I tried to Spam URLs I am completely retarded People like me should know better than to try and Troll these forums. I should be tared, feathered, and beaten with the moron stick. I am utterly incompetent.
I too have been looking for a new dupe method, trying night after night
after night to produce a viable dupe method
I think packet sending is the ket to a new dupe method
You said you have duped, fluke or no fluke a dupe is a dupe even if it poofed
Wich deserves some serious attension
I recomend redvex with netstuff plugin for packet sending
and undetectable thus far, i personally use it
I have several packet lists and guides for sending
I would be more than happy to write some packet strings
to assist your dupe efforts or supply the guides and lists
hit my msn or mail me if u need any help man
6d 9 byte( 6d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00) packets are connection alive packets for bnet not sure if its client to server or server to client.