01-23-2006, 06:41 AM
Since that last guide that is stickied is outdated and does not work anymore.. I have devised a way to run D2 in two windows, on the same user.
Materials needed:
1 Diablo 2 LOD Cd.
D2 Loader (can be gotten from this webiste)
2 LOD CD- Keys
Windows XP
2 user accounts on XP
Diablo 2 normal and LOD cds..
First, if you dont have windows xp, dont continue reading this guide.. you wont be able to do this.
#1 Delete D2 off your user/computer
#2 Also, Delete all the files, like Programfiles/diabloII
#3 Reinstalll Diablo2, but when it says Share D2 with other users, click no, this will allow you to install it on a different username
#4 After you have installed D2LOD on your user, make another username, go into that.
#5 After you have made your username, put the D2 regular into your CD rom... it should say " Install", if you have done everything right so far, it should say this.
#6 Install D2 Regular with the same CD KEY but install D2 LOD with a DIFFERENT CD KEY. Important. (different cd-keys can get at ebay for 5 dollars, i bought mine for 5)
#7 Download d2loader v 1.11b from this website, and install it on your OTHER username, the new one.
#8 To run two windows, click on the D2 LOD icon to open on your User, to open the second window, go to MyComputer/C:/ProgramFiles/DiabloII Then double click on D2Loader, Another window should come up, and you have two windows.
Notes: Unless you have a very fast computer with lots of RAM you should window mode one window so your computer does not go so slow.
Notes: Do not press the Window key or alt-tab to access. IF you do it more than 5 times in 20 seconds your computer will most likely freeze or smething.
Fun thing: put both in window mode and put the screens right next to each other.. its pretty cool lol.
Useful for:
Transfering items
Perming your self out
Thats about it...
See ya later! dkim
Materials needed:
1 Diablo 2 LOD Cd.
D2 Loader (can be gotten from this webiste)
2 LOD CD- Keys
Windows XP
2 user accounts on XP
Diablo 2 normal and LOD cds..
First, if you dont have windows xp, dont continue reading this guide.. you wont be able to do this.
#1 Delete D2 off your user/computer
#2 Also, Delete all the files, like Programfiles/diabloII
#3 Reinstalll Diablo2, but when it says Share D2 with other users, click no, this will allow you to install it on a different username
#4 After you have installed D2LOD on your user, make another username, go into that.
#5 After you have made your username, put the D2 regular into your CD rom... it should say " Install", if you have done everything right so far, it should say this.
#6 Install D2 Regular with the same CD KEY but install D2 LOD with a DIFFERENT CD KEY. Important. (different cd-keys can get at ebay for 5 dollars, i bought mine for 5)
#7 Download d2loader v 1.11b from this website, and install it on your OTHER username, the new one.
#8 To run two windows, click on the D2 LOD icon to open on your User, to open the second window, go to MyComputer/C:/ProgramFiles/DiabloII Then double click on D2Loader, Another window should come up, and you have two windows.
Notes: Unless you have a very fast computer with lots of RAM you should window mode one window so your computer does not go so slow.
Notes: Do not press the Window key or alt-tab to access. IF you do it more than 5 times in 20 seconds your computer will most likely freeze or smething.
Fun thing: put both in window mode and put the screens right next to each other.. its pretty cool lol.
Useful for:
Transfering items
Perming your self out
Thats about it...
See ya later! dkim