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D2NT31 NTBot42 Tutorial
dang that sucks, Just don't mess with any of the bots items while it is running inless u want to drop something it found
OK everything looks good, but still i am getting that mess, My pal's name is Rom-Pal so its name just as is....all my profile settings are set correct under the NTbot.ntj so i dont know what the heck is wrong.
skidude Wrote:go to D2NT\scripts\NTBot\char_configs and pick your chars config file and make sure u have it named right

if u were using pally it would be NTConfig_Paladin_charname after the class of char u are using add _then make sure it has ur chars names 100% right caps and not caps

Hey, i did this for my sorceress, before i changed this i would get a blue messaged saying config loaded and then a red 1 about NTLoadConfig not defined. so i added this step, made sure everything was caps/uncaps correctly and it now reads: NTConfig_Sorceress_JTs-BlizzSorc.ntl.

Now I'm just getting the red message. Do i need to take off the .ntl or is there something else wrong with what i'm doing? thanks for the help
The file type should already be ntl so adding it again would just put that in as part of the char name. So u would need to remove the .ntl if he shows up in the char name
skidude Wrote:The file type should already be ntl so adding it again would just put that in as part of the char name. So u would need to remove the .ntl if he shows up in the char name

no i didnt add it again, all it says is: NTConfig_Sorceress_JTs-BlizzSorc.ntl

is there something else wrong?

the error says it is in the file: NTBotGame.ntj (17) so im guessing line 17???

which says: NT_LoadConfig();

do i need to put something in the parenthesis or anything? thanks for helping
Post up your char config file confused:
var NTConfig_CastStatic;

function NT_LoadConfig()
// Boss configuration
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPindleskin.ntj"); NTConfig_NihlathakExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTNihlathak.ntj"); NTConfig_PindleskinExtension = false;
NTConfig_Script.push("NTEldritch.ntj"); NTConfig_ShenkExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTFrozenRiver.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearFrozenRiver = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTGlacialTrail.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearGlacialTrail = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTIcyCellar.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearIcyCellar = false;
NTConfig_Script.push("NTBaal.ntj"); NTConfig_KillBaal = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTAct3Sewers.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearA3SewersLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
NTConfig_Script.push("NTSummoner.ntj"); NTConfig_KillFireEye = true;
NTConfig_Script.push("NTPit.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearPitLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTMausoleum.ntj"); NTConfig_KillBloodRaven = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTHole.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearHoleLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTTristram.ntj"); NTConfig_KillRakanishu = true;

me.maxgametime = 1200; // time in seconds, maximum game length (0 is infinite)
NTConfig_StartDelay = 0; // Delay time in milliseconds to start;
NTConfig_AreaDelay = 500; // Delay time in milliseconds to change area;
NTConfig_SnagDelay = 500; // Delay time in milliseconds to wait before starting picking items

NTConfig_SkipHealLife = 90; // If you have more than this percent of life, you won't go to a healer
NTConfig_SkipHealMana = 70; // If you have more than this percent of mana, you won't go to a healer
NTConfig_UseMerc = true; // Set to true if you use a mercenary, will revive merc at a reviver npc.
NTConfig_ResetWeapon = false; // Set to true to reset weapon when reviving merc

NTConfig_LifeThresh = 60; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of life.
NTConfig_LifeRejuvThresh = 40; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of life.
NTConfig_ManaThresh = 30; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of mana.
//NTConfig_ManaRejuvThresh = 10; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of mana.
NTConfig_LifeChicken = 40; // This is your chicken life percent. If you go below this life total, exit game.
//NTConfig_ManaChicken = 0; // This is your chicken mana percent. If you go below this mana total, exit game.

NTConfig_MercLifeThresh = 50; // This is the threshold to use a life potion on your merc in percent.
NTConfig_MercRejuvThresh = 30; // This is the threshold to use a rejuv potion on your merc in percent.
NTConfig_MercChicken = 20; // This is your mercs chicken life percent. If he goes below this, exit game.

NTConfig_FreeSpace = 4; // Number of free columns. If less full columns are free stashing is set.

// The numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it.
NTConfig_Columns[0] = [0,1.1.1,1,1,1,1,1,1];
NTConfig_Columns[1] = [0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1];
NTConfig_Columns[2] = [0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1];
NTConfig_Columns[3] = [0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1];

NTConfig_MinGoldToStash = 100000; // Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash

// Type of potion used in each belt column
// Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv. Can use other potion types too.
// Keep equal types at adjacent columns. First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice.
// Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types).
// Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns).
// To use rejuvenations only, put "rv" in all columns.
NTConfig_BeltColType[0] = "hp";
NTConfig_BeltColType[1] = "hp";
NTConfig_BeltColType[2] = "hp";
NTConfig_BeltColType[3] = "mp";

// SnagIt configuration
// Select one group only (normal / advance / extreme)



NTConfig_SnagRange = 40; // Radius to check for dropped items. 40 is a good number here

// Cubing configuration
NTConfig_Cubing = false; // Enable cubing

//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 560]); // Flawless Amethyst
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 565]); // Flawless Topaz
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 570]); // Flawless Saphire
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 575]); // Flawless Emerald
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 580]); // Flawless Ruby
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 585]); // Flawless Diamond
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 600]); // Flawless Skull

//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 420]); // Magic Tiara
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 421]); // Magic Diadem

//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 603]); // Magic Small Charm
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 605]); // Magic Grand Charm

NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 382]); // Craft Heavy Bracers
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 452]); // Craft Vambraces

//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 354]); // Craft Casque
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 424]); // Craft Armet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 388]); // Craft Battle Boots
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 458]); // Craft Mirrored Boots
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 381]); // Craft Sharkskin Gloves
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 451]); // Craft Vampirebone Gloves
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 392]); // Craft Mesh Belt
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 462]); // Craft Mithril Coil
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_RING, 522]); // Craft Ring

NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_CASTER_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet

//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_SHIELD, 447]); // Craft Monarch
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet

NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_ESSENSE, 0]);

//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_THUL, 562]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_AMN, 557]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SOL, 567]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SHAEL, 577]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_DOL, 572]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_HEL, 582]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IO, 563]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LUM, 558]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_KO, 568]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_FAL, 578]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LEM, 573]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_PUL, 583]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_UM, 564]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_MAL, 559]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IST, 569]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_GUL, 579]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_VEX, 574]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_OHM, 584]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LO, 565]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SUR, 560]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_BER, 570]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_JAH, 580]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_CHAM, 575]);

//***** Include the following, Primary item must be setted in item_configs folder *****

//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 442]); // Socket Sacred Armor

//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 255]); // Socket Thresher
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 256]); // Socket Cryptic Axe
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 257]); // Socket Great Poleaxe
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 258]); // Socket Giant Thresher

//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_WEAPON, 295]); // Titan's Revenge : Exceptional -> Elite

//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_N_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 337]); // Magefist : Normal -> Exceptional
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 360]); // Skin of the Vipermagi : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 383]); // Magefist or Lava Gout : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 389]); // Gore Rider : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 477]); // Arreat's Face : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 481]); // Herald Of Zakarum : Exceptional -> Elite

// Gamble configuration
// To specify what items to gamble, adjust the array with the desired item codes
NTConfig_Gamble = true; // Enable gambling
NTConfig_GambleStartGold = 1000000; // Gold amount to start the gambling
NTConfig_GambleStopGold = 100000; // Gold amount to stop the gambling

NTConfig_GambleItem.push(520); // Amulets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(522); // Rings
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(418); // Circlets
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(419); // Coronets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(334); // Leather Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(335); // Heavy Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(336); // Chain Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(337); // Light Gauntlets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(338); // Gauntlets

// General configuration
NTConfig_PublicMode = true;
NTConfig_CheckCloneDiablo = true; // Set to true if you want to wait in game after notifying "Diablo Walks the Earth" msg.
NTConfig_OpenChest = true; // Set to true to open chest
me.quitonhostile = true;

// Attack configuration
NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 0; // First skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 49; // Primary skill to boss.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 49; // Primary untimed skill to boss. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 49; // Primary skill to others.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 49; // Primary untimed skill to others. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 49; // Secondary skill in case monster is immune to primary skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[6] = 0; // Secondary untimed skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_ClearPosition = true; // Set to true if you want to clear area after killing boss.

// Check self safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
// 0x01 : Potion, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe = 0x04|0x40;
// Check merc's safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
// 0x01 : Death, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
NTConfig_CheckMercSafe = 0x01|0x04|0x10|0x40;

NTConfig_CastStatic = 60; // Cast Static Field until monster's HP lower less than this percent. Set to 100 if you won't

thanks for your help.
Yea maybe i should post mine up as well, since i caint seem to get it working either, i betcha its somthing simple that im doing wrong hehe.
Well the config looks about right, NTConfig_FreeSpace = 4 should be set to 8 going by the way u have your Columns set up
also your chars name is blizz? so i take it u are a blizz sorc and not lightning

You have NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 49 and 49 = lightning
If u are a blizz sorc like u char name u should have them set to 59
ok ill see if that helps, thank you Big Grin and it actually is a light sorc Tongue
:// it didnt change anything. Is there anything else that might be wrong with it? when i load the D2NT Manager do i HAVE to enter a CD Key? my dad has the other 1.13 bot and he doesnt have his listed and his works fine, he told me that it only effects it if i was altering my cd key and i'm not, also, im play diablo without the cd, i dled it off would that effect it all?
what os are u running? I have heard a lot of people that use windows 7 and vista have a lot of issues with the bot, I use windows xp pro and never got 1 error from the bot

You don't have to enter a cdkey and having a downloaded copy off bnet's site should work the same as having cd in the drive.

IS your dad running d2nt 3.0 or 3.1? or d2bs

edit: sorry i am running out of idea's on this issue
i think my OS is like Windows 97 or 98, its an old comp. he's running 3.0, i tried extracting files for that 1 and halfway thru i got an error message and started running this 1. just to be sure, the spot that i add _JTs-BlizzSorc is the NTConfig_Sorceress.ntl

NOT the NTConfig.ntl

You char config file should be named this NTConfig_Sorceress_JTs-BlizzSorc and the file type should already be NTL
that doesnt rly explain it though, lol. i mean which file do i use? there's this 1:

NTConfig.ntl which has:
var NTConfig_Script = new Array();

var NTConfig_NihlathakExtension;
var NTConfig_PindleskinExtension;
var NTConfig_ShenkExtension;
var NTConfig_ClearFrozenRiver;
var NTConfig_ClearGlacialTrail;
var NTConfig_ClearIcyCellar;
var NTConfig_KillBaal;
var NTConfig_ClearA3SewersLevel1;
var NTConfig_KillFireEye;
var NTConfig_ClearPitLevel1;
var NTConfig_KillBloodRaven;
var NTConfig_ClearHoleLevel1;
var NTConfig_KillRakanishu;

var NTConfig_StartDelay;
var NTConfig_AreaDelay;
var NTConfig_SnagDelay;

var NTConfig_SkipHealLife;
var NTConfig_SkipHealMana;
var NTConfig_UseMerc;
var NTConfig_ResetWeapon;

var NTConfig_LifeThresh;
var NTConfig_LifeRejuvThresh;
var NTConfig_ManaThresh;
var NTConfig_ManaRejuvThresh;
var NTConfig_LifeChicken;
var NTConfig_ManaChicken;

var NTConfig_MercLifeThresh;
var NTConfig_MercRejuvThresh;
var NTConfig_MercChicken;

var NTConfig_FreeSpace;

var NTConfig_Columns = new Array(4);
NTConfig_Columns[0] = new Array(10);
NTConfig_Columns[1] = new Array(10);
NTConfig_Columns[2] = new Array(10);
NTConfig_Columns[3] = new Array(10);

var NTConfig_MinGoldToStash;

var NTConfig_BeltColType = new Array(4);

var NTConfig_NIPFilePath = new Array();
var NTConfig_SnagRange;

var NTConfig_Cubing;
var NTConfig_CubingItem = new Array();

var NTConfig_Gamble;
var NTConfig_GambleStartGold;
var NTConfig_GambleStopGold;
var NTConfig_GambleItem = new Array();

var NTConfig_PublicMode;
var NTConfig_CheckCloneDiablo;
var NTConfig_OpenChest;

var NTConfig_AttackSkill = new Array(7);

var NTConfig_ClearPosition;
var NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe;
var NTConfig_CheckMercSafe;

or this 1 NTConfig_Sorceress which has the stuff i sent to you.

Currently i have my char name added on NTConfig_Sorceress, am i suppose to have it on that?

or do i add "_Sorceress_JTs-BlizzSorc" to NTConfig.
You don't have to mess with anything in NTConfig.ntl you should be using the NTConfig_Sorceress like u are now

you should be in D2NT\scripts\NTBot\char_configs
alright then im doing everything right, idk whats wrong. Sad

a friend just gave me a nigma so ill try configing the pally, if it doesnt work then \wrists. :'(

idk if something is wrong with the sorceress script??? but the paladin works fine, thanks guys Big Grin
hmm that's odd, But glad u got a bot working +1 for botters ^.^

next time please use edit post
arite well its working alot better now. i wish i had better mf tho kuz im not finding things very often. best things ive found so far tho are a soj and a 10/28/130 andys so im happy. wish it would also scout out LLD stuff too tho.

on a different note, how do i configure gambling to JUST buy circlets and coronets?
go to your chars config file and scroll down to Gamble configuration and put // infront of anything u don't want it to gamble

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