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What hit the Pentagon?
what hes saying is that teh evidence provided by the US government is completely inconclusive to the damage a boeing 747 would actually cause
Yes, I've known this and stated this multiple times throughout this thread. I just don't get how people believe every single word the government says when it is an elite ruling class. They have the power to lie and they do it all the time. I'm not saying I believe in the "Octopus" or the "Illuminati" or anything just stating the facts.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
what i think and please dont flame me for this its just my opinion is that bush staged the 9/11 attack as a reason to move troops into iraq and the middle east, just like germany had spies in poland shoot at germanys own soldiers during WWII so germany could invade poland without any reprecussions.
Without a doubt in the back of my mind it was staged by someone within our government or something would have been done with the intel that we supposedly had on it.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
exactly my thoughts
hell the illuminati seal in on your $1 bill or is it $20?
c'mon i thought some of you guys would have some common sense to atleast some of the facts shown
I did a little reasearch and here is what I was able to turn up in less than 10 min.

the video that was released:

Flight 77 details...

it was a 757, not a 747.

757's are A LOT smaller then 747's if you didn't bother to read those.

And on the JFK assassination, it's very easy to get off 3 shots with a bolt action rifle in less then 12 seconds (I think that is what they said on Full Metal Jacket). Any talented rifleman can do it, and the man who did it had marine training....
even still the wingspan of a 757 is 124 ft so the hole would still be considerably bigger than it is
now this would be one hell of a consparacy theroy :p
well this is 5 years past so it shouldnt be much of a major issue
but if it was proven the attack was u.s. based then this should become somthing quite heated

(yeah yeah i kno this sounds like im swaping sides Tongue)
lol nice image, sephiroth must hate the us lol
LOL Bush's pic is fitting, he looks like a retard.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
Look, there was only one tape that showed the place crash into the pentagon, also there was only one frame in the footage before the place or missle hit the pentagon. It's unknown, but from the footage, the thing looked like a very large place.
I don't think it looked big at all... But who here knows how far that surveillance camera was from the scene. It could have been a small plane but it definetely wasn't a commercial airliner. I just don't get why the government goes out of their way to give us unclear information all the time... I don't want to imagine how many man-hours they use just planning these kind of things. It is just so calculated and precise.
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
Quote:even still the wingspan of a 757 is 124 ft so the hole would still be considerably bigger than it is

well, it wouldn't hit head on if the plane was banked completely sideways, trying to turn hard enough so it wouldn't miss.
one very important point that all of you seem to be missing. what about the people? we are talking about men, women and children that died when that plane hit the pentagon. you cant deny that those people didnt die. it was a commercial airplane that hit the pentagon. we are talking about actual, physical people who perished. all of these conspiracy stories are just full of it.
some further reason if yall want it, but i doubt that youll read this... keep on watching your loose change..
US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.
Very good article, Mob.

I find it funny how we are all the close minded ones.
why is thast mob? why are all consparcy theroies a just total bull how can you say that there information given has some plasable truths to it, where are the chared remains of the passengers then why isnt there a more apparent skid mark if the plane hit the ground first as they said in the first place wheres an engine of a 757 or a tail section or even a part of a wing , and if it skidded on the ground when turning wheres a wing thick line that it should have caused or better yet how could a plane decending on an angle and dragging a wing on the ground nearing the pentagon reach the pentagon w/o crashing as soon as the wing dug in

can you say that you have total acceptance of what the government states?
the gov is corrupt as much as you or I
stop expecting the wings of a plane with a 124ft to much damage. i imagine if the plane hit head on, the wings would fold into the vessel of the plane. causing all the damge to be centered. therefore the damge would be focused to one spot.

i remember watching the planes hit the towers on tv. there wasn't much of a hole CONSIDERING a plane just flew into it. don't expect just because the plane has a massive wing span that the hole or damage will be the same.

something to think about before you question the size of the hole a plane put in a building. i mean, you guys must of seen a lot of planes hit buildings to know that the damage doesn't add up.
Quote:Some of you say U.S wouldn't harm its own people to go into war. Its soposedly Known that Roosevelt knew that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor, and he could ahve saved many lives by telling them to be ready. But no he didnt and let this happen, For what? To join in World War 2.

They had decoded a japanese message and they THINK it said they were going to bomb pearl harbor and it was beleive this was a trick so they would send everyone to defend pearl harbor while they attack a u.s. base that was closer and larger and would cripple us more.
not because they want an excuse to join the war
so your saying that no one died.. that no one was killed in the plane apart from the pilots when it hit the pentagon.. to better explain why there may have been no "remains" look at the plane crashes in water (cant remember one off the top of my head) they could find no remains at all. the planes literally shattered into hundreds of peices and there were no bodies. the same thing happened at the pentagon. when something traveling at that velocity collides with something.. there will be barely any debris, not to mention bodies left. there was was a full report done on all of these crashes by the 9/11 Commission

Additional Comment:
i just think it is a diservice to all of the people who died on the plane
US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.

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