*** damn it, I wrote out a giant guide, and the forum didn't recognize me.
Alright so:
str, dex: only enough for gear
life: give yourself at least some to survive
mana: Just about everything else here
Skeleton (Regular, at least a few Mages in my opinion)
*I kinda liked them, they're really to taste. More points keep them around, as well as increase the count. Really, its if you like it.
Skeleton Mastery
Summon Resist
*for that you'll have to put point in Golem, so might as well summon, at least to help build army
Amp Damage, Iron Maiden, Life Tap
*Most important Amp Damage! You only need one or two points in these, but a good bit of mana to spam
Lower Resist
*Can't remember if it can break immunities
*to taste, but I don't spend many points. Fire useful for later levels because of the amount of Fire based attacks. Avoid Blood Golem; it is connected to your health, as it hits, you gain, as it gets hit, you drain.
Bone Armor
*just a few points, maybe. find useful versus Ranged attacks
Bone Prison, Wall
*I'm not much good with these, but they synergy bone armor better than points in BA. Maybe get good at cc with mobs, or slow down more powerful ones with Prison.
*My nova summoner was alright. I personally don't like it, it didn't seem to do alot, but then I'm slight experimenter, even when i follow a build. Maybe if proper gear and synergies placed... i just play for fun, rather than worrying about stuff. I just pick up stuff of mooch of friends who mf from boredom.
2 tips:
1) A surprising amount of items for necros drop with white names but have kick ass skills, at least +1 for 2 skills that are helpful to skelemancer. Ive found wands and low def heads with 1 or 2 adds to raise or mastery. I even started with a wand to raise... XD
2) Once you get into A5, and Anya or whatever her name is saved, and that portal opens to Nihlithak(?)'s temple, use that portal. All around are zombies that are on a timer from when you step in. So just go through and start spamming raise, and there should be at least enough time to get half, if not more of you army up and running. Just in case you didn't know/think of that. ;D
Good Luck!