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Iteam Codes
Well This on I have had for a while, Use them to make my Super Pickit ( Man Iteams don't get a chance to hit the ground) i'm alsome in Drop Games
Well Here they Are:

uow   Aegis
pa4   Aerin Shield
pa7   Akaran Rondache
pa6   Akaran Targe
dr6   Alpha Helm
gsv   Amethyst
r11   Amn Rune
amu   Amulet
aar   Ancient Armor
9gi   Ancient Axe
xts   Ancient Shield
9wd   Ancient Sword
dr3   Antlers
8lx   Arbalest
utp   Archon Plate
6ws   Archon Staff
ulm   Armet
am6   Ashwood Bow
ba4   Assault Helmet
7sm   Ataghan
ba5   Avenger Guard
axe   Axe
bal   Balanced Axe
bkf   Balanced Knife
8hx   Ballista
7gs   Balrog Blade
upl   Balrog Skin
7s7   Balrog Spear
9sp   Barbed Club
xpk   Barbed Shield
bar   Bardiche
xhl   Basinet
bsw   Bastard Sword
btx   Battle Axe
ztb   Battle Belt
xtb   Battle Boots
7cs   Battle Cestus
9tk   Battle Dart
xtg   Battle Gauntlets
9wh   Battle Hammer
9s8   Battle Scythe
bst   Battle Staff
9bs   Battle Sword
9ba   Bearded Axe
9h9   Bec-de-Corbin
mbl   Belt
r30   Ber Rune
7wa   Beserker Axe
9vo   Bill
bld   Blade
upk   Blade Barrier
6hb   Blade Bow
btl   Blade Talons
drb   Blood Spirit
nef   Bloodlord Skull
bhm   Bone Helm
7dg   Bone Knife
bsh   Bone Shield
uh9   Bone Visage
bwn   Bone Wand
uhn   Boneweave
umb   Boneweave Boots
lbt   Boots
ulg   Bramble Mitts
brn   Brandistock
brs   Breast Plate
bax   Broad Axe
bsd   Broad Sword
buc   Buckler
9wn   Burnt Wand
7ws   Caduceus
ne9   Cantor Trophy
cap   Cap
bab   Carnage Helm
xlm   Casque
8lb   Cedar Bow
8cs   Cedar Staff
am7   Ceremonial Bow
ama   Ceremonial Javelin
am9   Ceremonial Pike
am8   Ceremonial Spear
ces   Cestus
mbt   Chain Boots
mgl   Chain Gloves
chn   Chain Mail
r32   Cham Rune
7ga   Champion Axe
7b7   Champion Sword
xul   Chaos Armor
gcv   Chipped Amethyst
gcw   Chipped Diamond
gcg   Chipped Emerald
gcr   Chipped Ruby
gcb   Chipped Sapphire
skc   Chipped Skull
gcy   Chipped Topaz
gpm   Choking Gas Potion
8rx   Chu-Ko-Nu
9kr   Cinquedeas
ci0   Circlet
ob4   Clasped Orb
clw   Claws
clm   Claymore
9ax   Cleaver
ob8   Cloudy Sphere
clb   Club
7gd   Colossus Blade
6hx   Colossus Crossbow
uhc   Colossus Girdle
7fb   Colossus Sword
7vo   Colossus Voulge
cbw   Composite Bow
bae   Conqueror Crown
7bs   Conquest Sword
urn   Corona
ci1   Coronet
mxb   Crossbow
9mp   Crowbill
crn   Crown
pa5   Crown Shield
6l7   Crusader Bow
utg   Crusader Gauntlets
7pa   Cryptic Axe
7ls   Cryptic Sword
crs   Crystal Sword
ob7   Crystalline Globe
9cl   Cudgel
xrs   Cuirass
9sm   Cutlass
9cm   Dacian Falx
dgr   Dagger
xsk   Death Mask
7bt   Decapitator
xuc   Defender
6rx   Demon Crossbow
ne5   Demon Head
obd   Demon Heart
usk   Demonhead
xla   Demonhide Armor
xlb   Demonhide Boots
xlg   Demonhide Gloves
zlb   Demonhide Sash
bad   Destroyer Helm
7mt   Devil Star
ci3   Diadem
gsw   Diamond
6s7   Diamond Bow
ung   Diamond Mail
9cr   Dimensional Blade
obf   Dimensional Shard
dir   Dirk
9ws   Divine Scepter
r14   Dol Rune
2ax   Double Axe
8cb   Double Bow
xit   Dragon Shield
drf   Dream Spirit
uui   Dusk Shroud
ob1   Eagle Orb
drd   Earth Spirit
8sb   Edge Bow
r01   El Rune
r02   Eld Rune
6cs   Elder Staff
obc   Eldritch Orb
7sb   Elegant Blade
xth   Embossed Plate
gsg   Emerald
92h   Espandon
r05   Eth Rune
72a   Ettin Axe
9gd   Executioner Sword
opm   Exploding Potion
r19   Fal Rune
7ss   Falcata
flc   Falchion
dr4   Falcon Mask
ba2   Fanged Helm
7kr   Fanged Knife
9xf   Fascia
7la   Feral Axe
7lw   Feral Claws
ne7   Fetish Trophy
fld   Field Plate
fla   Flail
flb   Flamberge
9ma   Flanged Mace
gfv   Flawed Amethyst
gfw   Flawed Diamond
gfg   Flawed Emerald
gfr   Flawed Ruby
gfb   Flawed Sapphire
skf   Flawed Skull
gfy   Flawed Topaz
gzv   Flawless Amethyst
glw   Flawless Diamond
glg   Flawless Emerald
glr   Flawless Ruby
glb   Flawless Sapphire
skl   Flawless Skull
gly   Flawless Topaz
7ta   Flying Axe
7tk   Flying Knife
9ta   Francisca
fhl   Full Helm
ful   Full Plate Mail
rvl   Full Rejuvenation Potion
opl   Fulminating Potion
bac   Fury Visor
9tr   Fuscina
ne4   Gargoyle Head
hgl   Gauntlets
xui   Ghost Armor
7gl   Ghost Glaive
7st   Ghost Spear
7yw   Ghost Wand
gix   Giant Axe
uhl   Giant Conch
gis   Giant Sword
7wc   Giant Thresher
pa9   Gilded Shield
9ss   Gladius
glv   Glaive
7gi   Glorious Axe
ob6   Glowing Orb
cst   Gnarled Staff
6mx   Gorgon Crossbow
9ga   Gothic Axe
8lw   Gothic Bow
gth   Gothic Plate
gts   Gothic Shield
8bs   Gothic Staff
9b9   Gothic Sword
cm3   Grand Charm
xrn   Grand Crown
amc   Grand Matron Bow
gsc   Grand Scepter
9gw   Grave Wand
gax   Great Axe
6cb   Great Bow
urs   Great Hauberk
ghm   Great Helm
gma   Great Maul
9pi   Great Pilum
7h7   Great Poleaxe
gsd   Great Sword
9lw   Greater Claws
hp4   Greater Healing Potion
mp4   Greater Mana Potion
9tw   Greater Talons
hbt   Greaves
dr7   Griffon Headdress
xh9   Grim Helm
9wc   Grim Scythe
xsh   Grim Shield
gwn   Grim Wand
baf   Guardian Crown
r25   Gul Rune
hal   Halberd
hax   Hand Axe
9cs   Hand Scythe
hla   Hard Leather Armor
9ts   Harpoon
9ha   Hatchet
axf   Hatchet Hands
dr2   Hawk Helm
hp3   Healing Potion
uuc   Heater
obb   Heavenly Stone
tbl   Heavy Belt
vbt   Heavy Boots
xmg   Heavy Bracers
hxb   Heavy Crossbow
vgl   Heavy Gloves
r15   Hel Rune
ult   Hellforge Plate
nec   Hellspawn Skull
hlm   Helm
pa3   Heraldic Shield
nea   Hierophant Trophy
7cm   Highland Blade
9qs   Holy Water Sprinkler
ba3   Horned Helm
hbw   Hunter's Bow
dr8   Hunter's Guise
9b8   Hurlbat
6lw   Hydra Bow
7fc   Hydra Edge
ukp   Hydraskull
urg   Hyperion
7ja   Hyperion Javelin
7sr   Hyperion Spear
r16   Io Rune
r24   Ist Rune
r06   Ith Rune
9mt   Jagged Star
r31   Jah Rune
ob5   Jared's Stone
jav   Javelin
ba1   Jawbone Cap
ba6   Jawbone Visor
jew   Jewel
8ss   Jo Staff
ktr   Katar
kit   Kite Shield
9fl   Knout
r18   Ko Rune
uld   Kraken Shell
kri   Kris
pad   Kurast Shield
uth   Lacquered Plate
9p9   Lance
lax   Large Axe
cm2   Large Charm
lrg   Large Shield
8l8   Large Siege Bow
lea   Leather Armor
lgl   Leather Gloves
7bl   Legend Spike
72h   Legend Sword
7wh   Legendary Mallet
r20   Lem Rune
7bw   Lich Wand
vbl   Light Belt
lxb   Light Crossbow
tgl   Light Gauntlets
ltp   Light Plate
tbt   Light Plated Boots
xng   Linked Mail
ba7   Lion Helm
r28   Lo Rune
9b7   Lochaber Axe
lbb   Long Battle Bow
lbw   Long Bow
lst   Long Staff
lsd   Long Sword
lwb   Long War Bow
ucl   Loricated Mail
r17   Lum Rune
uml   Luna
mac   Mace
xtp   Mage Plate
am5   Maiden Javelin
am4   Maiden Pike
am3   Maiden Spear
r23   Mal Rune
7br   Mancatcher
9gm   Martel de Fer
msk   Mask
amb   Matriarchal Bow
amf   Matriarchal Javelin
ame   Matriarchal Pike
amd   Matriarchal Spear
mau   Maul
xhn   Mesh Armor
zmb   Mesh Belt
xmb   Mesh Boots
7sc   Mighty Scepter
9la   Military Axe
mpi   Military Pick
neb   Minion Skull
utb   Mirrored Boots
umc   Mithril Coil
7di   Mithril Point
uit   Monarch
mst   Morning Star
ne6   Mummified Trophy
uhb   Myrmidon Greaves
7wd   Mythical Sword
9wa   Naga
r04   Nef Rune
7o7   Ogre Axe
uhg   Ogre Gauntlets
7m7   Ogre Maul
r27   Ohm Rune
ops   Oil Potion
xar   Ornate Plate
r09   Ort Rune
ned   Overseer Skull
9pa   Partizan
xow   Pavise
6lx   Pellet Bow
9yw   Petrified Wand
7cr   Phase Blade
pik   Pike
pil   Pilum
plt   Plate Mail
hbl   Plated Belt
9dg   Poignard
pax   Poleaxe
7wn   Polished Wand
ne1   Preserved Head
pa8   Protector Shield
r21   Pul Rune
8ls   Quarterstaff
9ar   Quhab
qui   Quilted Armor
ba8   Rage Mask
r08   Ral Rune
gps   Rancid Gas Potion
8hb   Razor Bow
am2   Reflex Bow
7ma   Reinforced Mace
rvs   Rejuvenation Potion
rxb   Repeating Crossbow
rin   Ring
rng   Ring Mail
pa2   Rondache
9di   Rondel
xml   Round Shield
paa   Royal Shield
gsr   Ruby
8sw   Rune Bow
9sc   Rune Scepter
8ws   Rune Staff
9ls   Rune Sword
7tw   Runic Talons
xpl   Russet Armor
sbr   Sabre
uar   Sacred Armor
dr9   Sacred Feathers
ob2   Sacred Globe
pac   Sacred Rondache
pab   Sacred Targe
xkp   Sallet
gsb   Sapphire
lbl   Sash
ba9   Savage Helmet
scl   Scale Mail
ula   Scarab Husk
uvb   Scarabshell Boots
scp   Scepter
scm   Scimitar
skr   Scissors Katar
9qr   Scissors Quhab
7qr   Scissors Suwayyah
7fl   Scourge
xrg   Scutum
scy   Scythe
7qs   Seraph Rod
xea   Serpentskin Armor
ne8   Sexton Trophy
6lb   Shadow Bow
uul   Shadow Plate
r13   Shael Rune
uap   Shako
9sb   Shamshir
zvb   Sharkskin Belt
xvb   Sharkskin Boots
xvg   Sharkskin Gloves
xld   Sharktooth Armor
6bs   Shillelagh
sbb   Short Battle Bow
sbw   Short Bow
8s8   Short Siege Bow
ssp   Short Spear
sst   Short Staff
ssd   Short Sword
swb   Short War Bow
8mx   Siege Crossbow
7ba   Silver-edged Axe
9s9   Simbilan
sku   Skull
skp   Skull Cap
dre   Sky Spirit
baa   Slayer Guard
cm1   Small Charm
7ax   Small Crescent
sml   Small Shield
ob3   Smoked Sphere
r12   Sol Rune
ob9   Sparkling Ball
spr   Spear
spt   Spetum
9gl   Spiculum
6sb   Spider Bow
ulc   Spiderweb Sash
spc   Spiked Club
spk   Spiked Shield
uhm   Spired Helm
dr5   Spirit Mask
spl   Splint Mail
am1   Stag Bow
6ls   Stalagmite
9bl   Stiletto
gpl   Strangling Gas Potion
stu   Studded Leather
7tr   Stygian Pike
7pi   Stygian Pilum
nee   Succubus Skull
drc   Sun Spirit
hp5   Super Healing Potion
mp5   Super Mana Potion
r29   Sur Rune
7ar   Suwayyah
oba   Swirling Crystal
9bt   Tabar
r07   Tal Rune
pa1   Targe
xlt   Templar Coat
7s8   Thresher
tax   Throwing Axe
tkf   Throwing Knife
tsp   Throwing Spear
r10   Thul Rune
7gm   Thunder Maul
ci2   Tiara
xcl   Tigulated Mail
r03   Tir Rune
7ha   Tomahawk
9bw   Tomb Wand
gsy   Topaz
dra   Totemic Mask
tow   Tower Shield
xtu   Trellised Armor
tri   Trident
utc   Troll Belt
ush   Troll Nest
7cl   Truncheon
9fc   Tulwar
9gs   Tusk Sword
92a   Twin Axe
2hs   Two-Handed Sword
7sp   Tyrant Club
r22   Um Rune
7gw   Unearthed Wand
ne3   Unraveller Head
umg   Vambraces
uvg   Vampirebone Gloves
uvc   Vampirefang Belt
r26   Vex Rune
obe   Vortex Orb
paf   Vortex Shield
vou   Voulge
6ss   Walking Stick
wnd   Wand
wax   War Axe
zhb   War Belt
xhb   War Boots
9m9   War Club
9bk   War Dart
7xf   War Fist
9br   War Fork
xhg   War Gauntlets
whm   War Hammer
xap   War Hat
9ja   War Javelin
7p7   War Pike
wsp   War Scepter
wsc   War Scythe
9sr   War Spear
7mp   War Spike
wst   War Staff
wsd   War Sword
uts   Ward
6sw   Ward Bow
7b8   Winged Axe
7ts   Winged Harpoon
xhm   Winged Helm
7bk   Winged Knife
utu   Wire Fleece
dr1   Wolf Head
wrb   Wrist Blade
9wb   Wrist Spike
7wb   Wrist Sword
uea   Wyrmhide
ulb   Wyrmhide Boots
9st   Yari
ywn   Yew Wand
pae   Zakarum Shield
r33   Zod Rune
ne2   Zombie Head
9fb   Zweihander

This Are mainly for adding items to pickit or snagit files mostly to tell bots what items to pickup
Pickit doesn't work in town, and also theres a file where you dl pickit thathas all the codes like that... also if you use pickit to gra someone elses item = instant ban

[Blizz says hack that causes other person's loss]
[Image: IROC.jpg]
Turbos don't suck, they blow!
My Car Domain
Who Ever Said Anything About usein Pickit, I don't use Other Ppl's Shit, only Mine, I build Different From most ppl. and Yes u can Pickit from Town, How u Think annigrab Works. ??
Well not zoids, and like I said, grabbing others items = banm blizz mostly watches out for that shit, i got banned only b/c i grabbed someone ballista by accident, only b/c it was someome else's loss
[Image: IROC.jpg]
Turbos don't suck, they blow!
My Car Domain
Lol Super Pickit in Town Grab = Auto Acct Trade Wink it will goto Trade with a person who drops the iteam 10 yards away. or Closer, Man Wish u ppl could get your hands on that one huh?
Not really, I don't find much fun in scamming people[by using hacks anyways Wink]
[Image: IROC.jpg]
Turbos don't suck, they blow!
My Car Domain
Scammin is Takin Somthin Thats not sopost to be tookin or but Trickin them.
In a drop game, They drop it Hoppin they will Pic the iteam up b4 someon esle does
"Say your in a drop game, You drop a mana Pot, Somene Pics it up, did you just get scammed? or was it a fair lose?"
MY QUoTE: Not My Fault They Droped it Wink
Juke Wrote:Scammin is Takin Somthin Thats not sopost to be tookin or but Trickin them.
In a drop game, They drop it Hoppin they will Pic the iteam up b4 someon esle does
"Say your in a drop game, You drop a mana Pot, Somene Pics it up, did you just get scammed? or was it a fair lose?"
MY QUoTE: Not My Fault They Droped it Wink
thats quite a download, i'd like it if you dont mind pming me

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