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Help with Pickit
hi im a new member and i just started to play D2 again.
i was wondering if there are any programs like Pickit or something else.
I need a program that picks up stuff automatically, i dont know what there called.

Ive been searching for a program like that, but i cant find any that works on Bnet safe and D2 V1.12

You could try Mindigo 3 - Pickit which is a plugin for RedVex Diablo II Proxy v3.2
im sorry i dont know how to use it.

do i install redvex diablo 2 proxy v3.2 first, and than mindigo 3

is it safe to use on Bnet??

how do i load the plugin???mindigo 3 is the plugin right??
move all files to the redvex plugins folder
In RedVex goto Settings > Mindigo > Settings to configure how you want.
then Settings > Mindigo > Pickup items to choose what you want it to pickup.

From Ultratechs guide on redvex forums.

STEP 2: When the File Download box comes up, click save, and save it to your desktop.
[Image: 02.jpg]

STEP 3: You should now have it saved as a zip file on your desktop.
[Image: 03.jpg]

STEP 4: Right click on it, and select extract.
[Image: 04.jpg]

STEP 5: It will now be in an unzipped folder.
[Image: 05.jpg]

STEP 6: Now open the folder, and take a look at what's in it.
[Image: 06.jpg]

STEP 7: What you want to do here is left click on redvex.exe, and hold the left mouse down, drag it over top of patch.exe, and drop it there.
[Image: 07.jpg]

STEP 8: This box will let you know you did it properly.
[Image: 08.jpg]

STEP 9: Now, you want to create a new folder. So right click anywhere in this area, go to New, and select Folder.
[Image: 09.jpg]

STEP 10: The input field for renaming it should be highlighted already, so just type in Plugins.
If it's not highlighted, right click the new folder, go to rename, and rename it.
[Image: 10.jpg]

STEP 11: Now you need to rename redvex.exe, patch.exe, and redvex.dll to something new. So just right click on redvex.exe, and select rename.
[Image: 11.jpg]

STEP 12: You want to rename these files to RedVex 3.exe, Patch 3.exe, and RedVex 3.dll. Make sure it matches the screenshot.
[Image: 12.jpg]

STEP 13: Now, run RedVex 3.exe, and follow the walkthrough.
[Image: 13.jpg]

STEP 14: When it asks you to create a new realm, name it RedVex.
[Image: 14.jpg]

STEP 15: Once that's done, all you have to do is ensure some settings are correct. Make sure the main RedVex window is open (The gray one in this screenshot).
Go up to Settings and Realms. Make sure the picture matches.
[Image: 15.jpg]

STEP 16: Now save all that, and go back up to Settings, and into Options and make sure the settings match the picture.
[Image: 19.jpg]

STEP 17: Now that everything is setup, click the green Start button at the top of the RedVex window, and it should say Accepting connections on port 6112.
[Image: 20.jpg]

STEP 18: Click the button that says Gateway: West (Or whatever yours says).
[Image: 21.jpg]

STEP 19: Make sure RedVex realm is selected and that's all. All done. Login to D2 and your set.
[Image: 17.jpg]
you sir are a life saver, I am very greatfull for you help thank you very much.

ty Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

are ther any other stuff that works on redvex diablo 2 proxy v3.2??
something that will show the map??

BTW. you should make this a sticky, its show step by step how to make it work
All the v1.12 compatible redvex plugins are here:
RedVex and Plugins
You can check out the redvex stuff here Diablo II Sector > RedVex and Plugins
ty very much guys

I have one Q: Whan i play baal runs, people use baal bot to do baal runs and they have Pickit too and they allways get the good stuff. I mean i have it too how come they can get it faster than me?? its like my pickit works slow or something.
I would try Magnet 1.0 - Pickit i heard it was a better pickit plugin.

I have not tryed it myself but i know it does work.
i tried Magnet, and it kicks me out of the game.
I dont know why i might be doin something wrong
It should work the same. Did u check the files and edit them.
Hi, do you know if there is a Pickit or something like that for d2loader?

I've been searching for but i didn't find

Could you help me plz

everything works good now ty for your help guys,

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