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Complete Diablo 2 Unique Pickit script for D2Nt bot
//[Type] == ring && [Quality] == unique # [ToHit] >= 50 && [ItemMagicBonus] == 15 // Nagelring

That is how your nagel code looks at the moment.

//[Type] == ring && [Quality] == unique # [ToHit] >= 50 && [ItemMagicBonus] >= 15 // Nagelring

With a simple change in circumstances (changed == to >= ) It will now allow you pick up any nagel, if you enable the line of course.
you dont have scripts for necro heads on there and if you did i dont see them xD... also if i want to keep things unid how would i put that inside there?
Why is the bot always keeping Nagel rings when I set it to keep only perfect ones?

WIll edit with line in a bit.

//[Type] == ring && [Quality] == unique # [ToHit] >= 50 && [ItemMagicBonus] == 15 // Nagelring
[Type] == ring && [Quality] == unique # [ToHit] >= 70 && [ItemMagicBonus] == 30 // Nagelring

Im picking up shitty ones like 21,23,21 MF%.
Hello so do I copy that all into the magic_rare or the unique one?[COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added 05-23-2011 at 10:15 PM ---------- Previous post was 05-22-2011 at 07:26 PM ----------

[/COLOR]how do i make it pick up all hoz or all shakos i dont care about the stats how i change it so it does picks those?
You copy this into your uniq pickit

If u want to the bot to keep stuff unid just remove everything that comes past unique or rare or magic
[Name] == Shako && [Quality] == unique
Does this pickit include picking up runes? I'd be sad to find out I missed out on some nice hr's lol. Also, does it pick up good socketed gear?
jleethal Wrote:Does this pickit include picking up runes? I'd be sad to find out I missed out on some nice hr's lol. Also, does it pick up good socketed gear?
The bot is set to pick up runes by default.

This is just a full list of uniq items that u can add to the bot.
Check the stickys on the forum for socketed pickit also there is other useful stuff for the bot posted.
Using a previous example of lines of code from this pickit i have a question.
//[Name] == Ataghan && [Quality] == unique && [Flag] != ethereal # [EnhancedDamage] >= 240 && [ItemDamageDemonPercent] >= 150 && [ManaLeech] >= 6 && [ItemAbsorbLight] >= 7 && [ItemToHitDemon] >= 300 && [Sockets] >= 2 // Djinn Slayer
[Name] == Ataghan && [Quality] == unique && [Flag] == ethereal # [EnhancedDamage] >= 240 && [ItemDamageDemonPercent] >= 150 && [ManaLeech] >= 6 && [ItemAbsorbLight] >= 7 && [ItemToHitDemon] >= 300 && [Sockets] >= 2 // Djinn Slayer

The line of code that is red will that not pick up if its Eth? i understand the code underneath is to pick up eth Djinn Slayer but will the code in red not pick up eth? Or is the line in blue there just so that way if u only want it to pick up Eth. Where as the red will pick up either or? plz lmk idk if i have enough privledge yet to get pms so will check bak on the thread every once and a while. Thank you in advance
Hey. Am I supposed to like, delete these signs // to direct the bot to pick up those specific items? My brother told me that's how it is, but I don't get that feeling by reading this thread.
Jammer74 Wrote:in your charactername config file you will see some text that looks like this down towards the bottom

// SnagIt configuration
    // Select one group only (normal / advance / extreme / Master)




    //NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Gold Potions Runes Gems Essences Keys Organs.nip");

    NTConfig_SnagRange = 40;    // Radius to check for dropped items. 40  is a good number here
these are the pickit (or snagit ) files the bot uses, notice how one set doesn't have double slashes in front of it,that being my starting out pickit(shown in orange for visibility).The one with out slashes is the one my bot uses,so yours is likewise,look in your charactername config and find the snagit without slashes.Then look in that file under item config and edit the nip files you find.

the reason your bot threw away a hoz is because it wasn't good enough (ie enough enhanced defense percentage)
the way you make the bot not id something like griffons or coa or hoz is to remove everything after the word unique in the pickit line

here is an example
[COLOR=DarkOrange][Name] == Diadem && quality == Unique[/COLOR]
that will not identify griffons eye unique diadem but it will still stash it as long as the line is uncommented(no double slash in front of it)almost every item in my unique pickit has a line for not identifying(except for some low level crap)Well I hope this answers your questions if you have any more feel free to ask

Hey Jammer... what are the necessary steps in creating my own pickit?
I see that you have a "startingout" pick it. I would like to create one like that which will pick up everything that is needed. Currently mine is running on extreme and its been just picking up HRs LOL
pbanks Wrote:Hey Jammer... what are the necessary steps in creating my own pickit?
I see that you have a "startingout" pick it. I would like to create one like that which will pick up everything that is needed. Currently mine is running on extreme and its been just picking up HRs LOL

it is very easy just make a .nip file, give it a name like pbanks.nip then just add the line in your char config file like - NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("extreme/pbanks.nip"); since you are using the extreme folder just put in that folder then just start adding lines that you want the bot to keep to that pbanks.nip file
comper Wrote:it is very easy just make a .nip file, give it a name like pbanks.nip then just add the line in your char config file like - NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("extreme/pbanks.nip"); since you are using the extreme folder just put in that folder then just start adding lines that you want the bot to keep to that pbanks.nip file

That seems feasible... now my question is can just put "//" on the other ones and just run that one pick it?
pbanks Wrote:That seems feasible... now my question is can just put "//" on the other ones and just run that one pick it?

yes but make sure to add like your gold and pots and runes - stuff like that if you just going to use 1 file
Ok, so i'm having a bit of a problem here, i did a nip check and i got 31 fails from my unique master.nip also he just sold a nosfertu's coil on me... what a jerk!
nyknights Wrote:Ok, so i'm having a bit of a problem here, i did a nip check and i got 31 fails from my unique master.nip also he just sold a nosfertu's coil on me... what a jerk!

did you find and fixed your errors in your nip files and you can pause the bot with the pause key on your key if you need to take over the bot and then click pause again to start bot back up
if you need help with your nip file you can c/p it in and I can look it over
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Wink Thanks Wink
comper Wrote:did you find and fixed your errors in your nip files and you can pause the bot with the pause key on your key if you need to take over the bot and then click pause again to start bot back up
if you need help with your nip file you can c/p it in and I can look it over

unique -

edit: i looked but couldn't find anything. I'm not too good with this thing lol. Plus i just got it, Also, if he sells the items, then they aren't that good correct? I believe that's what i got when it was said it's for the godly items or something like that.
nyknights Wrote:unique -

edit: i looked but couldn't find anything. I'm not too good with this thing lol. Plus i just got it, Also, if he sells the items, then they aren't that good correct? I believe that's what i got when it was said it's for the godly items or something like that.

let is going to take a little time on how big it is - where did you find this file?
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Wink Thanks Wink
from this post... lol
nyknights Wrote:from this post... lol

ok thanks lol
go you have other nip files you can use till I get this one fixed?
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Wink Thanks Wink
comper Wrote:ok thanks lol
go you have other nip files you can use till I get this one fixed?

still not smart enough lol, i'll just use this one for now haha. It's doing alright, i got a 29 nagel and he kept it, so it's working, just don't know what the fails were.

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