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A Hammerdin In Uber Tristrim???
Ok well me and my friend want to beat uber tristrim. I just made a concentrate barb and he made a hammerdin. Can a Hammerdin kill uber trist or is everything too immune. And can a hammerdin atleast kill lilith or uber izual??? If he can't wouldn't a smiter be a good choice?
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
A smiter would be much better than a hammerdin in Uber Trist, and i mean MUCH better.
yes Smiter or summon necro for uber trist , i currently have a LvL 91 hammerdin and he can't do the ubers and my gear is very good
first of all, NOTHING in the game is immune to hammers, for got sake, those immune minions of baal get 50% MORE dmg from hammers because they are undead.
and secondly, hammerdin+barb in uber trist would be "ok" as long as the barb has lifetap and good enough ar to rarely miss
here's a mini guide to a smiter with extremely cheap gear that can solo ubers:
Myself in another threa Wrote:Black flail
any vipermagi,
a good resist spirit ELITE pally sheild
any belt
rings with str/dex/res
mara or any ammy with +skill and resist, resist is whats mainly important
um'd Guillaums

on switch a lifetap weapon and any sheild

trust me, i soloed ubers with EXACTLY that gear on my smiter, it took about two minutes, just get close to meph, do lifetap from ur charges, kill meph (should take about 20 seconds)
then lure baal to a safe location and lifetap him, smite him till death (20-30 seconds) you should keep at least 5 mana pots when fighting baal, since u cannot leech mana
if baals physical immune creatures are annoying u, push them away with the knockback from smite and then go kill baal in the center of tristam, lifetap from charge and attack, 20-30seconds to kill as well.

Important stuff: ALWAYS start with meph, IGNORE his minions UNTIL he is dead, then kill them one by one, using ur lifetap charges when necessary. Diablo or baal ar always after meph. Right now, u might be wondering HOW THE FU*k could this noob smiter do ubers. Well its quite simple, Crushing blow at 90% means u almost always deal a crushing blow, so for example: if meph has | | life and u do 1 crushing blow it will go down to | |. When he gets to like a small line of life, then it actually takes a while cuz CB is 1/8th of his Currect HP.
After killing the Last boss (i suggest diablo) Grab the hellfire as quickly as u can and the soh too and wait a few second, if u die then make sure its in ur inventory and leave the game, if u dont die, make sure its in ur inventory and leave

yes i did this i have the char still intact in my ladder account, except i recently found stormlash so he uses that now, but i beat them with the gear described above, and without even need to bo
Originally Posted by link_4_ever
hammerdin+barb in uber trist would be "ok" as long as the barb has lifetap and good enough ar to rarely miss

Why wouldn't a barb do good in uber trist? It's a conc barb that never dies. All i need for him is ebotd cb then he's basicly all set. Maybe a few gcs. Could i stack up crushing blow on my barb and solo uber trist with just him?
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
I have a friend and he's a freak, he took an eexile(when he was godly, he got banned F***ing easymap)and slapped it on his hammerdin and at lvl 93 he had a lvl ~15 fanat and he soloed ubers, using a hammerdin with eexile. He had 50 torches in 3 months. He has returned now and is still going to repeat his stratagy. I say it is a pretty good stratagy but, you have to be extremely godly because he had like 5 pcombs and crap so his smite was lvl1 but got boosted up to lvl 21. I say try if your rich and dont want to make a smiter.
Yes, but again why wouldn't a barb do that good in uber trist?
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
hammerdin are good in uber trist but smiters are better.
Barbs are okay. The lack of AR makes them the least used. Even with angelics, barbs dont have hoz or alma negras for the 55% bonus to AR, so the angelics just gives 1000 to AR but with a pally its 1500 so pallys get more AR.
my hammerdin killed lilith but took a while
Yeah, hammerdins can kill the little ubers, but there is alot of tping and healing at malah.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
Bartender Wrote:I have a friend and he's a freak, he took an eexile(when he was godly, he got banned F***ing easymap)and slapped it on his hammerdin and at lvl 93 he had a lvl ~15 fanat and he soloed ubers, using a hammerdin with eexile. He had 50 torches in 3 months. He has returned now and is still going to repeat his stratagy. I say it is a pretty good stratagy but, you have to be extremely godly because he had like 5 pcombs and crap so his smite was lvl1 but got boosted up to lvl 21. I say try if your rich and dont want to make a smiter.

It's just plain retarded to use a Exile on a hammerdin, you lose the +4 combat bonus you get from a zaka.
He used his exile for the smite dmg and defence.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
Oh, i see he used smite instead of hammers. Tongue
i would use a frenzy barb for the ubers so if u get damged to much u can run like crazy lol its a stratagey
hellsing293 Wrote:Ok well me and my friend want to beat uber tristrim. I just made a concentrate barb and he made a hammerdin. Can a Hammerdin kill uber trist or is everything too immune. And can a hammerdin atleast kill lilith or uber izual??? If he can't wouldn't a smiter be a good choice?

I found a zeal or smite pally + a necro that casts lifetap,summons,and boneprisons all the extra monsters out from the players works very well...just make sure the pally has lifetap and he wont ever die aslong as he keeps swingin
lol even without that much ar my barb could uber tank for the smiter. And he still deals damage. How much ar is considered good and how much is considered a lot? And can a conc barb take out a little uber?
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
I would just get a grief and remove my hoto my hdin and there wehave a good smiter.
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
Barbs are pretty useless in Ubertrist, with the exception of Frenzy barbs with very specific equipment from what I've heard. Basically, they don't do enough damage and have usually low cb. I do Ubertrist with a friend of mine, I use smiter and he uses his lvl 91 godly pvp barb, and when I mean godly, I mean godly. He has all of the top-line eq and stuff that is pretty useful for duels, however, it completely sucks in ubertrist. The basic principle is, USE A SMITER, You will save Yourself a lot of headaches.
Originally posted by FraterPerdurabo
Basically, they don't do enough damage and have usually low cb.

What if i stacked my barb up with a lot of cb and had some kind of leach to stay alive??
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....

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