01-02-2007, 12:08 PM
Well there is a game called ghost which is fun to play when you are bored. You can play with 2 or more people. You post 1 word and someone else posts another word and this continues until a sentence is formed. Whoever finishes the sentence gets a G. Then you start over and when you miss you get G,if you miss twice you are at GH and it keeps going until one person spells GHOST. The person who gets a g-h-o-s-t loses and then you start over.You can only use 3 adjectives or 3 very's in a row and you can only use the word "or" once and. and you cant use the word "and". Also if there is any possible way of ending the sentence with the word you chose, then you get a letter.
Bob: It
Tim: Is
Bob finished the sentence so he gets a G
I start this thread off with the word I
Bob: It
Tim: Is
Bob finished the sentence so he gets a G
I start this thread off with the word I