08-03-2011, 03:23 PM
Str: Enough to wear gear.
Dex: Enough for max block.
Vitality: rest into here.
Energy: None.
Blessed hammer: 20.
Concentraiton: 20
Vigor: 20
Blessed aim: 20
Other skills.
Enough points into Holy shield for max block.
the rest of your skills can go into smite, or the other resist auras.
Shako: Um'd.
Mage plate enigma.
Gull dagger: Ist'd.
Hoz: Um'd
War traverlers.
2xsoj, or fcr rings. your choice.
Switch: Cta, Lidless. or spirit if you can get one.
For your inventory. Your going to want a Gheeds, mf Sc's. pally torch if you can get, and an Anni.
Merc Gear!
Weapon: Eth insight cv.
Armour: Eth Ap fort.
Helm: Dream.
This build can do any run you want it to. I kill all bosses and can do all Magical monsters I can find. Some people say to use a hoto other then a gull dagger, I don't see why, an extra 130% is worth a 2k damage difference right? I think so. sure it might take another 30 seconds to kill the boss. big whoop. I've gotten great drops with this and it works out amazingly. Please, No negative comments and I hope you enjoy the drops you get with this. rolleyes: If you have any additions to this, please post them.
Str: Enough to wear gear.
Dex: Enough for max block.
Vitality: rest into here.
Energy: None.
Blessed hammer: 20.
Concentraiton: 20
Vigor: 20
Blessed aim: 20
Other skills.
Enough points into Holy shield for max block.
the rest of your skills can go into smite, or the other resist auras.
Shako: Um'd.
Mage plate enigma.
Gull dagger: Ist'd.
Hoz: Um'd
War traverlers.
2xsoj, or fcr rings. your choice.
Switch: Cta, Lidless. or spirit if you can get one.
For your inventory. Your going to want a Gheeds, mf Sc's. pally torch if you can get, and an Anni.
Merc Gear!
Weapon: Eth insight cv.
Armour: Eth Ap fort.
Helm: Dream.
This build can do any run you want it to. I kill all bosses and can do all Magical monsters I can find. Some people say to use a hoto other then a gull dagger, I don't see why, an extra 130% is worth a 2k damage difference right? I think so. sure it might take another 30 seconds to kill the boss. big whoop. I've gotten great drops with this and it works out amazingly. Please, No negative comments and I hope you enjoy the drops you get with this. rolleyes: If you have any additions to this, please post them.