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If Blizzard made a new char what should it be?
is there a forum squelch
They should get rid of the sorceress and make it the Sorcer again.
yes there is u can click my profile and choose to ignore this user.or .. na i wont say it.
My guess is that I will be squelched after tongiht, along wiht SCF leader.
mrbona2 Wrote:They should get rid of the sorceress and make it the Sorcer again.

take the zo naway also then shes butt ugly besides her boobies but the rogue was haa haaa hottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!make the old barbarian his starting armor loked slick i miss the old wepaons and armor to they had good stats.
You gotta keep the zon, it has been there since the Original Diablo. Also the barb needs a haircut.
getting the sorcer back would be awesome idea Smile
no i mean add the rogue et ridd of the zon.shit if it was up to me i think they should al start in there own acts to make the game fair to all assians in act 3 pallys in act 2 zons in act1 barbs in the act5 i forgot the name and sorceres in wtf wait where do sorc go dont they have a homeland?
Ya, they should have made all guys. Because girls just don't belong with weapons.
nah, has to have at least 1 girl, but anyways, the sorcer was 99x cooler than the sorceress anyways...
the sorcres was only made so they dont descrminate asians same for pallt thats for blacks the assian is for goths druid is for indians or something lol...zon is for those patriot girls who when ugo to school every morning are yeling at each other about the same shit over and over and then cut u in line the barbarians are us ahrdcore footballplayers understand yet?
True, maybe they just make the zon better looking. And toss the necro, because they lag and suck.
the necro llooks like a geek so hes for the geeks who want pwoer by hacking ppl.also i miss when u could collect brains and shit not just 1 dollar ears we cant even buy them back now Sad.and in hardcore they sould let us throw dirt on ppl when they die that would be funny burrying them.and after that ur still allowed to join games but u cant fight ppl u just follow laong and help them threw the way sorta cool.
a dueling arena would be cool u can challange sum1 and if they accept u go in and fight and winner gets the others gold. no pots no helping ppl. you should have a choise if your char is male or female ya a female barb would be wierd but she could be like xena O.o
necros do NOT suck, damn near best character in game, and if you lag cause of a necro get a better connection or a better computer
xena is a warrior princess!and it owuld be cool have like stadium setup in the lobby of diablo 2 newbs can join the new stadium option and watch people duel lol.they even get seats and shit.and if ubet on the winner u get a prize but ud bee waiting awhile until its ur turn to walk into the arnea to duel man this could be some cool shit!
Oh no, I got LAN/T1, and my comptuer isn't that bad. They just add so much more than any other character.
Interesting idea, but I think if a new character was to ever be made (not that it will be), it should be a vampire. I mean, come on, think of the skill possibilities, a conversion attack with auto life leach as if sucking blood. Would even be cool if they got kind of like a freezing thing, where monsters just stand still, to give you time to kill one your dealing with, etc etc.
ok i looked at this xena person and apparently there is alot of lesbian sites for her this is the best i can find that is censored id fine 1 with clothes but u know how it is out there.[Image: XenaGab17.jpg]
Xena:Warrior Princess? There used to be a TV show about her on FOX. It was a spin off of Hercules:The Legendary Journies.

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