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Handstand muscle groups?
Was just wondering if anyone knew which muscle group is most involved when walking/standing/jumping/balancing on hands

Like this for example

[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/admin/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg[/IMG][Image: a-handstand-split.jpg]

Which are the major muscles used to do this and last? and which excercises will enable to train them to make them stronger, faster?

I've started breakdancing and powermoving and any info would really help!

(yes ive googled but found almost nothing)

and if anyone knows stretching exercises to help reach a perfect split, that would help too Wink
Steve-O is godly at handstand walking. He walked like all the way down the Parliament stairs in Finland when he visited the Dudesons.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
well how would i contact him, lol
Strong muscliar arms and hands obviously... It's just all over, if you have a weak spot in your arm/hands (like a non-toned muscle) than it'll be just that much more difficult. Do general arm-workouts, and use stress balls for your hands.
[Image: d3609717.jpg]
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:
Skye Wrote:You don't like it? Why is that?
Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.
You need a lean toned body. No area larger than the other. Sort of like a rock hard bendy straw. If you can achieve that, not only will you be able to do handstands, you'll of opened up the world of parkour to your body.
to answer the question: mostly shoulders and triceps to hold yourself, but you need strong core muscles to balance.
Bloodangel26 Wrote:to answer the question: mostly shoulders and triceps to hold yourself, but you need strong core muscles to balance.


and also you dont need to be built like a straw to breakdance, friend of mine was like 5'9 about 185 pounds of muscle. and could breakdance like all the other little breakdancing homo's. this cat did handstand pushups till i got tired of watchin :/
You said so much without ever parting your lips.

[Image: tap100.jpg]
lol yeah but some peoples genetics enable them to increase muscle mass much more quickly, and if you have too much muscle mass it will often deteriorate agility. But myself i dont have large muscles but im stronger than my friend who is my height (6'1) and he has larger muscles. Must mean my genetics wont enable me to get large muscles quickly, but they'll be stronger, which is kickass for breakdancing Tongue

Anyway, thanks alot for the info everyone! gonna go look for some exercises for my shoulders and triceps, since what i really need is to be able to go from frog position to handstand, the balancing i can more or less manage

hm plus i got my left arm wounded playing ultimate frisbee with a ****ing idiot who thought it was like american football...
well to gain muscle mass take eggs and red meat but always excersize. and to me it seems that you need more muscle on your wings and shoulders. that is do more pushups? and bench =/ maybe that will help.

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