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dell does not allow you to modify its bios too much such as overclocking. and others stuff i think. so i would go with hp because ive always liked hp. and when overclocking video cards i tried with a 256 5500 nvidia and overclocking did not help bf2 at all. lol the card was probably too cheap.
How am I fool tool?
Business & Computer Science major
i know some people hate to hear this but i paid a bit more and bought an alienware aurora m7700 laptop from the alienware store online instead of an hp or dell, gateway etc ....and besides the thing being two days late from the ship date i dont have any complaints..within the last year my gf and i both blew up our toshiba satellite p-30 laptops due to over heating and she got hers fixed and it broke again and both of our warranties are now i use it as a t.v tray....but this alien is awesome its fast as hell and always stays cool, where the toshibas were always smoking hot..anyways good luck lots of choices out there either idea to ask people their opinions in a ****ing nerd filled forum like this lol its probably the best feedback you can get to be quite honest...
hey back off with the ****nerd stuff...~_~...yeah i can even buy a $5000 that can last me a lifetime. *exageration* well thats a good alien ware computer. but its too expensive for me. lol
i was just being honest its good to have input and there are alot smarter people on this site than me i didnt mean it in a negative way
maybe you didnt take care of the hp. i have a hp, i dont use it though. its still running very strong.
Not sure why or how a 256 card would be better than a 512 card?? As far as computers... thats a hard roll of luck.. some HPs crap out as well as the Dell or Gateway's... I know ppl who have Rock Solid pc's of these brands to with never a problem or glitche. Im sort of a fan of buidling computers. at least you can gain more comprehension of what is going on and how it runs. Like most electronic items ppl do upgrade every 3 years or so. If thats the case i dont think it would really matter. Stay cheap and never overpay. Alienware is the top rated gaming pc on the market, but at what cost?? 2.5k-4.5k for a computer nowadays is rapage... Thats what they cost like 10 years ago when technology wasnt so massed and updated... a 3ghz pc shouldnt be unattainable to the avg person in my opinion... If u dont like the price of somehting ... wait 6 months or so when new technology comes out and the price drops for the item u seek is my advice..
[quote]Not sure why or how a 256 card would be better than a 512 card?? QUOTE]

yeah there is its cheaper. haha. pci express. theres bargain ones for ~100
some 256s are better due to image pipelines and threading including the times they run. some 512s run about 278 while some 256s run around 300-388. just depends on what rpm they are built with.
It also depends on the type of RAM the GPU use's. Iv seen a 128 get more FPS than some 256, simply it used DDR3 RAM.
XKazeCloudX Wrote:dell does not allow you to modify its bios too much such as overclocking. and others stuff i think. so i would go with hp because ive always liked hp. and when overclocking video cards i tried with a 256 5500 nvidia and overclocking did not help bf2 at all. lol the card was probably too cheap.

well you need more than just bios with dell and hp to overclock the computer, you need access to cmos and frequencies lists. its better to have a computer with some kind of switchboard or jumper anyways cause if its locked, you can change jumper speed lol. the overclocking will sometimes not show but you'll notice a change in game. this one old dell in the next room uses a 128mb gddr2 and i clocked it. still shows 128 but in game the fps changed from 48 to 60 with ping pages from 239/434 average to 318/434 average
Screw HP!!! Dell can do much better then HP, besides dell has better support, not as good as IBM but better then HP. HP pc's suck, they are cheap computers for cheap price. If u get one dont be surprised if it breaks in 4months.

Honestly though, invest in an Athlon AMD dualcore. Pricy, but godly for gaming.
demonwing Wrote:Screw HP!!! Dell can do much better then HP, besides dell has better support, not as good as IBM but better then HP. HP pc's suck, they are cheap computers for cheap price. If u get one dont be surprised if it breaks in 4months.

Honestly though, invest in an Athlon AMD dualcore. Pricy, but godly for gaming.

I beg to differ. Dell is locked up too much so the user cant customize hardly at all compared to HPs. Dell supposively has better support but thats cause there usually isnt many things to notice since its locked up and disables half the error windows that attempt to pop up. they just randomly restart the errored unit and loses changes. They also cant be tweaked or customed with different cards. Dell is picky on what parts to use. Thier range is limited. And if i remember right, dell is about 50 bucks cheaper than half the HPs out there. The computer illiterate that are curious should get dell so they dont ruin something important or somewhat important since dell and its files are usually 64% locked.

HP on the other hand is only 30% locked cause they give their buyers a choice of parts they can add themselves and allow them access to the files so they can change things around tho some are risky changes such as changing the system32 files so instead of windows XP showing, it will be a custom bootup. Dell wont allow it. I think of dell like aol. Over protective but not in the right areas. They think they know what they are doing but half the time its from a book that is right in front of them. and makes dialup look like a roadrunner.
welp...looks like i got my answer

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