02-06-2008, 08:30 PM
Blizzard has updated the Under Development page for World of Warcraft with some goodies related in the near future. According to the Under Development page, the features we're mentioning below will be implemented in future so patches, so you also get a taste of the game world beyond patch 2.4.
In any case, here's what's on the agenda for the near future:
- Sunwell Isle - A new area located north of Silvermoon City
- Sunwell Plateau - A high-level 25-player instance featuring six bosses
- Magister's Terrace - A high-level 5-player instance
- New Reputation - The Shattered Sun Offensive is Shattrath City's answer to Kael'thas's operations in the Sunwell; it is comprised of the combined forces of the Aldor and the Scryers, led by the naaru.
- New Daily Quests and Interactive Quest Hub
- UI Improvements -- New combat log features and customization
- Quest Improvements
- New daily fishing quest
- Maximum daily quests per day increased to 25
- New repeatable Battleground quests
- New daily fishing quest
- Item Improvements
- New Heroic badge rewards
- Some PvP rewards now obtainable through PvE content
- New Heroic badge rewards
- Caverns of Time - New teleportation portal to the Caverns of Time accessible through reputation with Keepers of Time