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name a band you hate most.
I absolutely hate norma jean, them and 3 doors down

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yeah i agree with frater
I'm in love with CoB, Cradle of Filth, Nevermore, etc.
But i wear polos and khaki shorts, most people who wear the tight girl jeans and the band shirt's have little or no talent on any instrument and would tell you they love zeppelin but have never heard oh john paul jones, its gettin rediculous
Cradle of filth are shit, Dani filth is arrogant and wont even say thankyou to his fans.
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
CheshireCat Wrote:You're 18 BlindMan....... that's only 4 more years, wow, you learned whatever the hell it is they teach in high school these days. You've just barely started to experience life yourself, so don't go ragging on people just because theyre a bit younger than you. The only difference between 14 and 18, you're done with puberty, and you can vote. So stop acting like you're better than him, because guess what? You're no better than the next person here.
Think of what you knew when you were 14 and what you knew when you were 18. If you're a normal person, you'd agree that there is a major difference.
Lord Sunfire Wrote:ok to start off, i only read the first page and the last page im not even goin to bother with the second because u guys are all rediculous. for one, greenday, yeah theyre new album sucks ass, its a poser album, older greenday is good. oldest greenday sucks again. however u cant say "ive only bin playing for 1 year and i think im almost as good as green day....same for linkin park..." u stupid ass u cant be better then a whole band for one, because u cant play all at once, ur talkin about guitar im assuming from ur posts on the third page, ok u think u can play better then greendays songs but does that mean you can write jack shit? no. so sit down and shut the **** up

as for you, your another one of those jacka**es that think they know what emo is. emo started as a style of dressing, not music. its evolved into a genre of music that is darker/depressed. it just used to be called alternative but its turned into "emo" and any of your favorite bands has a song u could classify as emo.

they do things different then any other band EVER, makes them unique. im sick of bands that make same gay shit for every cd thats annoying. at least SOAD is totally different from everything.

LOL theyre instrumentals always suck huh??? LOL dude i promise u that u havent listened to much of it apparently. EMO ISNT POWER CHORDS U STUPID PIECE OF CRAP LOL how bout u look up emo, find a real emo band, listen to a little and then bitch slap your face for your stupidity. i dont care if u dont like it, just KNOW about sumthing before you want to rag about it. EMO ISNT POPPY EITHER, hahahahahaha ur stupidity amuses me. it is far far far from poppy. so before you chew his ass for "knowing nothing about rock", how about u find out a little about the music u think u know oh so much about. dont like it, i dont care, just GROW UP.

SoaD is NOT unique. Ever hear of a band called Suffocation? Death metal band. Yeah, you probably don't know shit about that based on the fact that you like watered down ***** emo bull shit music like ****ing Hawthorne Heights and ****ing any other shitty emo band out there that sells out sooner than their first record is released. But that's besides the point. The point is, Suffocation pioneered what's called "blast beats". You MAY know what they are if you listen to shitty hardcore bands because all hardcore bands do them because they suck ass. Anyway, SoaD, and any other band that does them, STOLE THEM FROM ****ING SUFFOCATION SO TRY AND ****ING TELL ME THEY'RE ORIGINAL YOU ****ING ****.

Second of all. EMO IS ALL POWER CHORDS YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH. Emo bands have no talent. None what so ever. And you know what makes it worse? Is the fact that you admitted it being based off a ****ing CLOTHING TREND. I don't think you guys can look like bigger pussies now. Seriously. Wow. They have no talent, every ****ing emo kid is the same, and you're ****ing jokes. Seriously. Go grow a ****ing pair and then ****ing try and not being such a big *****. God damn.
I'm on the night train
bottoms up

I'm on the night train
fill my (tool) cup
ok,now ill tell u guys how im a rocker...first of all, u dotn even have to play an instrument to be a rocker...but, i love rock, i know rock, i listen to rock all the time, i play guitar, i have that attitude of rockers...and as for the dressing, it doesnt really matter in my opinion, my friends dont dress rocker, but they r in a tight ass hardcore/scremo band...maybe kinda like experimental rock too....but as for my dressing, i have wore band shirts since the first second week of 8th grade started...and a band jacket...and black dont think i only have 1 pants and 1 shirt...i have a variety of stuff...and also i have this spike band, but i had to take off the spikes coz school was being a faggot...and i have this sweat-band thingy that has skulls on it...i told u my dresses coz i dont remember who but one of u guys asked how i dress....even tho i dress like that it doesnt matter...bcoz its bout ur heart coz YOU know if ur rocker or not, YOU know wat u love...also, u dont really need a band to be a rocker...but im in 8th grade rite now, which is middle school, and in my area no one forms bands in 8th grade...the place i live in is very different prolly from where u guys live...there r almost no rockers in my school...i only know 1 other REAL rocker besides me...and dont think im a poser coz im really not, its just bcoz i made a bad first impression thats y im having to take this crap from u guys...also, i DO NOT love emo...wat i was trying to say is that i dont hate it, neither do i love into metal/hardcore...lordsunfire, u ****ing moron read my lines CAREFULLY, i said i can ALMOST play as good as them...and i DO write my own music...but wen i say "write", i dont mean that i sit down and think it up in my head, i just play guitar and it starts coming to me, thats how i free-style solo coz i just start playing and it just starts sounding good and BAM, b4 i know it im starting to make a song...remember ive only bin playing a year and i will put sumthing on youtbue or record sumthing to show u guys...and also tool, all kinda rock uses power cordes u dumbshit...dont u hear metal bands? power cordes r always playing...even tho i agree metal power cordes r differnt from others...and also emo isnt always power cords dude...but enough talk of emo, i dont wanna make it look like i listen to emo all the time, coz i dont...and lord sunfire i DO know wat emo is, and u ****ing faggots dont call me little kid, back wen u were young 14 year olds were prolly pieces of shit but i aint no 'little kid'....and blindman i agree with u that wen ur 14 then wen ur 18, its a HUUUUUUGE difference...its already bin changes happeneing in my life and 4 years from now lots will happen......ok now. since im kinda like a beginner guitarist, i need advice from u guys, i play 2 hours a day almost every day and i do songs by ear...i cant really judge how good i am but from comparing myself to others, i think im good enough AT MY LEVEL...considering i have bin playing a year, minus 7 weeks coz i broke my arm and had a cast and couldnt play guitar at all...TYPING WITH 1 HAND FOR 7 WEEKS SUCKS!!! school also sucked lol...aight ne ways u guys gotta gimme advice and put all the arguments and hatred behind just for 1 sec.....

Additional Comment:
and tool, it seems to me that u just LOOOOOVE kussing and hating on ppl...i bet u come to the steam room just to find an excuse to kuss the shit out of ppl lol...
Tool Wrote:SoaD is NOT unique. Ever hear of a band called Suffocation? Death metal band. Yeah, you probably don't know shit about that based on the fact that you like watered down ***** emo bull shit music like ****ing Hawthorne Heights and ****ing any other shitty emo band out there that sells out sooner than their first record is released. But that's besides the point. The point is, Suffocation pioneered what's called "blast beats". You MAY know what they are if you listen to shitty hardcore bands because all hardcore bands do them because they suck ass. Anyway, SoaD, and any other band that does them, STOLE THEM FROM ****ING SUFFOCATION SO TRY AND ****ING TELL ME THEY'RE ORIGINAL YOU ****ING ****.

Second of all. EMO IS ALL POWER CHORDS YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH. Emo bands have no talent. None what so ever. And you know what makes it worse? Is the fact that you admitted it being based off a ****ing CLOTHING TREND. I don't think you guys can look like bigger pussies now. Seriously. Wow. They have no talent, every ****ing emo kid is the same, and you're ****ing jokes. Seriously. Go grow a ****ing pair and then ****ing try and not being such a big *****. God damn.

ur naevity gives me a great laugh. who said anything about hawthorne heights? i sure as hell didnt u ***tard so dont bring it into the conversation. tell me a band that hasnt sold out and that is actually heard of, not some garage band, who ****ing turns down money u piece of shit. all bands get money for their music so hmm u could say they all sell out cant u. why would they promote not downloading music if they werent all sellouts, mayb because makes them lose money. very little money mind u but theyre all the same, they want all they can get. now about emo again how about u go back up to my last post and goto the website and read and perhaps listen to sumthing before you open ur naeve mouth again, ur making a fool of yourself. u look like a little 12 year old that decides to fight against anything anybody says because they think they know it all. yeah goto the site, read some, listen some, learn what emo really is, then shut your ****ing mouth. and when did i say i dress emo LOL never. did i even say i like it? ummm no, im sayin ur ****ing stupid because ur deciding u hate sumthing without knowing what it is. get over yourself, u dont know it all. and whoever ****ing said fallout boy was in fact emo ur a stupid peice of shit too, im glad ur claiming so much that a band is emo when they dont even claim that themselves, honetly u dumbass we knew u were stupid, but u didnt have to go open ur mouth and remove all doubt.

OH and i forgot, u know ur sig??? perhaps u should put some emo bands on it. the only one of those that is emo is hawthorne.

lolol god ur stupid, tellin me i need to read what u wrote carefully, how about u reread what i wrote because it does say and i even put it in little quotations for your dumb ass that you said ALMOST, so shutup LOL
People, if you really want forumgoers to read your posts remember: Use the ****ing enter key every once in a while.

Sunfire, I can't ****ing read what you write. It's like you took a heaping shit on the keyboard and that's what came out. It isn't a lack of comprehension, it's a lack of you making any ****ing sense. If you want a decent reply that actually adresses your argument, make it so we can read it.

As a footnote: Nobody will take anything you say seriously if you "LOL" at yourself and put your location as "under ur bed."
Lord Sunfire Wrote:u stupid ass u cant be better then a whole band for one, because u cant play all at once, ur talkin about guitar im assuming from ur posts on the third page, ok u think u can play better then greendays songs but does that mean you can write jack shit? no. so sit down and shut the **** up

Well, maybe the reason for why Green Day sucks is that they cannot write songs for shit either?
Lord Sunfire Wrote:ur naevity gives me a great laugh. who said anything about hawthorne heights? i sure as hell didnt u ***tard so dont bring it into the conversation. tell me a band that hasnt sold out and that is actually heard of, not some garage band, who ****ing turns down money u piece of shit. all bands get money for their music so hmm u could say they all sell out cant u. why would they promote not downloading music if they werent all sellouts, mayb because makes them lose money. very little money mind u but theyre all the same, they want all they can get. now about emo again how about u go back up to my last post and goto the website and read and perhaps listen to sumthing before you open ur naeve mouth again, ur making a fool of yourself. u look like a little 12 year old that decides to fight against anything anybody says because they think they know it all. yeah goto the site, read some, listen some, learn what emo really is, then shut your ****ing mouth. and when did i say i dress emo LOL never. did i even say i like it? ummm no, im sayin ur ****ing stupid because ur deciding u hate sumthing without knowing what it is. get over yourself, u dont know it all. and whoever ****ing said fallout boy was in fact emo ur a stupid peice of shit too, im glad ur claiming so much that a band is emo when they dont even claim that themselves, honetly u dumbass we knew u were stupid, but u didnt have to go open ur mouth and remove all doubt.

OH and i forgot, u know ur sig??? perhaps u should put some emo bands on it. the only one of those that is emo is hawthorne.

lolol god ur stupid, tellin me i need to read what u wrote carefully, how about u reread what i wrote because it does say and i even put it in little quotations for your dumb ass that you said ALMOST, so shutup LOL

The difference between you and me is I have a great understanding of all things and you're just an emo *****. I do know what emo is. I do know what it's about. Any little bullshit site you give me that an emo **** made to make it look like he's not a ***** is not going to convince me otherwise. Thank you and good night.

Nice job commenting on the fact that I totally ****ed you on the SoaD thing. Really shows you how well you debate. Which, in your case, is really shitty. Don't go out for it in school. Trust me. You'll lose. To kids like me. Who actually know what the **** they're talking about.

Yeah, my sig man, totally! The Used is totally not an emo name at all! I mean my god, emo bands never complain about being used and then thrown away or some other stupid silly little bullshit that doesn't matter to a normal human being. But in the eyes of an emo, it's worse than death! OH EM GEE!

Fallout Boy is emo. I don't care what you or anyone else says. I, again, do know what the **** emo is about without reading your stupid silly bullshit faggy ass piece of shit site.

I'm really looking forward to your next post. So please, take [/sarcasm]'s advice and use the enter so I can read it faster.
I feel bad for dark immortal, I think he might have had something else in mind when he made this thread. I'm sure it wasen't made to have a heated discussion about ETR,LNO,EMO, or whatever the hell it is.
I personally don't think anyone is proving their point that their genre is best here, it's all like mindless bullshit. However, I do love Metal more than any other genre... it's basically the only genre of music I listen to, so even as badly argued as it is in this thread, I am on the Metal side.
GodandRock made a 50 line post and it was all one sentence, that's just talent.
On the other note, you can't call people stupid jackasses when you type like a total dipshit yourself. That's about all I have to say, I'm not going to argue in this thread seeing as it gets nowhere because no side will listen to the other's points.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
good call haha. its pointless to argue with somebody when they got such a big head and think they know so much that they dont take anything else into account.

hey man im glad u think all those bands are so emo even tho none of them consider themselves emo. good call man good call. if you think you are so good at debating then why dont u listen to the rebuttle??? that IS part of debating. Besides, if u use opinions over facts in debate then it loses its point and becomes flat out lame.

For the last time im not emo, i dont dress emo, i dont even listen to emo, so get past that.

ohoh i know who sucks, PRINCE...... yeah i cant stand prince and i saw the music video for one of his new songs and gooodness, hes certaintly not getting any better!
If they aren't emo why do the play emo music?
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
Godandrock, you said black pants are they hot topic pants, if they are you=poser fo sho
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
I don't see why people hate that store.
Everyone poses to an extent.
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
I hate that store because now preppy ****s and gothic kids seem to think that's like the hang out spot. Like, somehow, shopping there makes them a rebel. Get a ****ing grip you ****s. It's a store. You're not unique by shopping at a place just because people think that rock music is Satanic. In fact, you're a ****ing retard.
I also can't stand commercial "punk rock" and i use the term losely,

why: because it give me a headache.

Slightly off topic have any of you heard of a band called Seether and what you think of them?
[Image: Sig2Vectorcopy.png]

Please vote for us, it takes you 5 seconds.
I cant stand them =/
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
yeah amen to that

most people tend to see themselves as hardcore if they were umbrella pants and have weird haircuts. It's more about your outlook and attitude on things.

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