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D2 Loader Multi copies.. how many
i've been using d2loader to have two copies running at once, but now that i have a third cd key avaliable i'm wondering if that's at all possible.. why would i need this? well the cd keys aren't exactly mine, i own one and the two friends i play with mainly are the owners of the others. if i had all three of our cdkeys avaliable to use on my computer that would some things we do a lot easier. i'm not thinking 3 copies will work after looking at wm hunters guide but i suppose there's a chance, thanks guys.
Loader doesnt limit the amount of copies you can have running, but you can only run a total of four because battlenet only allows 4 connections from 1 ip
You can actually have 8 connections to, but only 4 connections to a diablo 2 realm. Feel free to load single player games until your computer freezes though!
wow thanks for the good news.. now.. i'm afraid i have to ask for a tutorial or at least a nod in the direction i need to head to be on my way to setting up multiple diablo 2s...
Thats not totally true I have 6 Keys and can have up 2 4 in 1 game but the others gotta b in a different game.
you are right, it is 4 per realm per ip. although if you can get 4 in game and 2 in another game on the same realm let me know.

ok as for instructions.

i hope you know how to fill the cdkeys.
first make a cdkeyx.mpq for each set of keys you have.

then make multiple shortcuts on your desktop for each one.

right click on the short cut and make them look like this
key one
target: "D:\Games\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -mpq cdkey1.mpq -title "1"
key two
target: "D:\Games\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -mpq cdkey2.mpq -title "2"
key three
target: "D:\Games\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -mpq cdkey3.mpq -title "3"

your d2 folder will be somewhere else so make sure you get it right. the important part is the -mpq cdkeyx.mpq part after the game location. also if you want each window to have a different title type anything in the quotes after the -title

if you want it windowed use -w and if you dont want the window to minimize use -nohide after the -w
techwarrior - thanks a lot for getting me on track.
here's what i tried (yes, it's not working just yet)
the original cdkeys i used for d2 i cannot see anywhere on my computer, the d2loader shortcut has no -mpq etc in the command line. i followed the instructions in wm hunters guide for adding a second copy of d2, and for the third copy here is what i tried to do.
i made a copy of the cdkey mpq and added a 1 to the original i nthe d2 folder. with the copy, i renamed it just cdkey.mpq and put it in the d2 folder. i changed my auto-cdkey regis edit and added it to the registry. i changed the command line in my second d2 to cdkey1.mpq and it still works. i changed the new cdkey mpq to cdkey2.mpq and likewise changed the shortcut's command line. it doesn't work though, and still uses the key from #2 d2.dang i hope that made sense. i'll keep tryin stuff out though. thanks

edit: tried new stuff like editing the regis file to add directly to cdkey1.mpq and 2 instead of just renaming them cdkey.mpq when i wanted to edit and the #3 copy is still saying the keys are being used by #2. i checked the keys in the files and they are different so.. i'll keep workin on it.
i have a bone psn necro and a fire sorc anyone intrested in helping me dupe?

Make your own individual thread

what realm and ladder or non?

as stated above

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