09-25-2006, 03:36 PM
Final Finished this Aruadin Crossed with foh works good
Skills (Combat)-20Foh-1 to 5Charg-5HolyShield
Skills (Offence)-20Holyshock-5 to 10Conviction
Skills (Defence)-15Resist All 10Literesist
Finished at lvl 85-89
Gear (20-20 Archon armor Lite can range from 4-10hi)or (15%lite ormus with 5/5LFacet)
(Dream Bv=1-4hi)-(DreamPalieShield= 1 to 7hi) or (Dream troll1-2hi)
(Verd= 1-3hi)-(SPider 1hi)-weapon 25-25ceptor 3-3Convtion/foh
or runemaster 5sok 25-25 melee charger and basic gear for rest.