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Error when it check the act

When I launch mm.BOT it works perfectly but when it connect to a game it check something in my inventory and I have "Error while checking act3 or 5"

I sought but i didn't find any solutions in the forum or in the F.A.Q

ps: Sorry for my bad english anxious:

Uhm, seems like you didn't park your char in act 3 or 5 before starting the bot.. but what confuses me is that you also mention the inventory. So I'd say:

1. Make sure that you always park your char in act 3 or 5 and...
2. ...check your key settings again (Clear screen != Clear messages! That's a pretty common error).
Quote:Uhm, seems like you didn't park your char in act 3 or 5 before starting the bot.. but what confuses me is that you also mention the inventory. So I'd say:

1. Make sure that you always park your char in act 3 or 5 and...
2. ...check your key settings again (Clear screen != Clear messages! That's a pretty common error).
I begin act 5
and what do you want to mean about Clear screen = Clear messages, what do i have to do?
1. Open your mm.BOT.ini file
2. Find the "Keyboard Settings/Keys" section
3. There will be something like this

Char_Key_ClearScreen = SPACE
Char_Key_Switch = w
Char_Key_AutoMap = TAB
Char_Key_Inventory = b
Char_Key_ShowItems = ALT
Char_Key_PotionsRow1 = 1
Char_Key_PotionsRow2 = 2
Char_Key_PotionsRow3 = 3
Char_Key_PotionsRow4 = 4

4. Go to your key preferrences in Diablo II and check if they are the EXACT same as you specified them in this section.

What I meant with "Clear screen" and "Clear messages" that many people confuse these two hotkeys with each other. But the "Clear screen" hotkey closes every open window (such as NPC trades or your inventory, for example). The "Clear messages" hotkey is "n" by default, where as the "Clear screen" hotkey is "SPACE" by default.
thank you, it works but my sorc tele to pindle and after she doesn t attack and she die...

;==========>>Ramadash Script Series<<============
;=== Script: Super-Fast Blizzard Sorceress sequence
;=== Author: Ramadash
;=== Based: Nicotine
;=== Monsters: Pindle
;=== Version: 5.44B6
;=== Date: FEB. 05, 2005
;=== Tested: Hell
;=== WebSite:
;=== Email:

;=== N/A

@Teleport_Key = Q               ; Teleport Skill Key (must have it)
@Blizzard_Key = R               ; ChainLightning Skill Key (must have it)
@IB_key=F                         ; Ice Blast Key (must have it)
@Frozen_Armor_Key = W          ; Frozen Armor Skill Key (put a blank if you dont have)
@Battle_Commands_key =
@Battle_Orders_Key =
@Random_Delay_Before_Pindle = 100,200     ; <mini>,<maxi> TOWN random delay (ms.)
@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay = 1200          ; Delay before retry to teleport (ms.)
@Timeout_Pindle_Attack = 15000               ; Maximum main attack time on Pindle (ms.)
@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay = 200,300          ; Random Delay when casting CTA or Pre-Cast (ms.)
@Key_Push_Delay = 10                         ; Delay to let the Skills appears at right click (ms.)
;///<Sequence Name>MAIN</Sequence Name>
;/// Here is the part that will tell the bot wich of the sequences defined above to execute.
;/// Each sequences are either "from-start-to-end" (sequencename,0) where the 0 tell's that
;/// the sequence will end after it is executed once.
;/// They can also "loop" (execute itself more than one time and exit when some conditions are met)
;/// like if the sequence timed out (the timeout replace the 0 and is in milliseconds, 1000MS=1sec)
;/// so if you do mySequence,2000, it will exit after 2 seconds if no other conditions are met
;/// eg: CMDEAD(Check Monster Dead), CLM (Check Life Mana), CML (Check Merc Life)
;/// to know more about each loops, refer to the comments above each of them.
;///<Sequence Name>Precast</Sequence Name>
;/// This is the precast; it will press the key tied to @Frozen_Armor_Key
;/// then make a Mouseclick with the right mouse button (so it will cast frozen armor)
;/// Energy shield is not supported; if you wan't to use it you need to implement it yourself.
;///<Sequence Name>GoToPindle</Sequence Name>
;/// this call the function A5WPtoATP wich is Needed to walk from the precast position to the red portal.
;/// after this it press the teleport hotkey you defined in the variables at the start of this sequence;
;/// it then perform 3 teleports and land close to pindle, hiding a little below the left wall
Q(@Teleport_Key); Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(10); Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BRC(400,-310); Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay); Wait End of Teleport.
RC(735,35); No green blocks in the screen, lets do a "Blind" Teleport click here.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay); Wait End of Teleport.
;///<Sequence Name>Blizz1</Sequence Name>
;/// This is the first blizzard that the sorceress will cast; it will do a double click at a position.
;/// after this it will do another click at a different postition; the wall sometime prevent us
;/// to cast at the first position.
;///<Sequence Name>CTA</Sequence Name>
;/// This is the sequence that will cast cta
;/// note; if you don't want to use cta, you will need to add a sleep there instead
;/// the way my sequence works, it blizz once, then cast cta; by that time the blizz timer
;/// will end, and you will cast blizz again after, so if you wan't not to use cta;
;/// delete everything included in that sequence, and put a sleep instead.
;/// start with S(2000) and work your way down until you are able to cast a 2nd blizz righ after.
;/// note on cta use; to prevent useless questions (and endless also)
;/// I will try to explain how cta work the best I can.
;/// the Cta use your left skills to detect if you changed weapon tab.
;/// so let's say you have glacial spike on your left skill, if you switch to cta
;/// and on your cta tab you still have glacial spike, the bot will end and you will have an error.
;/// so in order to cast cta, when you switch, your left skill needs to be different.
;/// so you have glacial spike on left skill, you switch, and you have normal attack on left skill
;/// then the bot will reckonize the weapon changed.
;/// try not have ANY skills attached to left skill tab or you might either;
;/// 1. never make a run susceed
;/// 2. sleep for 720 minutes after a set of time
;/// If youhave any problems with cta after those explanations then I think you need to give up botting.
SWITCH2; Internal SWITCH1 command (Switch back to primary gear).
;///<Sequence Name>Blizz2</Sequence Name>
;/// this sequence is basically the same as blizz 1, with the difference that it only click once,
;/// sleep for 1/10th of a second, and attack close to the sorceress (to follow pindle movement)
;/// nothing should need editing in this sequence.
;///<Sequence Name>QuickTele</Sequence Name>
;/// this will tele in the middle of the room, and at the same time replace the teleport
;/// that was first used with the original sequence (so you dont get stuck in the wall)
;/// it also can make monsters move in your blizzard if they counter it
;/// it also makes your Ice Blast's most likely to hit.
;///<Sequence Name>IB</Sequence Name>
;/// this is the finishing sequence using Ice Blast skill.
;/// at this point usually only ~2 pindle minions remain, IB is faster to kill them since you can aim
;///<Sequence Name>Pickit</Sequence Name>
;/// well... what more to say?
I don't know how to change that
Which type of sorc are you using?

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