08-27-2004, 01:20 AM
Credits :
Hellmonkeyz, Onlyer, TechWarrior, SPECIAL credits for nhnhnh aka netter 'jan'
First off all we look at this *dumbass Instructions *HOW TO USE THIS MODULE ??
If you wan to use these modulse you need the following "programms" :
D2hackit ----> Get It here
Bind.d2h | D2hackit Module ----> Get It here
fTele.d2h ----> Get It here or here
helpMe.d2h ----> Get It here or here
Alright, when you download these modules create a folder called "D2hackit" on your desktop !
Put all the files from both of the zip's into this folder !
Now download the helpMe.d2h or fTele.d2h, or maybe both? -.-
Anyway, put all files of the zip files into the same folder.
How do i load it?
1. Start Diablo II and create a game 'closed b.net'
2. Press ALT + TAB , your now in Windows, open your D2Hackit folder and double click the "loader.exe"
3. Go back to Diablo II, now type .load helpMe or .load fTele
4. If you have done everything right you should now see ingame messages verifying this
5. DONE. You have loaded this module(s)
WTF can I do with this fTele?
This module allows you to use specify packet to change your coordinates where you are in the game! AKA teleport to item
lol ... and?
Its basically made for Anni/Gheed Trade´s ..
To trade Anni/Gheed you need to drop the item on ground !
And with this module you can grab the Anni/Gheed (all dropped items) with typing a simple command.
Alright... and how do i do this?
This 'finally' tele has 2 methods to use ..
But here is a little "about"
*** Changed "drop gold" you don't need to drop gold anymore ***
*** Simple usage ***
Req :
Create a game, load the module, leave game ! thats it .. now in every game you join the module will have your ID
Instructions :
Version 1 :
You have ANY item you wanna use to scam !
Just join with your victim in any game.
Walk to your position where you want to scam him .. (with him ^^ )
Now pick up your item from inventory ( MUST BE INVENTORY )
Drop item on the ground
Wait for the dropped item from your victim
** My victim drop item, and now? **
Just pick your item from the ground and you will tele to his item!
Version 2 :
Join any game !
Walk to your position where you want scam him .. (again with him.. )
Let him drop the item
Use a "hotkey" with command .fTele steal
Thats all ...
"hotkey", what is that, how i do this?
You can "bind" commands with the second .zip you downloaded ...
1. Join any game
2. type .load bind
3. type .bind keycode
4. Now press any key you want to bind ( Like F1 )
5. You will see ingame numbers like ( 70 )
6. type .bind set 70 70 say ftele steal
7. type .bind save
You have now binded F1 with this command ".ftele steal"
Ok we will now change to my "helpMe.d2h"
My new module "helpMe" is like the name a module which try to help you out ..
Current commands + usages ..
1. We look on the InGame commands which have the module
Commands are :
.helpMe grab
.helpMe party
.helpMe fTp
.helpMe GodMode
.helpMe steal
** now npc commands **
.helpMe set
.helpMe start
.helpMe stop
.helpMe heal
What can i do with this ...?
1. grab is the function you can use to pick runes ( when dropped )
2. party is used for "auto accept party invite"
3. fTp is used to take a TownPortal when its opened
4. GodMode is the famous godmode from 'hellmonkeyz'
5. steal is "fTele" same module included
6. Set is used to enable NPC Lead option
7. Start will start to lead a NPC
8. heal will click on the NPC, outside of town too
Thats the ingame commands they avaible ..
Now we look into the .ini file
But i think there is nothin you CAN'T understand ..
Credits :
Hellmonkeyz, Onlyer, TechWarrior, SPECIAL credits for nhnhnh aka netter 'jan'
First off all we look at this *dumbass Instructions *HOW TO USE THIS MODULE ??
If you wan to use these modulse you need the following "programms" :
D2hackit ----> Get It here
Bind.d2h | D2hackit Module ----> Get It here
fTele.d2h ----> Get It here or here
helpMe.d2h ----> Get It here or here
Alright, when you download these modules create a folder called "D2hackit" on your desktop !
Put all the files from both of the zip's into this folder !
Now download the helpMe.d2h or fTele.d2h, or maybe both? -.-
Anyway, put all files of the zip files into the same folder.
How do i load it?
1. Start Diablo II and create a game 'closed b.net'
2. Press ALT + TAB , your now in Windows, open your D2Hackit folder and double click the "loader.exe"
3. Go back to Diablo II, now type .load helpMe or .load fTele
4. If you have done everything right you should now see ingame messages verifying this
5. DONE. You have loaded this module(s)
WTF can I do with this fTele?
This module allows you to use specify packet to change your coordinates where you are in the game! AKA teleport to item
lol ... and?
Its basically made for Anni/Gheed Trade´s ..
To trade Anni/Gheed you need to drop the item on ground !
And with this module you can grab the Anni/Gheed (all dropped items) with typing a simple command.
Alright... and how do i do this?
This 'finally' tele has 2 methods to use ..
But here is a little "about"
*** Changed "drop gold" you don't need to drop gold anymore ***
*** Simple usage ***
Req :
Create a game, load the module, leave game ! thats it .. now in every game you join the module will have your ID
Instructions :
Version 1 :
You have ANY item you wanna use to scam !
Just join with your victim in any game.
Walk to your position where you want to scam him .. (with him ^^ )
Now pick up your item from inventory ( MUST BE INVENTORY )
Drop item on the ground
Wait for the dropped item from your victim
** My victim drop item, and now? **
Just pick your item from the ground and you will tele to his item!
Version 2 :
Join any game !
Walk to your position where you want scam him .. (again with him.. )
Let him drop the item
Use a "hotkey" with command .fTele steal
Thats all ...
"hotkey", what is that, how i do this?
You can "bind" commands with the second .zip you downloaded ...
1. Join any game
2. type .load bind
3. type .bind keycode
4. Now press any key you want to bind ( Like F1 )
5. You will see ingame numbers like ( 70 )
6. type .bind set 70 70 say ftele steal
7. type .bind save
You have now binded F1 with this command ".ftele steal"
Ok we will now change to my "helpMe.d2h"
My new module "helpMe" is like the name a module which try to help you out ..
Current commands + usages ..
1. We look on the InGame commands which have the module
Commands are :
.helpMe grab
.helpMe party
.helpMe fTp
.helpMe GodMode
.helpMe steal
** now npc commands **
.helpMe set
.helpMe start
.helpMe stop
.helpMe heal
What can i do with this ...?
1. grab is the function you can use to pick runes ( when dropped )
2. party is used for "auto accept party invite"
3. fTp is used to take a TownPortal when its opened
4. GodMode is the famous godmode from 'hellmonkeyz'
5. steal is "fTele" same module included
6. Set is used to enable NPC Lead option
7. Start will start to lead a NPC
8. heal will click on the NPC, outside of town too
Thats the ingame commands they avaible ..
Now we look into the .ini file
But i think there is nothin you CAN'T understand ..
Author : Shady
E-mail : [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
Version : v0.1 b Help0r
Use "true" and "false" for the commands !!!
By the commands "friend 1 - 8" set the char names from the players (like "mf-sorcy")
***** IMPORTENT *****
***** IMPORTANT *****
[Settings 1]
;Would you use chicken?
; Set 100 to "true" if you wann quit Game on 100 HP ! Same for 200,300,400
;Chicken game when HP is :
;Chicken game when HP is :
;Chicken game when HP is :
;Chicken game when HP is :
;Would you have "auto join party" enabled when joinin a game?
;Would you have "Grab" enabled when joinin a game?
;Would you get your merc when talkin to a compatible NPC?
;Would you repair when talkin to a compatible NPC?
;Would you see crap items on ground ? (keys, stamina pots, anti poison pot...) (not own drops)
;Would you see white Items on ground?(not own drops)
;Would you see Arrows on ground?(not own drops)
;Would you see gold under 1K on ground?
;Would you have teleport on "leftskill" when joined a game? (only with sorc or tele items)
@@@@@@@@@@ WONT WORK ATM @@@@@@@@@@
;Would you join auto party when invited from "friend" players ? (Not FINISH)
@@@@@@@@@@ WONT WORK ATM @@@@@@@@@@
[Settings Say]
;Would you say a message when you die?
dmsg= say LoL what a ****in big LAG !
;Would you see a message when hostiled?
hmsg= say OMG you little noob wanna try to duell me ...?!
;Would you say a message when Trade is completetd ( not canceld )
tmsg= say thx
;Would you see a message when your merc is dead? (clientside)
;Would you see a message when your creeper is dead? (clientside) (will be shown when ANY creeper will die)
;Would you see a message when your Ghost is dead? (clientside) (will be shown when ANY ghost will die)
********* Grab Settings *********
[Grab Settings]
********* RUNE *********
;Pick Hel Rune?
;Pick Io Rune?
;Pick Lum Rune?
;Pick Ko Rune?
;Pick Fal Rune?
;Pick Lem Rune?
;Pick Pul Rune?
;Pick Um Rune?
;Pick Mal Rune?
;Pick Ist Rune?
;Pick Gul Rune?
;Pick Vex Rune?
;Pick Ohm Rune?
;Pick Lo Rune?
;Pick Sur Rune?
;Pick Ber Rune?
;Pick Jah Rune?
;Pick Cham Rune?
;Pick Zod Rune?