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Trapsin equipment question
My question is which is better, a hoto + lidless? or 2x trap claws with sheals? what are the major differences pvp mainly? any1 has any opinions on this plz let me know
Trap claws with shaels? O.O *Thinking*whathavehappenedtotheworldtoday*Thinking*

If you gonna use a trap assassin, either use Hoto/Stormshield with um, or 2x trap claws with io or Lum.
Ive seen those using 3/40ias claws...Socket it and 80ias together lol...
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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A|fzZz Wrote:Ive seen those using 3/40ias claws...Socket it and 80ias together lol...
Yeah, but i see no point in it.
keitaro... how fast you can lay traps is based on ias, not fcr.... meaning... the most perfect trapper claws would probly be cunning greator talons of alcatry with +3 to light sentry and +3 to weapon block 2 socketed with 2 shaels for 80 ias altogether on a very fast base claw.

use shaels... fcr is just for mb+tele.
I would rather use Spirit and HOTO^^
Yes, but fade reduces the IAS speed by 50% if i renember correct. The best trappers if you ask me, is the ones with 50% damage reduce, tons of resist and good FCR. The only character i know who are immune is spellbreakers. They have 95% resist lightning and lightning absorb.
Listen people... If you're gonna run a godly trapper, you need IAS and FCR.

Just say...
Claw 1:
Witch-Hunters GT of Quickness
+2 Sin
+3 LS
40 IAS
2 Soc

Clas 2:
Withc-Hunters GT (of quickness, not necessary)
+2 Sin
+3 LS
2 Soc

In one of them put 2x IAS/+all Res Jewels
In the other put 2x All Res/FHR Jewels... 60% IAs is 7 fram bp with traps with Gts. You acheive that with 2x 15 ias jewels and 1 quickness claw. Without quickness, you would need all 4 jewels to be IAS/Res

Now... Your traps are at max IAS BP. Yay. Now your FCR comes from your circ and ammy.

CODE Frame 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
FCR Needed 0% 8% 16% 24% 42% 65% 102% 174%

Circ = 20
Magefists = 20
Thats 40. You need 2% Fcr+ On your ammy.[12 frames] Or... if you use fcr rings, you need 5%+ fcr on ammy. [11 frames]

12 frames fcr is good enough with MB to lock almost anyone. So... You should be good with circ magefists and ammy.


Frame 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
FHR Needed 0% 7% 15% 27% 48% 86% 200% 4680%

14 FHR from the 2 jewels if you have a quickness claw... If not... Its all form charms... 5 frames is the goal... So... Put 2x Res/FHR jewels in the circ, then you only need 2x FHR charms and you can have 8 lifers.

There... my helpfulness has exceeded its limit.

Taken from DeXaFiLaH on the d2jsp forums.. he is god.
what the heck happened to arach's 20% fcr... i hope this dexafilah wears a belt.
Or you could just get +3 traps +3 LS gts... with two sockets each.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
He didn't go over all of what you needed... He wasn't writing a guide, just clearing shit up for some people who were saying how ungodly a 3 trap, 20 fcr helm was...
thanks for all the input guys, cleared up alotta questions. currently i have just 2x katars with +3 traps 1 2x sheal the other clear. 65 is the fcr BP i should shoot for right?
try to get a 3/3/2 claw...costy but its pretty must...

And ill say fcr is pretty important too....Not many pubby players stack fhr which means mb=gg
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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15/-15 Wiz and ss with godly jewel?:eek:
+% or -% light/fire damage dont affect trap damage, so it would not matter. Wizzard/Storm is one of the many solutions.

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