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easyplay 18
Someone got on my account 1 day after using easyplay 18 I didn't give my pass to anyone or anything. I believe that somehow a person used easyplay to steel my account. Just letting yopu guys know. I kicked them out by changing my password ant as far as I can tell nothing was taken.

I read about how the creater has scammed people in the past so I quit using mh after I read that.
I use it and im fine. I've used it for a while now too.
I'm using it and ive been fine...where did u download it from?
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
There is also the possibility that someone used a burte force program to find your password. Whatever your new one is, make sure that it isn't something simple like "jimbob".

Not to discredit you, but you just joined this site today, and for your first post, you start saying that a program many people create lies about stole your password? Smells a little fishy to me? Anybody else?

Because of what you said, "Someone got on my account 1 day after using easyplay 18", it's obvious that you didn't get the file from this site (You do have to be registered to download don't you?), which then makes me wonder, why did you create an account here and make this thread? (Trying to start more uneeded rumors?) Go ask on the site you downloaded the program from maybe? IF you did get the program from another site - please give us the site. It is VERY possible in that type of situation that you downloaded a corrupt file.

IMO you are full of shit and are just trying to continue the "netter is teh evil" accusations, which is really starting to get old (even the mods are sick of it), so if that is the case, please stop.

BUT like I said, provide us with all the necessary information and maybe you will change my mind Smile

Mods, is there anyway for you to see his ip? It so, why not check it against a few of those active in the netter discussions of late? I think that would be interesting Smile

***Can't you host the file you downloaded? I'm sure if you would then a mod would be willing (if we ask them really nicely Smile ) to check your file against one downloaded from Jan's site? Essentially, wouldn't that prove whether or not it was easyplay that "stole your password"?
I got the file from and my password was fairley easy "buddys toy" and someone could of brute forced it but i did some research on mh before I dicided to use it and i came across an old post about netter steeling accounts with a keygen so it must have ben a coincidence. I am not flaming anyone here.
you dont have to register to download from d2sector i have downloaded a few hacks before i joined but your right first post was to stir up stuff. thats not good.
ok, if u download easplay1.7 right that works just fine and im the actually the friend who made that (i talk to him on the mic) And if he 1.7 works just fine like it does if they make .8 lmao he can put w/e he wants in that and people just think o just a update -.- and whyu need .8 1.7works just fine and no hacks so i just say keep w/e u got works fine bcz i tryed onother 1 he gave me and i got hacked lost over 19imps i know im crying but also makin u feel more safe so ya dun use .8 plz he just put more stuff in it so he can put anything in there i mean comon..
I couldnt understand more than four words you said.
i am using it and its fine
[Image: Sig2Vectorcopy.png]

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