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D2NT172_NTBot36 Quick Guide
Guide to using D2NT1.7.2-NTBot3.6
1. Unzip the file if you must do so. You must place it somewhere other than where your Diablo II (LOD) is installed.
Example : C:\D2NT\D2NT

2. All these files must be in one folder together.
mpqdata Folder
scripts Folder
sdk Folder
D2NT Manager.cfg /Configuration File
D2NT Magarer.exe /Program To Use Bot
D2NT ManagerKOR.dll /DLL needed to make bot think and perform script tasks
D2NT MagagerLOC.dll /DLL needed to make bot run i think lol

3. The JS32.dll that you see must go into one of these directories.
Please try all three if you are using XP

4.Now to configure one of the character files. Please go though these directories D2NT\Scripts\Libs\Config. Now that you are at the directory make sure these three files are what you see; NTConfig, NTConfig_Paladin, NTConfig_Sorceress.
If you see the three files then your in the right place please choose the character you use Paladin or Sorceress and Right-Click on the file, I am using a Paladin so this is what I rename it to NTConfig_Paladin_HoTO it must look exactly like your In-Game Characters Name ok, I'm sure we all seen this name in Diablo II while we are playing but this is another example: NTConfig_Paladin_MuleOne

5.Now to help you with the editing of the script it self, Right-Click on the file you renamed and click Edit. Please scroll through the file till you see this if you are using a Paladin this is what you change the Numbers to. If you are a sorceress please read the
Code further down this thread for your skills you are using.
This is Paladin / Holy Hammers setup.
NTConfig_PutAura = 113; // What aura do you want to use on attack. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 112; // Cast your first spell once. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 112; // Cast your primary spell to boss.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 112; // Cast your primary spell to others.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 112; // Cast your secondary spell if monster is immune to your primary spell. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_ClearPosition = true; // Set to true if you want to clear area after killing boss.
NTConfig_CheckSafe = true; // Set to true to check for curses, merc and potion (go to town if needed)
NTConfig_UseRedemption = true; // Set to true to use Redemption after killing monster.
This is Sorceress Setup but I don't use sorceresses so please fix them yourself.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 0; // Cast your first spell once. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 0; // Cast your primary spell to boss.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 0; // Cast your primary spell to others.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 0; // Cast your primary untimed spell if primary spell is timed spell. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 0; // Cast your secondary spell if monster is immune to your primary spell. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 0; // Cast your secondary untimed spell if secondary spell is timed spell. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_ClearPosition = true; // Set to true if you want to clear area after killing boss.
NTConfig_CheckSafe = true; // Set to true to check for curses, merc and potion (go to town if needed)
NTConfig_CastStatic = 60; // Cast Static Field until monster's HP lower less than this percent. Set to 100 if you won't
0 Attack
1 Kick
2 Throw
3 Unsummon
4 Left Hand Throw
5 Left Hand Swing
6 Magic Arrow
7 Fire Arrow
8 Inner Sight
9 Critical Strike
10 Jab
11 Cold Arrow
12 Multiple Shot
13 Dodge
14 Power Strike
15 Poison Javelin
16 Exploding Arrow
17 Slow Missiles
18 Avoid
19 Impale
20 Lightning Bolt
21 Ice Arrow
22 Guided Arrow
23 Penetrate
24 Charged Strike
25 Plague Javelin
26 Strafe
27 Immolation Arrow
28 Dopplezon
29 Evade
30 Fend
31 Freezing Arrow
32 Valkyrie
33 Pierce
34 Lightning Strike
35 Lightning Fury
36 Fire Bolt
37 Warmth
38 Charged Bolt
39 Ice Bolt
40 Frozen Armor
41 Inferno
42 Static Field
43 Telekinesis
44 Frost Nova
45 Ice Blast
46 Blaze
47 Fire Ball
48 Nova
49 Lightning
50 Shiver Armor
51 Fire Wall
52 Enchant
53 Chain Lightning
54 Teleport
55 Glacial Spike
56 Meteor
57 Thunder Storm
58 Energy Shield
59 Blizzard
60 Chilling Armor
61 Fire Mastery
62 Hydra
63 Lightning Mastery
64 Frozen Orb
65 Cold Mastery
66 Amplify Damage
67 Teeth
68 Bone Armor
69 Skeleton Mastery
70 Raise Skeleton
71 Dim Vision
72 Weaken
73 Poison Dagger
74 Corpse Explosion
75 Clay Golem
76 Iron Maiden
77 Terror
78 Bone Wall
79 Golem Mastery
80 Raise Skeletal Mage
81 Confuse
82 Life Tap
83 Poison Explosion
84 Bone Spear
85 BloodGolem
86 Attract
87 Decrepify
88 Bone Prison
89 Summon Resist
90 IronGolem
91 Lower Resist
92 Poison Nova
93 Bone Spirit
94 FireGolem
95 Revive
96 Sacrifice
97 Smite
98 Might
99 Prayer
100 Resist Fire
101 Holy Bolt
102 Holy Fire
103 Thorns
104 Defiance
105 Resist Cold
106 Zeal
107 Charge
108 Blessed Aim
109 Cleansing
110 Resist Lightning
111 Vengeance
112 Blessed Hammer
113 Concentration
114 Holy Freeze
115 Vigor
116 Conversion
117 Holy Shield
118 Holy Shock
119 Sanctuary
120 Meditation
121 Fist of the Heavens
122 Fanaticism
123 Conviction
124 Redemption
125 Salvation
126 Bash
127 Sword Mastery
128 Axe Mastery
129 Mace Mastery
130 Howl
131 Find Potion
132 Leap
133 Double Swing
134 Pole Arm Mastery
135 Throwing Mastery
136 Spear Mastery
137 Taunt
138 Shout
139 Stun
140 Double Throw
141 Increased Stamina
142 Find Item
143 Leap Attack
144 Concentrate
145 Iron Skin
146 Battle Cry
147 Frenzy
148 Increased Speed
149 Battle Orders
150 Grim Ward
151 Whirlwind
152 Berserk
153 Natural Resistance
154 War Cry
155 Battle Command
156 Fire Hit
157 UnHolyBolt
158 SkeletonRaise
159 MaggotEgg
160 ShamanFire
161 MagottUp
162 MagottDown
163 MagottLay
164 AndrialSpray
165 Jump
166 Swarm Move
167 Nest
168 Quick Strike
169 VampireFireball
170 VampireFirewall
171 VampireMeteor
172 GargoyleTrap
173 SpiderLay
174 VampireHeal
175 VampireRaise
176 Submerge
177 FetishAura
178 FetishInferno
179 ZakarumHeal
180 Emerge
181 Resurrect
182 Bestow
183 MissileSkill1
184 MonTeleport
185 PrimeLightning
186 PrimeBolt
187 PrimeBlaze
188 PrimeFirewall
189 PrimeSpike
190 PrimeIceNova
191 PrimePoisonball
192 PrimePoisonNova
193 DiabLight
194 DiabCold
195 DiabFire
196 FingerMageSpider
197 DiabWall
198 DiabRun
199 DiabPrison
200 PoisonBallTrap
201 AndyPoisonBolt
202 HireableMissile
203 DesertTurret
204 ArcaneTower
205 MonBlizzard
206 Mosquito
207 CursedBallTrapRight
208 CursedBallTrapLeft
209 MonFrozenArmor
210 MonBoneArmor
211 MonBoneSpirit
212 MonCurseCast
213 HellMeteor
214 RegurgitatorEat
215 MonFrenzy
216 QueenDeath
====Basic Use
217 Scroll of Identify
218 Book of Identify
219 Scroll of Townportal
220 Book of Townportal
221 Raven
222 Plague Poppy
223 Wearwolf
224 Shape Shifting
225 Firestorm
226 Oak Sage
227 Summon Spirit Wolf
228 Wearbear
229 Molten Boulder
230 Arctic Blast
231 Cycle of Life
232 Feral Rage
233 Maul
234 Eruption
235 Cyclone Armor
236 Heart of Wolverine
237 Summon Fenris
238 Rabies
239 Fire Claws
240 Twister
241 Vines
242 Hunger
243 Shock Wave
244 Volcano
245 Tornado
246 Spirit of Barbs
247 Summon Grizzly
248 Fury
249 Armageddon
250 Hurricane
251 Fire Trauma
252 Claw Mastery
253 Psychic Hammer
254 Tiger Strike
255 Dragon Talon
256 Shock Field
257 Blade Sentinel
258 Quickness
259 Fists of Fire
260 Dragon Claw
261 Charged Bolt Sentry
262 Wake of Fire Sentry
263 Weapon Block
264 Cloak of Shadows
265 Cobra Strike
266 Blade Fury
267 Fade
268 Shadow Warrior
269 Claws of Thunder
270 Dragon Tail
271 Lightning Sentry
272 Inferno Sentry
273 Mind Blast
274 Blades of Ice
275 Dragon Flight
276 Death Sentry
277 Blade Shield
278 Venom
279 Shadow Master
280 Royal Strike
281 Wake Of Destruction Sentry
282 Imp Inferno
283 Imp Fireball
284 Baal Taunt
285 Baal Corpse Explode
286 Baal Monster Spawn
287 Catapult Charged Ball
288 Catapult Spike Ball
289 Suck Blood
290 Cry Help
291 Healing Vortex
292 Teleport 2
293 Self-resurrect
294 Vine Attack
295 Overseer Whip
296 Barbs Aura
297 Wolverine Aura
298 Oak Sage Aura
299 Imp Fire Missile
300 Impregnate
301 Siege Beast Stomp
302 MinionSpawner
303 CatapultBlizzard
304 CatapultPlague
305 CatapultMeteor
306 BoltSentry
307 CorpseCycler
308 DeathMaul
309 Defense Curse
310 Blood Mana
311 mon inferno sentry
312 mon death sentry
313 sentry lightning
314 fenris rage
315 Baal Tentacle
316 Baal Nova
317 Baal Inferno
318 Baal Cold Missiles
319 MegademonInferno
320 EvilHutSpawner
321 CountessFirewall
322 ImpBolt
323 Horror Arctic Blast
324 death sentry ltng
325 VineCycler
326 BearSmite
327 Resurrect2
328 BloodLordFrenzy
329 Baal Teleport
330 Imp Teleport
331 Baal Clone Teleport
332 ZakarumLightning
333 VampireMissile
334 MephistoMissile
335 DoomKnightMissile
336 RogueMissile
337 HydraMissile
338 NecromageMissile
339 MonBow
340 MonFireArrow
341 MonColdArrow
342 MonExplodingArrow
343 MonFreezingArrow
344 MonPowerStrike
345 SuccubusBolt
346 MephFrostNova
347 MonIceSpear
348 ShamanIce
349 Diablogeddon
350 Delerium Change
351 NihlathakCorpseExplosion
352 SerpentCharge
353 Trap Nova
354 UnHolyBoltEx
355 ShamanFireEx
356 Imp Fire Missile Ex

Continuing my short guide
This set of script is in the NTConfig_Paladin.NTL and NTConfig_Sorceress.NTL; I have rearranged the Bosses so that it does countess runs first, then andariel, ect, ect.

// Boss configuration
NTConfig_PublicMode = false;
me.quitonhostile = false;

Delete the "//" in front of the boss bot script you wish to run and place the "//" back when you don't want the bot to run the boss bot script.

//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPit.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearPitLevel1 = 1; //0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
NTConfig_Script.push("NTEldritch.ntj"); NTConfig_ShenkExtension = true;
NTConfig_Script.push("NTNihlathak.ntj"); NTConfig_PindleskinExtension = true;
NTConfig_Script.push("NTBaal.ntj"); NTConfig_KillBaal = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTFrozenRiver.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearFrozenRiver = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTGlacialTrail.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearGlacialTrail = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTIcyCellar.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearIcyCellar = false;

The rest of the file is pretty self explanatory look around by default Gamble Script is active so change the NTConfig_Gamble = true; to NTConfig_Gamble = false; if you don't want the bot to gamble your gold away.
Moved and stickied. ^-^

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
hmmm... i think that i will try this, but i need links to the files

and not to mention i will scan them, etc etc
US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.
If you want the files look for them on the d2sector website. with .net
Got the bot up and running fairly easily. Can you set lvl restrictions when making games?
tAlko17 Wrote:Got the bot up and running fairly easily. Can you set lvl restrictions when making games?

Create a game with the wanted level restriction that you want play for a bit just walk around and say hi to no one, after just leave and close Diablo II then run the bot and it should have restrictions applied from last time you were online.
Thanks for the guide.

I've done everything you've written, but I'm still experiencing some problems.
When I open D2NT Manager.exe and click run, all the program does is open Diablo2.exe and sits there. The status remains at loading and does nothing else.

Can you help me with this?
I have updated this Guide to the best I can to let even the most computer illiterate understand it.
Hun why do you think I stickied you ^^

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
Pamela Wrote:Hun why do you think I stickied you ^^
I am not sure but I do know this is the only guide on the net that is thourough enough for all. Thank you for your help on making this guide seen by all who may need it.
When it tries to use tornado for my druid it uses the portal instead.. and says NTA bla bla killboss failed... Someone else gets this?
does this work on windows 2000?
I must add you might have to make your own scripts for your other characters. There is only Paladin-Hammers and Sorceress scripts available with the download.
anyone know how to add oak sage and battle cry to a paladins precast i tried adding in the precasts myself with the code #'s and keep getting booted, any ideas guys?

Can someone tell me how to have multiple runners set up? I already have the cd keys, just cant figure it out
Mind explaining how you're supposed to right click > Edit on vista?
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
[Image: 150.gif]
right click on the file, then choose open with. open it with notepad.
i think thats what you are trying to do right? to edit it?
US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.
when i try to run the bot an error message pops up


how do i fix this??
furbyjs Wrote:when i try to run the bot an error message pops up


how do i fix this??
That might be a separate issue with your video card, or you are using the "-ns" command in your Target URL. Check to make sure your video card is working and everything, and try again.

This might not be the issue, but I have seen a lot of people post this same error, and the problem always seemed to deal with the video card.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
The Mob Wrote:right click on the file, then choose open with. open it with notepad.
i think thats what you are trying to do right? to edit it?

Yeah, I'll try that. Thanks.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
[Image: 150.gif]

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