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Whats The Best Thing Nm Meph Can Drop
Can Any One Tell Me If (perf Eth Shaftstop) And (perf Gaze) Worth Anything??????????????????AND WHERE SHOULD I DO RUNZ TO GET HIGH RUNES IN HELL??
Deadglasswindow Wrote:Hmm...My friend found a shaeffer's with like 700 mf, but he cant find a WF or nuthin...
He's not even found a bstar yet...
Yet, his merc has more mf than he does (808 mf), and when he kills baal or mephy, he drops shit..

thats because if you read a little more on arreat summit it says when your merc kills the boss you get your mercs mf plus yours.
lol dude 290s suck.
With each kill, I grow stronger, and with added wisdom, I grow stronger
256-264 is the ubber most best to mf to have even in hell? am i getting that correct? Smile
HEHE!! Update on my paladin...Lvl 91 with 56%MF, thats right, 56%, and I find more Elite Uniques just going through actV completely than just doing mephs with sorc with 288%MF. As for the council running...I only do that with my paladin...amazing how they heal me, paladin has 75% maxed resists, and 79% light res, with 20 light absorb, 68 fire absorb, and 20 cold absorb. Only thing i missing is a good Wisp Projector.
only 75 max resis? thats kinda low for a pally isnt it
all i know is in 1.9 days i cowed with my lvl97 sorc with 387mf i found a SS (^_^)
all i know is back in the 09 days i had a 400 mf sorc, did hell runs, found nothing.
i found a ss on the 1.10 nm no lying and only 343 mf Big Grin
omfg, what run were u doing?
491 eyy ill keep in mind , im around that...
Sounds like Brint knows how to play YAY I'm not alone My sorc is in that range of mf (257) and can to meph runs in 40 secs I found a tals armor and shako the other day. Smile
To answer a few questions. I found all my 7% mf charms in hell cow runs for whoever wanted best place to find charms. As mf increases the chance of an item dropping being unique is higher but after a certain level it has diminishing affects. If the monster you kill cant drop a normal hydra bow it cant drop WF as the Ilvl (item level) has to be lower or equal to the mlvl (monster level) to drop one. All mf does is increase the chance of an item being unique, having more mf doesnt increase the chance of what item drops (so having 300% wouldnt make more hydra bows drop than 200%), but if say a hydra bow where to drop the more Mf would increase the chance it had to be WF. Whoever said a WF dropped in nm, sorry to break your hearts, was lying. Mephistos mlvl isnt high enough on nm to drop windy (unless on open/sp/ip/tcp with drop mods).
Try doing Pit runs (hell) , since the areas general level and mlvl is (i think) 90+, there is a chance to drop GF, i know GF from act 1 lol, but its possible, also the pit is easier.
The highest actual level of any enemy, is Nithalak (mlvl 98). Anyone tried Mf'in him. It'd be an ok run, starting of killing stingy pindle, then moving onto Nith.
Well hoped i helped someone.
My mate had 600-700% and he pulled off 2 windy's in 3 weeks (may sound lame to some but) aswell as like 20 buri's, 10 tgods and various other items which are in great need. (or want).
i found a gull on nm once wit 20 mf but it was oure luk

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