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Zealot Weapon
ok i just made a zealot tonight but i stopped at lvl 50 after about an 1 and 1/2 of playing so i can get a weapon bought for him. what should i get?? i used to be a doom fan, it ownz ebotdz with a zealot vs zealot battle 9/10 times because of holy freeze, however doom doesnt compare to the newer runewords like last wish or eDEATHz. which of the 3 should i get? doom, last wish or edeathz??

how much is a good doom zerker worth?

how much for last wish zerker?

and how much for an eth death zerker??

(preferably in sojs, or mayb hi's for NONladder USWEST) thanks for the help!
Well eDeathZ is extremely expensive due to ladder only, and is about the same as an ebotdz but has lower damage but 50%cb, a good uber killer, use a eDeathZ if you can get a high one, or just a mid ebotdz.
Bartender Wrote:Well eDeathZ is extremely expensive due to ladder only, and is about the same as an ebotdz but has lower damage but 50%cb, a good uber killer, use a eDeathZ if you can get a high one, or just a mid ebotdz.

dont forget it has deadly strike 0.5% per lvl.. the only reason anyone uses it anyway.

ive yet to see a zealer use LW, but i dont think its a good choice
on non ladder west there are like, 1 or 2 ebug doomz so if ur extremely lucky u can try to get one

LW and edeathz are both extremely costly on non ladder, i have no precise pc since ive not played nl in nearly 4 months

i know doomz is usually 3-5hr depending on -cold and ed
got a doom today, 4hr. could have been lil better ed but its not bad. thanks for help. ill upgrade to edeathz when i can afford
I know I'm a newb because I ask, but how do you get to a good IAS breakpoint if you're using eDeathZ? I remember it having no IAS?
isnt it like 136%?
according to this guy, u need 60ias with a zerker to reach 4fps, i dont know if its with or without fanact. its possible to reach the breakpoint with an edeathz, but u would need to sacrifice a few things
sacrafice a few things like what??? cuz i got a better then perfect edeathz last night WOOT for cheap to, my not so great doomZ and nearly perfect but not superior archon enig....its kickass. but im not as fast, what do i need. if i post my gear up will u guys help me to figure out what i need to max?


nevermind that guides sweet, and it tells u how to hit the caps for fhr and ias. with my death zerker even tho it has no ias, u only need 60 ias to cap it, its not too difficult, i put a 40/15 in my hoz and one in my gaze (yeah yeah yeah i know gaze sucks but i cant afford anything better right now considering all i can get that is better is coa....or.....coa...and i dont have 7 runes for a one sock ber coa let alone 20 or whatever a ber ber coa is.)

depending on whether or not i wanna wear angels or not....if i wear angelics i just have to take off my dracs and put my gouts and them with nos coil and my 40/15 shield and helm, makes sixty. if i dont wanna wear angelics i put on my highlords and then my dracs back on and its maxed still.

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