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Gah, Stings problem wtf?
Hey all, well basicly Stings mh 2.24 for patch 1.11b is not working. I set all my options as they should be for the automatic reveal map and well.. it dosen't reveal the map. So I even click on "reveal map" and I get the: "Pleas be sure you are in a game before you do this. If you are in a game and still got this information, it is usually due to mismatched game version, which you can get in "about me" dialog.

So.. what does mismatched game version mean?. What do I do to fix it?

Things I've Done So Far, But Still No Luck
- Reinstalled d2 three times
- DLed patch 1.11b and tried to install, but I already have(So don't say I need patch 1.11b.)
- Tried multiple options
- Read every Stings tut. know to man.
- Oh yea, I never exit out of the untitled-notepad either so yea.

My settings in Options just to let you know there correct:

Disable Auto load
-Disable Auto load
Reveal Act
-Auto reveal without IScan
Integrity Scan
-Scan Specified

Lately, I've been at my friends house staying the night, I installed stings and did the same settings I have at home on my computer, and guess what.. worked perfect, also my account is fine no banned :p but now that I'm home it's not working. Sad

So.. I'm guessing there an issue or something with my computer? MAYBE, lets not say "it's your computer, it sucks, buy a new one, you can never use stings mh on it, gg ezpk" thats the last thing I want to hear..

So If you know anything that may help share it with me, I'll give you lots of love, hell I'll donate all my points to you, I just want this damn mh to work. Sad

I also sen't a e-mail to sting([email protected]), I'm hoping he checks his e-mails often. blank:
I have the right to laugh if you get banned. j/k
didnt you see there was a mass ban lately?

meh.. there's a sticky posted about this i suggest you read it.
have you also checked to download the latest patch?
Stings is undectable. and read in my orginal post, it has everything you need to know.
Umm not really buddy. Stings is detectable. And when you get banned dont make a thread about it. Havent you heard about ppl getting banned from it.
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?
Divine Wrote:Umm not really buddy. Stings is detectable. And when you get banned dont make a thread about it. Havent you heard about ppl getting banned from it.

nope thats why i been testing it since the bans laugh:
Lol I can probably search up on this forum alot of bans from stings.. but it IS detectable.
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?
Look kid, I've been using it on friends computer for like 4 days now, no bans no nothing and why do you care.. be like the rest of the internet, DONT HELP AND WATCH ME SUFFER.
Omg!! Keke 4 days. It doesnt matter.. you could use it for a year and you will never know. And im doing this so you DONT get banned.... and compain " zomg zomg zomg my acountz gets bann3d 4 lyfez fum maphax! "

I try to help you but w/e.
I never said dont use it. I said it can get you banned.
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?
Where did you download your version of Sting's? I got mine from the download section here and followed the directions in Siris's stickie. If you didn't get your copy here, maybe you can try it. Sorry I cannot offer more technical help.

I use it, no banning with the Reveal Act only. I took the added precaution of renaming the .dll just in case.

Good Luck
yea i got my copy here.
Sorry, I am out of my league here. And apparently so is everyone else. Hopefully Sting will respond to your email. Have you had any similar problems before?
I've used stings since it came out & I have never been banned....Missed a couple mass bans, everyone who got banned with stings used d2jsp or used stings plugin devilish:
i heard justin got banned.. and i think all he used was stings
right justin?
L4E Wrote:i heard justin got banned.. and i think all he used was stings
right justin?

no one has been banned for usen just stings without plugins

i have been usen stings for months without a ban from just it

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