.
Lvl 20-24 Cows...just have a friend rush cows for you..2 games..maybe 3 of cows and you got urself lvl 24
Lvl 24-25 Ancients
Lvl 25-50 or 55 norm baal runs
Lvl 50 or 55 - 70 or 75 nm baal runs
Lvl 70 or 75 - 85 Hell baal runs
Lvl 85+ Hell baal for a bit...but once you hit lvl 86 to 87...just stick with hell exp for that lvl

And ppl say wait til 55 to go to nm...forget that...cuz if you get nm go up 2 lvls the first few baal games. Same goes with Hell Baal...go at 70...cuz it all catches up when you hit baal runs..2 lvls for the first two games..
Farva your way is too messy. My way has been used at least 20 times, and its VERY quick. Could finish it all inless than a day per character.
lol i guess its all personal preference...cuz usually everyday i make a new char...and get him to lvl 85 then a new day the biggie..just thought i'd toss out a different idea..didnt mean to offend ya or anything :-P
you mean you make new characters daily?
Yeah lol usually on a regular basis..make em..then delete em...keeps me preoccupied i guess..i mean i only have class a few hours a day...only time i dont complete a char in a day is if i got mad tests coming up or its a party nite...or if i got some intramural crap goin on lol....anyways..yeah usually everyday..maybe 2 at the most..a new char's made

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