sAint Wrote:When it becomes cool to 'hate' the mainstream, you will have turntables and black friends. Just a hunch, but you seem like the kind of computer nerd that listens to "alternative" radio stations and plays off it to seem "cool" around other internet folk.
This is just a hunch though. I could just be a crazy bastard.
Oh, and posting pictures only further reinforces my "trying to be cool" theory. For all we know, they could belong to some dude down the street.
Why would I listen to alternative radio when my computer has over 2000 mp3s and music videos I can listen to or watch instead?
I'm going with the crazy bastard thing.
You know, they could very well belong to someone down the street. This is the internet, where everyone tries to be something they aren't and shoot other people down, right?
I'd also like to add that I have black friends. I don't follow this mainstream shit at all. I'll also have you know that my black friends also listen to metal.
Music isn't a racial thing, even though some people make it out to be. Alot of people listen to different music, and I respect that. The music only begins to suck when people start following it as a culture. (Ie. Rap with all the matching clothes, gangster talk and having your pants at your knees. Emo with the always acting depressed or different. Hardcore with being Straight Edge)
There's nothing wrong with the music. I listen to some rap, as long as it's tasteful. I'm not personally into emo, but a friend of mine listens to emo and I respect that. I listen to hardcore, but I'm not straight edge in the slightest.
Lesson is : Listen to music for the music. Don't start becoming something you aren't because everyone else who listens to the genre acts like that.