07-29-2006, 05:01 AM
DJ_MUTTA Wrote:Poor children..I dont know how it would be to have 2 daddys', but not everyone cares about that, aslong as the child isn't gay.. The world is so f*cking f*cked up today, I'm gay and everyday there is someone who does something to me like says things none wants to hear (Very harassing) or gives me the finger or whatever, I live a very though life, I've been harassed/bullied (whatever you want) since I started school and I've almost never been with the "cool ones'"... But it wasn't like a month after new year this year that it came out that I was gay, I said it to 4 ppl I think it was in my class, and three days after every f*cking person on the f*cking h*re school knew it.. After that I've never trusted like anyone.. And in this writing second I wonders "Shall I write an sms to him(The boy I love) and then go out in the forest and hang myself?".. 95% of me wants this and the other 5% says no and says "Think about the ones who loves you" but then the other % says "And how many are that? Like 2 persons? Just die ffs..." Maybe I'll get some money and fill the moped with petrol then go out in the wood, make the sms and hang myself..
If you had two daddys wouldnt you be bullied in school?!
And wouldnt you ask "where is my mommy? my friend has one"