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[D2NT Release] Druid Script
credits to bigapple90

.: Druid Class Script :.
.:.: Version 1.0 May 17 2010 :.:.

• Supports werewolf/werebear druid.
• If you want to teleport with a feral druid (lol) the bot will tele to target then shapeshift to attack. Works good for single places like Andariel/Meph/Eldritch etc. Would not work well in a place like chaos sanc (teles there, shapeshifts, attacks, then walks the rest of the way. Maybe feral bot can be useful for a baal leech fight.
• Elemental druid will always tele ontop of Andy, Meph, Baal, and Diablo to hit them better with tornado.
If you have no edits to your current NTAttack.ntl you can just copy paste mine (has some pally edits and other things): RAW OUTPUT nQga8atc and skip to step 4
step [1]: Open NTAttack, add these case codes for spell range:
case 225:  //Fire Storm
         case 229:  //Molten Boulder
         case 230:  //Arctic Blast
         case 232:  //Feral Rage
         case 233:  //Maul
         case 238:  //Rabies
         case 239:  //Fire Claws
         case 240:  //Twister
         case 242:  //Hunger
         case 243:  //Shockwave
         case 244:  //Volcano
            _NTA_SkillRange[i] = 3;
         case 245:  //Tornado
            _NTA_SkillRange[i] = 9;
         case 248:  //Fury      
            _NTA_SkillRange[i] = 3;
Step [2]: Find
Quote: NTA_IsValidMonster
copy this code:

if(me.classid == NTC_CHAR_CLASS_DRUID)
         NTC_CastSkill(250, NTC_HAND_RIGHT);
         NTC_CastSkill(235, NTC_HAND_RIGHT);
         NTC_CastSkill(226, NTC_HAND_RIGHT);
and paste it above:

return true;
Step 3]: Now, replace these functions:
function NTA_DruidAttackPatternInt(), function  NTA_DruidAttackInt(target, firstorder), function  NTA_DruidCastSkillInt(index, target)
with this code:

function NTA_DruidAttackPatternInt()
   var _maxindex, _maxskill;
   var _avgskilllevel = new Array();

   _avgskilllevel[0] = me.GetSkill(245, false);
   _maxindex = -1;
   _maxskill = 0;

   for(var i = 0 ; i < _avgskilllevel.length ; i++)
      if(_avgskilllevel[i] > _maxskill)
         _maxindex = i;
         _maxskill = _avgskilllevel[i];

   case 0: //  
      NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 245;
      NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 245;
      NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 245;
      NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 245;
      NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 245;
      NTConfig_AttackSkill[6] = 245;

   return (NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] && NTConfig_AttackSkill[3]);

function NTA_DruidAttackInt(target, firstorder)
   var _primaryindex;

   if(NTTMGR_CheckCurse(NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe&0x10,  NTConfig_CheckMercSafe&0x10))
         return 0;

   if(firstorder && NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] > 0 &&  NTA_GetResistance(target, _NTA_SkillDamage[0]) < 100)
      if(GetDistance(me, target) > NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] ||  !CheckCollision(me, target, 4))
         var _pos = me.GetOptimalAttackPos(target.areaid, target.x,  target.y,  _NTA_SkillRange[index], 4);

            NTM_MoveTo(target.areaid, _pos[0], _pos[1], 0);

      if(!NTC_CastSkill(NTConfig_AttackSkill[0], _NTA_SkillHand[0],  target))
         return 2;

      return 3;

   _primaryindex = (target.spectype&0x0A) ? 1 : 3;


   if(me.GetSkill(245, true) > 1)
      if( == "Andariel" || == "Baal" || == "Mephisto" || == "Diablo")
         if(!NTA_DruidCastSkillIntNear(_primaryindex, target))
            return 2;

         return 3;

   if(NTA_GetResistance(target, _NTA_SkillDamage[_primaryindex]) <=  90)
      if(!NTA_DruidCastSkillInt(_primaryindex, target))
         return 2;

      return 3;

   if(NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] > 0 &&  NTA_GetResistance(target, _NTA_SkillDamage[5]) <= 80)
      if(!NTA_DruidCastSkillInt(5, target))
         return 2;

      return 3;

   if(NTA_GetResistance(target, _NTA_SkillDamage[index]) < 100 ||  (_primaryindex == 1 && NTC_GetMerc()))
      if(!NTA_DruidCastSkillInt(_primaryindex, target))
         return 2;

      return 3;

   return 1;

function NTA_DruidCastSkillIntNear(index, target)
   if(GetDistance(me, target) > 3 || !CheckCollision(me, target, 4))
      NTM_MoveTo(target.areaid, target.x, target.y, 0);
   return NTC_CastSkill(NTConfig_AttackSkill[index],  _NTA_SkillHand[index], target);
   if(NTConfig_AttackSkill[index+1] > 0)
      if(GetDistance(me, target) > 3 || !CheckCollision(me, target,  4))
         var _pos = me.GetOptimalAttackPos(target.areaid, target.x,  target.y, 3, 4);

            NTM_MoveTo(target.areaid, _pos[0], _pos[1], 0);

      return NTC_CastSkill(NTConfig_AttackSkill[index+1],  _NTA_SkillHand[index+1], target);

function NTA_DruidCastSkillInt(index, target)
   if(GetDistance(me, target) > _NTA_SkillRange[index] ||  !CheckCollision(me, target, 4))
      var _pos = me.GetOptimalAttackPos(target.areaid, target.x,  target.y,  _NTA_SkillRange[index], 4);

            NTM_MoveTo(target.areaid, _pos[0], _pos[1], 0);
      NTC_CastSkill(223, NTC_HAND_RIGHT) // Werewolf
   else if(!me.GetState(140))      
      NTC_CastSkill(228, NTC_HAND_RIGHT) // Werebear    

   return NTC_CastSkill(NTConfig_AttackSkill[index],  _NTA_SkillHand[index], target);
   if(NTConfig_AttackSkill[index+1] > 0)
      if(GetDistance(me, target) > _NTA_SkillRange[index+1] ||  !CheckCollision(me, target, 4))
         var _pos = me.GetOptimalAttackPos(target.areaid, target.x,  target.y, _NTA_SkillRange[index+1], 4);

            NTM_MoveTo(target.areaid, _pos[0], _pos[1], 0);

      return NTC_CastSkill(NTConfig_AttackSkill[index+1],  _NTA_SkillHand[index+1], target);
Quote:Save and close NTAttack.
Step [4]: Copy a Sorcoress NTConfig and rename it like so:

Step [5]:
Open the new config file.
Step [6]:
// Attack configuration
// 225: //Fire Storm
// 229: //Molten Boulder
// 230: //Arctic Blast
// 232: //Feral Rage
// 233: //Maul
// 238: //Rabies
// 239: //Fire Claws
// 240: //Twister
// 242: //Hunger
// 243: //Shockwave
// 244: //Volcano
// 245: //Tornado
// 248: //Fury

NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 0; // First skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 0; // Primary skill to boss.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 0; // Primary untimed skill to boss. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 0; // Primary skill to others.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 0; // Primary untimed skill to others. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 0; // Secondary skill in case monster is immune to primary skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[6] = 0; // Secondary untimed skill. Set to 0 if you won't
Quote:For Feral Druid don't leave the attacks to 0. For Elemental Druids tornado is defaulted to all attacks unless you change it.
Don't forget to config everything else (bosses, chicken settings, etc)
Let me know if you have any issues, questions or if you find any bugs.
Version 1.0: Initial Release
if you can reply back with a frenzy barb d2nt script for barb plzblank:
Hello, i copied and pasted your NtAttack into mine like you had on the first step and skipped to step 4 like you said, I followed all the steps. When i opened the New Druid script for d2nt, scroll down to the attack configurations and i paste over it with the one you have, close it and save after i put 245 for the tornado on Attack skill 1-4. I left the immunes to 0 and i put the last one on 245. When i go to load the bot, i get it into the game and i have 3 errors.

1) <D2NT Error> C:\Users\Dell

2) User\Desktop\D2NT31_NTBot32\D2NT\scripts\NTBot\NTBotGame.ntj (17) :

3) ReferenceError: NT_LoadConfig is not defined

Can i please have some help with these errors, please and thank you very much and kindly.
Hi, Everythings working great but i would like the bot to teleport and on each enemy for better tornadoes, not only on boss. How can I fix that?
ledieuduquebec Wrote:Hi, Everythings working great but i would like the bot to teleport and on each enemy for better tornadoes, not only on boss. How can I fix that?

Try reducing the range for the tornado in the attack.ntl file. I did it for my orb sorc, and it worked like a charm
Thank you for posting your RAW NTattack, it fixed my wave 2 of baal issue to help smite the immunes for my hdin instead of spamhammering them.
I get "Your connection has been interrupted" every time I run my druid script. It happens right after he's done with precast. Any thoughts?
Hey i just used you're script awesome. i'm a feral druid and i use fire claws as my main attack so first question i had it casts oak sage right before i fight every boss but i have heart of the wolverine set up in my precast, and secondly after i kill a boss my druid just stands there in wolf form so he cant tp and the game just sits there so i was wondering if you knew how to fix these two issues any help would be appreciated thanks
<D2NT Error>
C:\Users\MFPM\Documents\D2NT31_NTBot42\D2NTBots\NTAndariel.ntj(10) : ReferenceError: NTA_Initialize is not defined

will give same error if i pick a different boss,will just change the rror of the names boss

// Boss configuration
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPindleskin.ntj"); NTConfig_NihlathakExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTNihlathak.ntj"); NTConfig_PindleskinExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTEldritch.ntj"); NTConfig_ShenkExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTFrozenRiver.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearFrozenRiver = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTGlacialTrail.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearGlacialTrail = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTIcyCellar.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearIcyCellar = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTBaal.ntj"); NTConfig_KillBaal = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTDiablo.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearEverythingFromEntrance = true; NTConfig_ClearEverythingFromStar = false; //NTConfig_ClearSpecialsFromEntrance = false; NTConfig_ClearSpecialsFromStar = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTAct3Sewers.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearA3SewersLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTSummoner.ntj"); NTConfig_KillFireEye = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPit.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearPitLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTMausoleum.ntj"); NTConfig_KillBloodRaven = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTHole.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearHoleLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTTristram.ntj"); NTConfig_KillRakanishu = true;
Chaos-Owns Wrote:2) User\Desktop\D2NT31_NTBot32\D2NT\scripts\NTBot\NTBotGame.ntj (17) :

3) ReferenceError: NT_LoadConfig is not defined

Can i please have some help with these errors, please and thank you very much and kindly.
Im having the same error......but its only with the druid, i had it running fine then i downloaded the item logger and it messed up my bot or something, and i tryed to redownload d2nt and am still getting the same error
prettyraheem Wrote:Hey i just used you're script awesome. i'm a feral druid and i use fire claws as my main attack so first question i had it casts oak sage right before i fight every boss but i have heart of the wolverine set up in my precast, and secondly after i kill a boss my druid just stands there in wolf form so he cant tp and the game just sits there so i was wondering if you knew how to fix these two issues any help would be appreciated thanks

i also need help with this.
Chaos-Owns Wrote:Hello, i copied and pasted your NtAttack into mine like you had on the first step and skipped to step 4 like you said, I followed all the steps. When i opened the New Druid script for d2nt, scroll down to the attack configurations and i paste over it with the one you have, close it and save after i put 245 for the tornado on Attack skill 1-4. I left the immunes to 0 and i put the last one on 245. When i go to load the bot, i get it into the game and i have 3 errors.

1) <D2NT Error> C:\Users\Dell

2) User\Desktop\D2NT31_NTBot32\D2NT\scripts\NTBot\NTBotGame.ntj (17) :

3) ReferenceError: NT_LoadConfig is not defined

Can i please have some help with these errors, please and thank you very much and kindly.

Make sure you save the file as an .ntl file instead of .txt Smile
wut do i need to do to adapt this into a werewolf barb
donky144 Wrote:wut do i need to do to adapt this into a werewolf barb

never had a werewolf barb but do you get it the skill from the helm, if so the bot can not get skills from gear. but I would look into the etal bot and see if it will have anything for you - you can check it out here - Main Page - Project Etal Wiki
and I can help you set it up if need be
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Wink Thanks Wink
comper Wrote:never had a werewolf barb but do you get it the skill from the helm, if so the bot can not get skills from gear. but I would look into the etal bot and see if it will have anything for you - you can check it out here - Main Page - Project Etal Wiki
and I can help you set it up if need be

I am running etal and all of this script worked for my werewolf barb and my friends windy druid.

And for any one else who needs to know u just have to add werewolf to the barb section of the Ntprecast file after battle commands battle orders and shout. just copy the script for one of the other skills and change the skill number to 223.
donky144 Wrote:I am running etal and all of this script worked for my werewolf barb and my friends windy druid.

And for any one else who needs to know u just have to add werewolf to the barb section of the Ntprecast file after battle commands battle orders and shout. just copy the script for one of the other skills and change the skill number to 223.

thanks for the info
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Wink Thanks Wink
I would also like to add that this bot runs very poorly for pretty much any thing because it cant teleport. It is extremly buggy and and often misses large sections of games because it cant go any where. It is still much faster to use the bot to level than to lvl legit but i recommend using a whirlwind set up to lvl then restat later.
donky144 Wrote:I would also like to add that this bot runs very poorly for pretty much any thing because it cant teleport. It is extremly buggy and and often misses large sections of games because it cant go any where. It is still much faster to use the bot to level than to lvl legit but i recommend using a whirlwind set up to lvl then restat later.

ifr you are wanting to lvl your char you could have him grushed to hell act 4 and then use the chaos scripts to lvl him = that is if you have a friens or if you can run the leader
these 2 scripts -
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Wink Thanks Wink
comper Wrote:ifr you are wanting to lvl your char you could have him grushed to hell act 4 and then use the chaos scripts to lvl him = that is if you have a friens or if you can run the leader
these 2 scripts -

those r the scripts i am using to lvl the bot just doesnt like to walk anywhere the bot is set up with certain points that it needs to go to and it tries to take straight lines to get there so if there is something blocking the path it doesnt go around it it just sits and waits for a while then towns and goes to act 5 for baal then it does the same thing in baals throne room then errors and leaves the game

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