Here is an MF pally with uber items, but not too godly, as it will probably screw up my slow-type computer. over 3mil damage with holy freeze. Try it! (over 3k MF in total with merc)
Heres another one, but it's an assassin, with lightning fury and teleport (may or may not work) but has godly MF, around 6k in combination with Merc (4k on character). Try it!
Einhander, your correct that when your merc kills the monster, your mf is calculated to his mf. So if you have 200 mf and he has 50 mf, he kills it , then the droprate is 250%mf. But if you kill it, the droprate is only 200, not 250%
Yeah, that's the reason why i put so much MF on the merc. The assassin merc is annoying, however, as he needs skill to do damage, as to damaging weapons. Just re-socket the items with +7 to all skills jewels and it'll work better. Currently, he just has random items socketed in the items.
try out this pally, he is a holy shock one wit 6.6kmf on his own, didnt make a merc for him though. equip holy shock and stand back and let the aura do the work. also gave him a jav and very high defence, and even if u do get hit u have enough replenish life to recover easy and ll/ml too.if u want me to make him a merc or some other items and what not just lemme kno id be happy to hlp