Poll: What is the truth about the Reziarfg?
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It's a monster that has existed for a while but hasn't been found.. yet!
3 11.11%
It's going to be added/revealed how to spawn it, when Ladder Season #2 begins
6 22.22%
It's just another lame Blizzard joke
18 66.67%
Total 27 vote(s) 100%
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Reziarfg - New Monster or just a joke?
This is a discussion thread for the new monster that has (recently?) been listed in the Arreat Summit Bestiary. The listing of this monster was not announced in the news on Arreat Summit or (for what i know) on any other site. The adding of the monster was discovered not long ago, but might have been there for a while. But can it have been there without being noticed? Please type information if you have been to the Arreat Summit Bestiary lately and if you then saw if this monster was added or not.
If you check out the monster at http://www.battle.net/diablo2exp/monster...arfg.shtml you can see that it is not listed the way other monsters are. It doesn't say the other "versions" of it like on other monsters (for example, the Act 5 monster "Blood Lord" is listed as Moon Lord, Night Lord, Hell Lord and so on, while the Reziarfg is only listed with one name, very likely as the Minion of Destruction and some other special monsters.)

The text in the bestiary says: (quoting from "The Arreat Summit" [ www.battle.net/diablo2exp ] )


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left width="100%" background=/images/battle/diablo2exp/images/blackbg.gif><!--- MAIN CONTENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>[Image: reziarfg.gif]

<CENTER>[size=1]<SMALL>Click to Enlarge</SMALL>
</CENTER></TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">Reziarfg (Demon)

Spawned from the very bowels of the skulking Stygian Beast who awakens only once every 1000 years to feed off the spawn of its own bile and pus, the Reziarfg is truly the most hideous and vile monster in all of the Three’s bestiary. It was once said that the Three did not always rule the darkness that beasts beyond thought swelled and slithered across the void. It is believed that some of these nightmares may still exist hidden deep with in the pitch of the abyss where even the darkness of the upper realms of hell seems like day. This is where Reziarfg lives.





This very much seems like some sort of Blizzard-joke. But if we look into some Blizzard history, we might change opinions. Let me say four words that will change your mind: The Secret Cow Level (or i could have just said The Moo Moo Farm Smile
The Cow Level was from the beginning just some kind of joke but in the end it became reality. Might this be somewhat of another joke becoming real?

Reziarfg doesn't actually sound anything like the standard Blizzard monster name. Most monsters has a meaningful name wich is/includes a word listed in any dictionary or some version of a word. (for example "Abyss Knight" wich contain both Abyss and Knight, two common words. Another example is "Catapult" wich is just a very obvious description Tongue)
So why the name Reziarfg? Well, try and put it backwards. Gfraizer. Now what the hell is that? Tongue Rings a bell? Post anything you know about "Gfraizer".

From the picture and the text the following statements can be made:
None of these statements are 100% certain of course.

1. The Reziarfg is an airborne monster.
2. It's main attack is probably performed with it's mouth. Possibly some kind of fluid (Like acid or something) is sprayed though the mouth.
3. This monster is very hard or impossible to spawn/find.
4. Probably even more hard to kill once you find it.
5. The Reziarfg probably doesn't "spawn" when something certain happens, like the Diablo Clone spawning when SoJ's are sold. If you read the text, it is almost explained where it is.
6. The monster only appears in Act 5
7. It is a very special monster. And as the text says, it's the most nasty creature of the game.
8. The creature obviously doesn't stand under the command of Diablo and his brothers.

From the text we can make the following statements about how to find/spawn the monster:

1. Read at the bottom of the monster description: "may still exist hidden deep with in the pitch of the abyss where even the darkness of the upper realms of hell seems like day. This is where Reziarfg lives." The pitch of the abyss, eh?

2. This monster obviously is not very common, since it says in the text that it only spawn every 1000 years to "feed off the spawn of its own bile and pus" whatever that means..

3. This monster probably won't be found in a while. Or maybe it will be added now when the new Ladder Season #2 is starting. As Blizzard did announce, "There will be a server-side content update. This will only be for the new Ladder for Season 2." and accordingly to many people, this update will most likely include new items, runewords and perhaps.. a monster Smile

To conclusion: We'll just have to wait and see. But if you feel like investigating the mystery of the Reziarfg, then look around in "The Abyss" or in random dark places of the game, don't forget to take lot's of screenshots if you find anything Smile good luck!

Added Info:

Here is info that I have found/figured out after making the post.

1. (added June 30) The text about the monster says that it is "Spawned from the very bowels of the skulking Stygian Beast who awakens only once every 1000 years". So, Stygian Beasts, we have heard about these, they exist at many places in the game. In Mephistos Durance, in some dungeons of Act 3 and more. But these Acts are not interesting since this monster only exists in Act 5. So where do you find Stygian (Dolls?) or Stygian Beasts of any kind in Act 5? Well there is the Stygian Fury in Baals Throneroom and lot's of other places in Act 5, and then there is the Stygian Dolls wich (I think) only exists in Baals Throneroom (Throne of Destruction) in Act 5. But there's no idea looking for the Reziarfg here, since there are about a billion baalruns every day Tongue So it beats me where to look for Stygian (Anything) in Act 5, please post about this if you have any idea.

2. (added June 30) Speaking of Stygian Beasts, I couldn't help thinking of "Delirium". You probably know what this is, it's a runeword for headgear including the runes Lem-Ist-Io. This runeword gives you the ability to turn your character into a Stygian Doll. You become a doll every once per hundred times you are struck by something. You can attack using the "Headbutt" attack wich is used by the Stygian Dolls in the game. Also Druids can use the "Armageddon" spell and Paladins can use their auras. So why is this interesting? Dunno, but at least it has something to do with Stygian Beasts. Maybe if you spawn into a Stygian Beast with delirium somewhere where the Reziarfg lurks, he might come out and want to feed on you Smile
Nice job finding all this info. Reziarfg looks like a Winged Bat or wtv it was that sticks to the ceiling, attached to a long mouth. I hope hes not a just another Blizzard prank, I wanna fight him, maybe something special will come out. And what would it mean 'He does not follow the command of Baal or Diablo'? Anyone got more info plz post.
yeah i got the "doesnt follow Diablos command"-thyngy from the thing that says in the text:

"It was once said that the Three did not always rule the darkness that beasts beyond thought swelled and slithered across the void."

This has to mean that this creature fights for itself, not for Diablo.
April fools.
Man its WAY past April, but etanol are you sure its fake?
It has been on the site for a long time. I can assure you that it's a joke.

And the fact that it's GFraizer backwards makes it obvious.
yes it is. first enlarge teh photo and you will see its mouth is a picture of some guys mouth turned around. thats just some crappily photoshopped image its obviously a joke. but whether or not it could become a reality in the future like moo-moo farm i dont know
Ya know I am completely 50/50 on this. Part of me wants to believe that its a new monster coming in the next ladder season with a special item like the anni that it drops. But then again the whole story about it sounds kinda cheesey like they are trying too hard to make this thing sound scary. And the name....wtf is that? It doesnt even sound right? Yet like you said the cow lvl started as a joke too. It could be alittle bit of both....started as a joke now they are doin somethin with it. I mean honestly there are new things being found all the time. The 1.10 patch has been out for a year,people found 3 secret rune words and blizzard TOLD us about a fourth. Whose to say we would have even found the fourth one. And ya know BLizz wouldnt have said a damn thing if we didnt too. They love f***ing with us huh :p
I have more info to add, just found this:

As I mentioned in the guide, Reziarfg is Gfraizer backwards. G Fraizer that is. Mr Fraizer was a Blizzard employee and Reziarfg is a prank againts him. but this does not mean that this deamon does not exist.

Reziarfg has obviously been "around" for a while. It is a common joke in Blizzard games and such.

G Frazier Profile (The info i found about him)

Geoff Frazier
Blizzard Entertainment Employee - Web Site Administrator

Is still working at Blizzard for all I know..
Made a statement about the altering of skills in the 1.10 patch (This was an unofficial personal point of view from Mr. Frazier):

"Skills should not be balanced after the game comes out. I'm all for Bug Fixes however. If skills are changed, I would like to see my skill points refunded to me."

Please post anything you know about Frazier. I don't know anything about him since I haven't played D2 for more than about 5 months sorry.

Yeah I'm gonna have to go with the fact that it is a joke. But I'm also into the fact that it will be some sort of "World Event"-like thing in the future.

Anyway I was thinking about the description of the Reziarfg and came to think of that it might be a description of Mr Geoff Frazier. That the description is just Diablo II-sound-alike things that are synonyms wich is actually a description of Geoff. I am mostly referring to this part:

"It was once said that the Three did not always rule the darkness that beasts beyond thought swelled and slithered across the void."

If you "translate" this, it means that the Reziarfg (Mr Frazier) didn't "follow orders". And this fits perfectly into the profile of Geoff Frazier. He did make his own statement about the 1.10 Patch and accordingly to other players he made nomerous own opinions about things, not following Blizzards statements.

Can anyone find any more info on Mr Frazier? Or any synonyms to his behaivour in the monster description? please post

4sylum Wrote:yes it is. first enlarge teh photo and you will see its mouth is a picture of some guys mouth turned around. thats just some crappily photoshopped image its obviously a joke. but whether or not it could become a reality in the future like moo-moo farm i dont know

can't see how you make out some other mouth from the monsters mouth, please explain?
DeadInside.DOA Wrote:The 1.10 patch has been out for a year,people found 3 secret rune words and blizzard TOLD us about a fourth. Whose to say we would have even found the fourth one. And ya know BLizz wouldnt have said a damn thing if we didnt too. They love f***ing with us huh :p
what people do, is open up an mpq file(not sure which one, i think patch_d2.mpq) and they can see every runewrod, even ones not out yet, it says says stuff like r4, where r= rune and 4= what number rune, it also says what it is put in, what they do, is make them now, and when blizzard "unlocks" the new runewords, it takes what they made earlier, and turns it into the runeword, people know it works like that because they did it with botds and enigma and stuff before 1.10 came out, and when they downloaded the patch, it turned there armor or weps with the runes, into corrisponding runewords, i've seen a list before, but i cant remember where it is, i'll search for it and post it up once i find it
yeah that was kinda off-topic dont you think mpeck? Tongue

anyway. everybody please vote on the poll! only 2 votes so far so keep voting please! Wink
and type some replies of what you think too!
KeeSe Wrote:yeah that was kinda off-topic dont you think mpeck? Tongue

not far off topic, i was just clearing up the person that was talking about the runewords, as far as the new monster, i am pretty sure it is fake, although i did read a post on a different forum, he said he was in one of the portals and he was getting ready to leave and he heard this weird noise, but he said he would see if it happend again, but he left the forums
voted. too bad, i wish that was a real monster...and does anyone happen to have the old old post of the Moo Moo farm joke? I wanna c how that played out.
this reminds me of the clanroom hoax. remember that screenshot with the big stash and the sims wall textures?
From the profile of the monster it sounded real =(. I was too kinda hoping it existed (maybe it might drop good items?)
ok heres what i think.
because of the part where it says he doesnt follow orders, i reckon it could be one of 3 things
1) hes a joke.
2) in the new patch, there adding an extra seal to act 4 and making him the special monster of it
3) diablo 3 (or a new expansion) is gonna come out and hes gonna be an act boss
If u look at the picture it is fake, it dosnt look anything like a monster more like a deformed evil retard?
actually kinda reminds me of a scorpion.. might be an extra monster they decided to no release but mistakingly added it to the site.. some1 should check thru the mpq's to see if its around!
[Image: f_userbar4130m_353b1a2.gif]
kevsthabest Wrote:actually kinda reminds me of a scorpion.. might be an extra monster they decided to no release but mistakingly added it to the site.. some1 should check thru the mpq's to see if its around!
It's not in mpq's, it's an old april fools joke.
well couldave told me before i just spent 10minutes looking thru all the mpq's!

well, was kinda interesting.. finding out some kewl stuff

too bad tho, would be great on the first day of ladder 2, some1 opens a cow lvl and those are whats comming after you..
[Image: f_userbar4130m_353b1a2.gif]

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