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My friend's mom put parental controls on her AOL account so I was thinking I could keylog it. If I remember correctly, there is a built in system monitor that can keylog... If not, is there an easy program I can use that will send the logs to my email?
There isn't a built in program to do this, but you can find ones. The hard part is gonna be finding one that isn't a virus. If you can find just the source I would recommend giving it a look-through/having someone else look through it to check it isn't gonna do anything else you don't want it to do, then compile it yourself.

Actually, if what you're trying to do is remove the parental controls, you'd be better off just hacking AOL. It probably isn't that hard, and would be much safer.
I've also been asking around about hacking AOL, but the only opportune for me to do this is when I go to her house to fix her computer for her in the coming week. So I need something fast and efficient.

I'll check out keylogging sources though...

Pick one of those, if her mom asks what it is, tell her it makes her computer faster.
Then She Finds out it doesnt And Bye Bye Tool lol.
I need a public SMTP server for emailing. Any help there, Spaz?

[Edit] They give you a link to one on the site, nevermind. ^^
for SMTP server theres hmail ( a free opensource email server. apart from that you could always log the keystrokes to a file with a simple encryption (a=b, b=c ect)

edit: didn't see you wanted a public one. I assume you meant one that anyone can access from the web.However, you could just make an email account with a free provider that offers smtp access. such as Gmail or HotPOP.
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