02-07-2006, 07:17 AM
I nned help with hamemridnsequences
I Need Help For Manus Magnus Bot And Hammerdin Sequence
02-07-2006, 07:17 AM
I nned help with hamemridnsequences
02-07-2006, 07:36 AM
don't post this here post it in the diablo section
02-07-2006, 07:38 AM
hi sry for that, but where is the diablosectioon.can u give me a link?
Thanks very much
02-07-2006, 07:43 AM
Until a mod moves this, I will help you out. Doy ou have a sequence already? If you do, post it and I'll help you out. If you need one, I can post one.
02-07-2006, 07:45 AM
HI Now imade a new thread in the diablosection. Here i copy u all, what i wrote....
HI My Englich is not good. So I hope that U can understand me. I have a problem with the manusmagnus bot. Yesterday I downloaded the mm.BOT.MOD.63 and the mm.BOT.544B2 I read the files with .txt but i could not understand all. I gave them my password and my accountname.So all is good. Istarted the bot. it went in my account and took the right person (the paladin) It created a game normally. But in the game tha paladin walked alittle bit looked at the inventar. walked alittle bit and then there came an error: here: The first run terminated abnormally. The first run return succesful status everytime. If U are learning to use this bot you must read the ......... Then i did not know what i ahve to do. I looked alittle bit in the internet and found that u must have a sequence. I only want to play with the paladin and so i looked and i saw that ther is a sequence with the sorc in the file. so i thought that i need an hammerdin sequence. i looked and i found one. I deleated all with sorc and in the file now only stands this: here: ;############################################################################## ; ; INSERT THE SEQUENCES YOU WANT EXECUTE IN THIS FILE... ; ;############################################################################## ; Sequences are starting from the Act 5 downstairs (near Stash and Cain) ; Absolutly read the mm.BOT.MANUAL.htm to understand what you are doing. ; Usefull tool to create & tweak sequences is in \Tools\mm.RBlocks.exe ; Dont forget to try the special SEQ mode to create sequences (mm.BOT.ini) ; Know CTA switch, internal functions calls & scripts executions are possible ; throught this advanced sequencer. Read more about it in the damn manual. ;############################################################################## ; SETTINGS: Originally Posted by Sihno ;================================================= ============================= ;Gbuds HAMMERDIN for killing ELDRITCH + SHENK + PINDLE ! ;Release for version 5.27 ;Edited by Sihno to allow different keys for skills ;Get these skills if you dont have them. ;==============UPDATED TO 5.4x================== ;================Skills=========================== ======== ; Replace below the keys your character use in game for these skills: ; Note; All skills are at right click in these sequences: ;================================================= ======== @Holy_Shield_Key = s ; The key used for holy shield(leave blank if you dont have) @Vigor_Key = r ; The key used for Vigor(leave blank if you dont have) @Concentration_Key = f ; The key used for Concentration(Must have) @Redemption_Key = d ; The key used for Redemption(Must have or use ecess pots) @Teleport_Key = a ; The key used for Teleport(Must have) @Cleansing_Key = e ; The key used for Cleansing (Must have or use eccess pots) @Stand_Still = g ; The key used to stand still(Must have) @TP_Scroll_Key = F8 ; The key used for a TP(Must have) ;================ ;==========================> Hammerdin Sequences MAIN [MAIN] HummerPreCast,0 GotoAct5Wp,0 HummerPreCast,0 HummerToEld,0 HummerVsEld,5000 HummerPostEld,0 HummerToShenk,0 HummerVsShenk,7000 HummerPostShenk,0 HummerToTown,0 HummerTown_GoTo_PindleTP,0 HummerToPindle,0 HummerKillsPindle,7000 HummerPostPindle,0 HummerBackA5Town,0 ;==========================> Hammerdin vs Eldritch Pre Cast [HummerPreCast] K(@Holy_Shield_Key) S(50) RC(400,300) S(100) K(@Vigor_Key) S(50) EXIT ;==========================> GOGO!! [GotoAct5Wp] FUNC:A5EWP EXIT ;=======================> Hammerdin Travels to Eldritch [HummerToEld] K(@Teleport_Key) S(50) BRC(40,-62) WEOT(1500) BRC(36,-333) WEOT(1500) RC(530,90) WEOT(1500) K(@Concentration_Key) S(50) CLM EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Kills Eldritch [HummerVsEld] KD(@Stand_Still) S(50) LCD(580,320) CLM S(200) CMDE CTOE ;========================> Hammerdin Loots the Corpse [HummerPostEld] K(@Redemption_Key) S(1500) K(@Cleansing_Key) S(500) PICKIT(500) S(500) EXIT ;========================> Hammerdin Travels to Shenk [HummerToShenk] K(@Teleport_Key) S(50) RC(275,515) WEOT(1500) RC(550,550) WEOT(1500) BRC(400,110) WEOT(1500) RC(700,520) WEOT(1500) RC(700,520) WEOT(1500) RC(600,550) WEOT(1500) RC(700,520) WEOT(1500) RC(690,350) WEOT(1500) RC(700,550) WEOT(1500) K(@Concentration_Key) S(50) CLM EXIT ;=======================> Hammerdin Beats Down Shenk [HummerVsShenk] KD(@Stand_Still) S(50) LCD(700, 350) CLM S(200) CMDE CTOE ;=========================> Hammerdin Loots Shenk [HummerPostShenk] K(@Redemption_Key) S(500) PICKIT(500) S(500) EXIT ;=========================> Hammerdin Travels to Town [HummerToTown] CLM K(@Teleport_Key) S(50) RC(75,115) WEOT(1500) RC(75,115) WEOT(1500) RC(75,115) WEOT(1500) RC(75,115) WEOT(1500) RC(75,115) WEOT(1500) RC(100,100) WEOT(1500) K(@Cleansing_Key) S(50) BLC(175,175) S(1200) LC(116,160) S(500) PTPT EXIT ;========================> Hammerdin Charges Pindle [HummerToPindle] K(@Teleport_Key) S(50) BRC(280,-300) WEOT(1500) RC(780,50) WEOT(1500) RC(775,90) WEOT(1500) BRC(258,81) WEOT(1500) K(@Concentration_Key) S(50) CLM EXIT ;========================> Hammerdin Destroys Pindle [HummerKillsPindle] KD(@Stand_Still) S(50) LCD(700, 350) CLM S(200) CMDI CTOE ;========================> Hammerdin Loots Corpse [HummerPostPindle] K(@Redemption_Key) S(500) PICKIT(500) K(@Vigor_Key) S(500) EXIT ;============= ; BackToTownA5 ;============= [HummerBackA5Town] K(@TP_Scroll_Key) S(500) FUNC:TOWNTP ; Return to town using tp FUNC:A5TownPoint ; Check items at malah, merc status, stash, repair etc... And go to A5 Town WP. EXIT [HummerTown_GoTo_PindleTP] FUNC:A5WPtoATP ;================================================= ============== Now when I start the Bot there comes errors. Here: Error at Sequence: HummerVsEld. CMDE command doesn't exist or is badly formated. Error at Sequence: HummerVsSchenk. CMDE command doesn't exist or is badly formated. Error at Sequence: HummerToTown. PTPT command doesn't exist or is badly formated. Error at Sequence: HummerKIllsPindle. CMDI command doesn't exist or is badly formated. I hope that u can help me to understand the bot and to do the right. Please help me and say what is wrong. maybe the sequence.mabe u can send me an right bot.sequencences.ini Can u give me an right one please. My Paladin is so: hammer Konzentration The Holy Shield And i have an cta( But its not important) I play at Europe ladder/maybe this is important.
OK, well I am to lazy to try it myself right now so I'll send you mine. Just change the skill keys in the config to match with your in-game keys.
Hammerdin Eldritch + Shenk + Pindle ;==========>>Teleport Script Series<<========== ;Script: Hammerdin ;Author: Nicotine ;Based: Gbud ;Monsters: Eldritch, Shenk and Pindle ;Version: 5.43+ ;Date: NOV. 02, 2005 ;Tested: Hell ;WebSite: http://mmscripts.omnesia.net ;============================================= ;==========>>Updates<<========== ; ;Updated: Nov. 13, 2005 --> CTA Support ; ;=============================== ;==========================> Delays @Random_Delay1 = 2500,7500 @Random_Delay2 = 5000,10000 @Switch_Delay = 100 @PreCast_Delay = 100 @WarCry_Delay = 350 @Eldritch_Attack_Length = 9500 @Shenk_Attack_Length = 9500 @Pindle_Attack_Length = 9500 @Tele_Delay1 = 400 @Tele_Delay2 = 300 @Walk_Delay = 400 @Key_Delay = 50 @Loop_Delay = 100 @Pickit_Delay = 600 @Random_Sleep = 300 ;==========================> /Delays ;==========================> Skills @Teleport = f2 @Concentration = f1 @Vigor = f3 @Cleansing = @Holy_Shield = f4 @Battle_Orders = f6 @Battle_Command = f5 @Standstill = G @Town_Portal = f8 ;==========================> /Skills ;==========================> Hammerdin Sequences MAIN [MAIN] HummerPreCast,0 GotoAct5Wp,0 HummerCTA,0 HummerToEld,0 HummerVsEld,@Eldritch_Attack_Length HummerPostEld,0 HummerToShenk,0 HummerVsShenk,@Shenk_Attack_Length HummerPostShenk,0 HummerToTown,0 ;HummerToAnya,0 ;HummerToPindle,0 ;HummerKillsPindle,@Pindle_Attack_Length ;HummerPostPindle,0 ;==========================> Hammerdin Pre Casts [HummerPreCast] K(@Holy_Shield) S(@Key_Delay) RC(400,300) S(@PreCast_Delay) K(@Vigor) S(@Key_Delay) EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Prepares [GotoAct5Wp] SR(@Random_Delay1) FUNC:A5EWP EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Shouts [HummerCTA] SWITCH1 S(@Switch_Delay) K(@Battle_Orders) S(@Key_Delay) RC(400,300) S(@WarCry_Delay) K(@Battle_Command) S(@Key_Delay) RC(400,300) S(@WarCry_Delay) SWITCH2 S(@Switch_Delay) ;==========================> Hammerdin Travels to Eldritch [HummerToEld] K(@Teleport) S(@Key_Delay) BRC(130,-60) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) BRC(80,-335) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(400,150) WEOT(@Tele_Delay2) K(@Concentration) S(@Key_Delay) CLM CML EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Kills Eldritch [HummerVsEld] KD(@Standstill) S(@Key_Delay) LCD(580,320) S(@Loop_Delay) CMDEAD CLM CML CTOE ;==========================> Hammerdin Loots the Corpse [HummerPostEld] K(@Cleansing) S(@Key_Delay) PICKIT(@Pickit_Delay) S(@Random_Sleep) CLM CML EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Travels to Shenk [HummerToShenk] K(@Teleport) S(@Key_Delay) RC(275,515) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(550,550) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) BRC(400,110) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(700,520) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(700,520) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(600,550) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(700,520) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(690,350) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(700,550) WEOT(@Tele_Delay2) K(@Concentration) S(@Key_Delay) CLM CML EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Beats Down Shenk [HummerVsShenk] KD(@Standstill) S(@Key_Delay) LCD(700, 350) S(@Loop_Delay) CMDEAD CLM CML CTOE ;==========================> Hammerdin Loots Shenk [HummerPostShenk] S(@Key_Delay) K(@Vigor) S(@Random_Sleep) PICKIT(@Pickit_Delay) S(@Random_Sleep) CLM CML EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Travels to Town [HummerToTown] K(@Town_Portal) S(@Key_Delay) FUNC: TOWNTP S(@Key_Delay) K(@Cleansing) S(@Random_Delay2) S(@Key_Delay) K(@Vigor) FUNC:A5TownPoint EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Travels to Anya''s Portal [HummerToAnya] FUNC:A5WPtoATP ;==========================> Hammerdin Charges Pindle [HummerToPindle] K(@Teleport) S(@Key_Delay) CLM CML BRC(400,-310) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) RC(700,30) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) BRC(555,-80) WEOT(@Tele_Delay1) BRC(300,0) WEOT(@Tele_Delay2) K(@Concentration) S(@Key_Delay) EXIT ;==========================> Hammerdin Destroys Pindle [HummerKillsPindle] KD(@Standstill) S(@Key_Delay) LCD(700, 350) S(@Loop_Delay) CMDEAD CLM CML CTOE ;==========================> Hammerdin Loots Corpse [HummerPostPindle] S(@Random_Sleep) PICKIT(@Pickit_Delay) K(@Vigor) S(@Random_Sleep) EXIT ;==========================> /EOF Limpixx Wrote:Yesterday I downloaded the mm.BOT.MOD.63 and the mm.BOT.544B2You should download mm.BOT.5544B5 for changes and such. You can get it here ![]()
02-07-2006, 07:55 AM
okay but how do i change the skillkeys and how do i know my skillkeys???
02-07-2006, 07:58 AM
Limpixx Wrote:okay but how do i change the skillkeys and how do i know my skillkeys??? kyle_zalucha Wrote:;==========================> SkillsChange ALL of your in game skills to match this. ![]()
02-07-2006, 08:07 AM
you wouldent need a link if you scrolled down and looked
Hi i thank u very much . But i dont know the skills.
What is Vigor, Cleansing and Standstill. Please can u explain me these..... So thanks a lot Limpixx laugh: Additional Comment: Hi i have too Problems. I put this hammerdinsequence in my file. I dont have errors at the beginning. Only in the run. He stands in akt 5 goe alittle bit. and then save and exit. Always the same error, he i put this in it.Thanks for help. 02/08 14:01:00 [I]> 02/08 14:01:00 [I]> ======================================== 02/08 14:01:00 [I]> mm.BOT.544B2 was launched for Battle mode. 02/08 14:01:00 [I]> ======================================== 02/08 14:01:00 [I]> 02/08 14:01:00 [I]> Autoit Options, mm.BOT.ini, and HotKeys loaded. 02/08 14:01:03 [I]> Compilation by mmcl.PKID.Compiler.exe was successful! 02/08 14:01:03 [I]> Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded. 02/08 14:01:03 [I]> PKID loaded 199 XUniques statistics in iding database. 02/08 14:01:03 [I]> PKID loaded 5263 XRares statistics in iding database. 02/08 14:01:03 [I]> PKID loaded 7 Sets statistics in iding database. 02/08 14:01:03 [I]> PKID loaded 249 Grays statistics in iding database. 02/08 14:01:03 [I]> PKID loaded 76 Whites statistics in iding database. 02/08 14:01:03 [I]> PKID loaded 943 Magics statistics in iding database. 02/08 14:01:04 [I]> PKID loaded 6737 Total statistics in iding database. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> PKID loaded 122 XUniques items to pickup. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> PKID loaded 379 XRares items to pickup. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> PKID loaded 7 Sets items to pickup. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> PKID loaded 50 Grays items to pickup. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> PKID loaded 34 Whites items to pickup. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> PKID loaded 94 Magics items to pickup. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> PKID loaded 686 Total items to pickup. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded HummerPreCast with 7 commands. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded GotoAct5Wp with 3 commands. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded HummerCTA with 12 commands. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded HummerToEld with 13 commands. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded HummerVsEld with 8 commands. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded HummerPostEld with 7 commands. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded HummerToShenk with 25 commands. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded HummerVsShenk with 8 commands. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded HummerPostShenk with 8 commands. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded HummerToTown with 10 commands. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded 10 Total sequences. 02/08 14:01:05 [I]> Bot process priority: Medium speed. 02/08 14:01:06 [I]> Diablo II processes closed successfully. 02/08 14:01:07 [I]> Diablo 2 will be launched with these parameters: 02/08 14:01:07 [I]> C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -w -ns -lq -direct -txt -title "Diablo II" (title: Diablo II) 02/08 14:01:23 [I]> Bot process priority: Medium speed. 02/08 14:01:23 [I]> Diablo II started. 02/08 14:01:31 [I]> Login done. 02/08 14:01:35 [I]> Character selected. 02/08 14:01:35 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 Started. [Games created yet: 1] 02/08 14:01:54 [I]> Game Created successfully. 02/08 14:01:54 [I]> Starting from Act5. 02/08 14:01:56 [I]> Inventory reference: Sequences use TPs to Town and TP tome is in inventory :-) 02/08 14:01:56 [I]> Inventory reference: == Inventory: == o o o + + + + + + + o o o + + + + + + + o o o o + + + + + + o o o o + + + + + + 02/08 14:01:56 [I]> Inventory: 26 used 1*1 spaces. 02/08 14:01:56 [I]> The maximum PicKit clicks have been cuted to 4 max. 02/08 14:01:59 [E]> In town green block search failure: 400, 307, 795, 552, -230, -100 02/08 14:02:00 [E]> In town green block search failure: 400, 32, 795, 552, -230, 20 02/08 14:02:08 [E]> In town green block search failure: 450, 107, 790, 427, -360, 100 02/08 14:02:11 [E]> In town green block search failure: 450, 107, 790, 427, -360, 100 02/08 14:02:13 [E]> In town green block search failure: 450, 107, 790, 427, -360, 100 02/08 14:02:16 [E]> In town green block search failure: 450, 107, 790, 427, -360, 100 02/08 14:02:18 [E]> Failed while accessing the ACT 5 WP. 02/08 14:02:18 [E]> Function A5EWP failed. 02/08 14:02:18 [W]> Sequence exit required. SEQ2 => FUNC:A5EWP . 0 . 0 02/08 14:02:18 [E]> Failed or Fast exit required while applying GotoAct5Wp sequence. 02/08 14:02:18 [I]> Actual sequence doesnt have "town" in its name AND TP is used in sequences: 02/08 14:02:18 [W]> The bot will jump to next TOWN named sequence: HummerToTown 02/08 14:02:32 [W]> Difficuties to return back in town using Town Portal. 02/08 14:02:39 [W]> Difficuties to return back in town using Town Portal. 02/08 14:02:46 [W]> Difficuties to return back in town using Town Portal. 02/08 14:02:46 [E]> Failed to return back in town using Town Portal. 02/08 14:02:46 [E]> Function TOWNTP failed. 02/08 14:02:46 [W]> Sequence exit required. SEQ3 => FUNC:TOWNTP . 0 . 0 02/08 14:02:46 [E]> Failed or Fast exit required while applying HummerToTown sequence. 02/08 14:03:04 [W]> Did not returned in BNet room after 15 secondes. Retry. 02/08 14:03:06 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 : Game duration: 71.8 seconds. 02/08 14:03:06 [E]> Emergency stop: first run creation failed. 02/08 14:03:06 [I]> The first run must return successful status everytime. |
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