11-18-2010, 06:20 AM
Can someone please help im getting codes when i hit battle.net Server:East
D2NT31 NTBot42 Tutorial
11-18-2010, 06:20 AM
Can someone please help im getting codes when i hit battle.net Server:East
11-18-2010, 06:45 AM
Anyone? still got the problem with my dood standing in fire... and the potions not being used sometimes... etc
11-18-2010, 11:26 AM
nice guide did everything but when my bot gets ingame i get no error or anything but it just does nothing and its set to kill baal and dia
11-19-2010, 04:07 PM
xXDASSXx Wrote:nice guide did everything but when my bot gets ingame i get no error or anything but it just does nothing and its set to kill baal and diadoes it open the mini map? if not try and open it yourself and see if it starts the script.
Okay I have tryed it all, when i open to bot it keeps me at the title screen and i am still in controll. i downloaded the newest verson and put the j file into windows. i dont fully understand the cd key part is it nessary? i copied what you had in the example for my cd key, no work. i tried to use the cdkey changer on the first page of this topic but when it creats a file in my d2 what do i do with it from there. oh i think im on xp if that matters
11-20-2010, 09:36 AM
If u have the newest d2nt 3.1 u don't need js32 file in windows. If u are only using 1 cd key set, u don't need to put anything where it has cdkey and game#/cdkey should be 0
11-20-2010, 02:58 PM
okay with that said, i downloaded the zip file onto my desktop and extracgted the files to my desktop. created my sorce file and set it up in the manager and just left the cdkey stuff alone. but when i click on run it does not do any thing, what have i done wrong? should i post up my config?
11-21-2010, 03:06 AM
Nubot Wrote:okay with that said, i downloaded the zip file onto my desktop and extracgted the files to my desktop. created my sorce file and set it up in the manager and just left the cdkey stuff alone. but when i click on run it does not do any thing, what have i done wrong? should i post up my config?did the set the path for the bot to start d2?
11-21-2010, 05:41 AM
how can I get my bot to just pick up etheral uniques???
[Name] == CrypticAxe && [Quality] == unique // && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] >= 3 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 260 // Tomb Reaver [Name] == MeshArmor && [Quality] == unique // # [EnhancedDefense] >= 200 // Shaftstop I posted these 2 as an example.
11-21-2010, 06:14 AM
skidude Wrote:did the set the path for the bot to start d2? i deleted the two //4 baal, or am i missing something?
hey i just re downloaded d2nt and im just finished setting up for my hammerdin to kill dia but i get the loadconfig error and im sure my name is 110% correct so
im running on w7 64bit i run it as admin so whats wrong? finally got it working ![]()
11-21-2010, 01:02 PM
I'm trying to use this bot to level a character in Tristram in normal. I have Cain rescued and the required way-point but as soon as I zone into Tristram I get this error:
![]() And in the Common Log: NTTristram.ntj : NTA_ClearLevel() failed (Tristram) Is it even possible to level a normal character with this bot by walking? I have my hell enigma bots running flawlessly...
11-22-2010, 01:05 AM
Yes it is possible to level a norm character by walking,but only in a few places,make that a couple of places lol.
Tristram and Treehead are who I use but you could use any place with no stairs or doors.But I think you need a modified Tristram script,like the one I use which is this one (I did not make this script I just use it , It was made by Dysfunctional) function NTMain() { Include("libs/common/NTCommon.ntl"); NTC_IncludeLibs(); NTC_IncludeConfig("NTBot/char_configs"); NT_LoadConfig(); NTSI_LoadNIPFiles("NTBot/item_configs"); NTA_Initialize(); if(NTConfig_FastPickit) NTConfig_SnagRange = 12; var _attackpos = [25169,5084,25169,5190,25131,5180,25119,5193,25131,5135,25086,5143, 25088,5191,25099,5190,25049,5190,25064,5158,25051,5135,25054,5094,25112,5087,25129,5065]; if(!NTTM_CheckAct()) { NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTTM_CheckAct()"); return; } NTTMGR_TownManager(); if(!NTTM_TownMove("waypoint")) { NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTTM_TownMove()"); return; } if(!NTM_TakeWaypoint(4)) { NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTM_TakeWaypoint()"); return; } NTP_DoPrecast(true); var _unit = GetPresetUnits(me.areaid, NTC_UNIT_MONSTER); if(_unit) { for(n = 0 ; n < _unit.length ; n++) { if(_unit[n].id == 737) NTTR_AttackTo(me.areaid, _unit[n].roomx*5+_unit[n].x-20, _unit[n].roomy*5+_unit[n].y-20, false); } } else { NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTM_MoveToPresetUnit()"); return; } if(NTConfig_TPOutside) { NTM_MakeTP(); Delay(40); Say("TP up!"); Delay(40); var _portal = NTC_FindUnit(NTC_UNIT_OBJECT, GetLocaleString(3226)); } NTTR_AttackTo(me.areaid, _portal.x, _portal.y); if(!NTM_UsePortal("Portal", 38)) { NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTM_UsePortal()"); return; } if(!NTConfig_TPOutside) { NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 25169, 5084); NTM_MakeTP(); Delay(40); Say("TP up!"); Delay(40); } for(var i = 0 ; i < _attackpos.length ; i += 2) NTTR_AttackTo(me.areaid, _attackpos[i], _attackpos[i+1]); if(me.gamename) { var _name = me.gamename.split("-"); var _ngnumlen = _name[_name.length-1].length; var _ng = me.gamename.substring(0, me.gamename.length-_ngnumlen); if(_name[_name.length-1].charAt(0) == 0) { var _ngnum = _name[_name.length-1].charAt(1); _ngnum++; Say("Next game: "+_ng+"0"+_ngnum); } else { var _ngnum = parseInt(_name[_name.length-1]); _ngnum++; if(_ngnum == 100) _ngnum = "00"; Say("Next game: "+_ng+_ngnum); } } else Say("Next game!"); Delay(40); NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "SCRIPT_END"); } function NTTR_AttackTo(areaid, x, y, attack) { var i, n; var _path; var _teleport = false; if(x == me.x && y == me.y) return true; if(arguments.length < 4) attack = true; else if(NTC_GetSkillLevel(54) > 0) _teleport = true; _path = GetPath(areaid, me.x, me.y, x, y, false); if(!_path) return false; for(i = 0 ; i < _path.length ; i++) { for(n = 0 ; n < 2 ; n++) { if(_teleport) { if(NTM_TeleportTo(_path[i][0]+Random(-n, n), _path[i][1]+Random(-n, n))) break; } else { if(NTTR_WalkTo(_path[i][0], _path[i][1], attack)) break; } } } return true; } function NTTR_WalkTo(x, y, attack) { var i; var _prex1, _prey1; var _prex2, _prey2; if(me.runwalk == 0) me.runwalk = 1; for(i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++) { if((i % 10) == 0) { if((i % 60) == 0) { _prex1 = me.x; _prey1 = me.y; if((i % 120) == 0) { _prex2 = me.x; _prey2 = me.y; } } if(attack) NTTR_Attack(); ClickMap(NTC_CLICK_LDOWN, NTC_SHIFT_NONE, x, y); } NTC_Delay(NTC_DELAY_FRAME); if(Math.abs(me.x-x) < 2 && Math.abs(me.y-y) < 2) break; if((i % 10) == 9) { ClickMap(NTC_CLICK_LUP, NTC_SHIFT_NONE, null); NTC_Delay(NTC_DELAY_FRAME); if((i % 60) == 59) { if(me.x == _prex1 && me.y == _prey1 && !NTC_InTown()) { NTTR_Attack; NTP_DoPrecast(false); } if((i % 120) == 119 && me.x == _prex2 && me.y == _prey2) return false; } } } ClickMap(NTC_CLICK_LUP, NTC_SHIFT_NONE, null); NTC_Delay(NTC_DELAY_FRAME); return (i < 100); } function NTTR_Attack() { var _orgx, _orgy; var _spectype = [0x0A, 0x01, 0x01]; var _skiplist; var _attackcount = 0; var _target; var _distance, _mingid, _mindistance; var _result; var _sum = 0; if(NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] < 1 || NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] < 1) return false; _orgx = me.x; _orgy = me.y; for(var i = 0 ; i < _spectype.length ; i++) { _skiplist = new Array(); while(_attackcount < (i+1)*100) { if (_attackcount >= 50) break; _mindistance = 100000; _target = NTC_FindUnit(NTC_UNIT_MONSTER); if(_target) { do { if(_skiplist.indexOf(_target.gid) < 0) { if(_target.IsAttackable() && (_target.spectype&_spectype[i]) && NTTR_IsReachable(_target)) { if(GetDistance(_orgx, _orgy, _target.x, _target.y) <= 20 && NTA_IsValidMonster(_target)) { _distance = GetDistance(me, _target); if(_distance < _mindistance) { _mingid = _target.gid; _mindistance = _distance; } } } else _skiplist.push(_target.gid); } } while(_target.GetNext()); } if(_mindistance < 100000) { _target = NTC_FindUnit(NTC_UNIT_MONSTER, _mingid); if(_target) { _result = NTA_Attack(_target, (_attackcount%30) == 0); if(NTConfig_FastPickit) NTSI_PickItems(); switch(_result) { case 1: _skiplist.push(_mingid); break; case 2: case 3: _attackcount++; break; default: return false; } } } else break; } } return true; } function NTTR_IsReachable(target) { if(target.x >= 25066 && target.x <= 25095 && target.y >= 5061 && target.y <= 5080) return false; if(target.x >= 25095 && target.x <= 25115 && target.y >= 5150 && target.y <= 5170) return false; return true; } Now add this line to your Character config NTConfig_Script.push("NTTristramRuns.ntj"); NTConfig_TPOutside = true; NTConfig_FastPickit = false; And once you get to act three you can search online for a no teleport Trav script Have fun and BTW you will want to copy your Tristram.ntj file before you refill it with this script,just copy and save to a safe place,lol.Just in case you want to go back to original specs.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)
11-22-2010, 01:49 AM
Nice, I see he runs through the level now but does not attack anything. Can that be changed?
11-22-2010, 09:08 AM
JustinVoorhees Wrote:how can I get my bot to just pick up etheral uniques??? [Flag] == ethereal will keep ethereal items only. Like on the Tomb Reaver [Flag] != ethereal will keep items that are not ethereal
11-22-2010, 10:23 AM
hey im gonna start running public runs but i need a good script like opens tp on star and kill all mobs can someone help?
11-22-2010, 10:48 AM
xXDASSXx Wrote:hey im gonna start running public runs but i need a good script like opens tp on star and kill all mobs can someone help?Here http://www.blizzsector.co/f16/d2nt-multi...58162.html
11-23-2010, 01:35 AM
Hi , i just started to use the bot for the few days everything work fine but after that in game, it pop up a message as below
.... D2nt31_NTBot42\D2Nt\Scripts\libs\common\NTItemParser.ntl (64) : Syntax Error : Missing )in parethetical. and my sorcy standing in town doing nothing eventually the bot will quit and restart another game due to the in game period, but situation reamin the same even in a new game. Appreciate your help.
11-24-2010, 01:18 AM
I got a gold problem my bot wont pick any gold up can you help??
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