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Ok, listen, the stats of a unid item are decided when the item is created, just they're hidden, right? im basing this on 1 thing which i'll get to later but im not an mpq sniffer so i got no data to back this up other than my claims. U ever get that type of thing where u lag out of a game and u go back to what u had 2 games ago (lose ur gained lvl, unsell ur sold items, unfind that coa... lol) well i had a unid large charm. I idented it in that game and i lagged out for sum random reason. the next game i reidented and it had the same mods!!! this could be one hell of a f*ckin coincidence but i dont think so. Anyways, if theres sum1 whos good with packets, im guessing theres a way to sniff the packets when the items drop and tell what stats will be on the item. this would kik *** for trading away unid (lowest possible mods) uniques that are worth half of unid with lowest mods (doombringer). Im guessing this works with runewords too but im not sure. Another way would be 2 find out how to create that lag or wutever it is (possible server side reboot/crash?) and do wut u want then lets say ur botd eth cb was gonna be a 150-160, leave the eth out and trade it away as a "unid" runeword. Plz any1 get back to me on this. it could be very helpfull.
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lol ofcourse your item will have same mods dude even if you rollback u cna pickup a rare ring identify it 100 times over but will alwyas be the same for detecting the attributes im not sure.maybe somehow u can decipher the attributes by looking at the packets when u pickup te unid item.
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thats wat im saying, but there is a packet that includes the actual mods for the item. but when r the packets sent. i dont no much bout the actual data so r items rolled at monster spawn, or death? and r attributes rolled at drop or pick up? now i understand its not at ident. If sum1 finds a way to decipher unid item mods and attributes, unid trading will go down the drain. Btw, jsut a random related thought, what about everytin else, is ur mf sent in a packet when the items r rolled to be included? cause if they are then with a simple packet sender, u can jump ur mf up just as the items r spawning, but u'll need a sniffer to block the outgoing actual mf packet. im probably totally off on this but w/e ehh, its not even worth a try.
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okay listen go into single player laod d2hackit and get a nisffer get the sniffer 2 look at all the pakcets betwee nthe time period of picking up the item and you unidentifying after that immediately close and make a palce marker where you uhloaded the look through and see what you cna find.receied packets are usually clientside so those wont help you really and sent are the 1 's that do some server side stuff.hell jsut post the papcket lsit here okay ill tell you which packets are the 1's yuou should be mesin with.
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Umm, the whole point was... I dont no how to do this stuff, i was asking if sum1 else can check it out, i used to use mh and pickit and loader and packet senders but then i got banned and i stopped but i dont think it works in sp... no packets r bein sent or recieved... u might have to do a test with new everytin. check out jukes cd-keys and then use a refiller. i dont know any progs that can sniff packets, the only hacks that i can get r the hackpack stuff, and i already got flaming cows cracked mousepad mh, so the point of it was pickit, but zoids doesnt pick up user dropped items, prob a drop game precaution. damn u, my one use... lol.
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dear god son theres singleplayer packets am a codebreaker but i realy not up to a wild goose chaseso u can scam meor 1 of my friends.hel u could be scamming the mod of this forum.sorry dude but it would of been released by now if it was poss.ible.but keep trying tho.think harder.
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Well there goes my dreams of discovering a "hack" lol. Well thx to ppl who at least tried to shut me up...
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TheApossal Wrote:lol ofcourse your item will have same mods dude even if you rollback u cna pickup a rare ring identify it 100 times over but will alwyas be the same item.
umm... thats wrong. i remember using a trick where you id the item, put it in the trade window, and if it had bad stats, just use the alt+f4 and come back into the game when your realm decides to come back up, and then do it over. now this worked for the variable unique items, and always worked on rare items.
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Nubli Wrote:umm... thats wrong. i remember using a trick where you id the item, put it in the trade window, and if it had bad stats, just use the alt+f4 and come back into the game when your realm decides to come back up, and then do it over. now this worked for the variable unique items, and always worked on rare items. At least it doesn't work anymore, it will still be the same.
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Hah, i dont no how to use the quote... so
"umm... thats wrong. i remember using a trick where you id the item, put it in the trade window, and if it had bad stats, just use the alt+f4 and come back into the game when your realm decides to come back up, and then do it over. now this worked for the variable unique items, and always worked on rare items."
Just tried it out, doesnt work thats y identing in the trade window has been disabled. Im gonna try socketing while in the trade window and see if it returns, u dont need to alt-f4 for this, supposedly u jsut need to close the trade window to go back to what was happening before that. If any1 can find out what a rollback is caused by and can figure out a way to cause one at will, plz post it here. thx
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etanol Wrote:At least it doesn't work anymore, it will still be the same.
damn those silent updates.
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Ron7684 Wrote:Hah, i dont no how to use the quote... so
to quote press quote button on bottom right of a post